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Cultural dating appropriation, and Netflix effect.

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   I don't know what else to title this post, so I'll stick to it. What are your thoughts about the view expressed in the video below? While the internet has made it easier to hook up through online dating, has the internet also influence male/female attraction?


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   In my view, parts of the journalist's view in the video are a bit sexist and racist, or ethnocentrically negative towards western male/female dating dynamics, comparing them to Asian culture's way of dating. Classic stage blue idealism of dating and stage orange/green shadow of dating in particular. Maybe the Journalist was a victim of getting rejected or dumped by a player? I don't know so many questions. ?

   In my opinion, though, men on average will be crazier than women, and be more misogynistic and sexist than women. Even men on average will have more edgy behavior when driving cars and get into more accidents on average than women. Broadly speaking men take far more risks than women, and women on average are more cautious than men which explains why men have more car accidents, despite in my personal experiences I've been a passenger to a few women that drive that are too cautious, or can't manipulate the gas pedal smoothly, which made me feel like I'm on a boat.

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