
I awakened - ask me anything

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How do you feel about dying? (in the conventional meaning). Does it scare you?

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8 minutes ago, JD8 said:

How do you feel about dying? (in the conventional meaning). Does it scare you?

I will never die. I have conquered death. I have won the holy grail - True, Immortal, Eternal, Infinite Love. I have defeated the final boss - Diablo. I no longer fear death because I know I will never die. I am eternally safe, the entire Universe is guiding and protecting me. My death is in the past. It is only life from here forever to infinity. 

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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15 hours ago, Vladimir said:

Are you saying you don't perceive evil and don't have any preferences or resistance to the present moment of any kind? 

Being able to perceive evil is a normal and healthy human discernment, to suggest that people stop perceiving evil is the definition of insanity and devilry which is what you're suggesting. 

Also, how is it useful not to have any preferences? The entire human experience is based on discernments and preferences, once you stop having these necessary traits, you might as well become a vegetable. 

People resist the present moment for a good reason, it takes time for individuals to work towards acceptance of the present moment.

Judgements (not condemnations) are likewise healthy human traits on which the entire human experience is founded.

Preferences, discernment, judgments, resistance and acceptance is what makes us human. We don't want to "transcend human" we want to be come "more human" by learning a skillful way of thinking and living.

Everyday you are making judgements based on preferences what what you're going to eat, drink, what information you consume and create. You are here at actualized.org because you have certain preferences and judgements. Also, based on the kind of responses I have seen from you, you have a lot of resistances to the present moment. I kindly invite you to take a look at your own triggers before trying to teach anybody on "how to embody the divine".

The goal is not to ignore or try to change your beliefs in hopes that you will "stop perceiving evil", "stop having preferences" and "stop having any resistance to the present moment", the key is to gain understanding of what all evil is for the sake of. Then, and only then, with the understanding and knowing of "for the sake of" part, forgiveness, acceptance, healing and the return to the Original Innocence will come. Then and only then, people will see that there never was evil, because all evil was for the sake of Goodness.

1. Reality is your mirror, if you see evil then it is because you judge yourself evil. Evil does not exist, because everything is you. Is it evil to slap yourself in the face? Is it evil to stab yourself in the arm? Its not wise, its certainly is foolish, but if everything is you then evil cannot exist. If you have not learned this one truth, then you have not embodied the truth. 

2. You keep saying human....YOU ARE NOT HUMAN!!! A true awakening stops association with the human body. You are the divine using the human body as a vehicle. Do you see people identifying with their car? Do you see people identifying with a video character they play? 

3. Just because I have preferences doesn't mean I see evil. A preference isn't the same as demonization. There is distinction, and then there is demonization. I can say I don't prefer something but still respect its existence, versus saying I hate something which is a desire for something to not exist.

4. Additionally you cannot stop seeing evil by changing your beliefs, you stop seeing evil by raising your consciousness. At a high consciousness state reality becomes completely recontextualized and you see the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The absolute truth is everything is LOVE. Every single thing in existence seen from the absolute is love. If you are not seeing everything as love, it means your awareness is not high enough. There is nothing wrong with it, but literally your reality shifts depending on what level of awareness you are at. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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10 hours ago, Razard86 said:

1. Reality is your mirror, if you see evil then it is because you judge yourself evil. Evil does not exist, because everything is you. Is it evil to slap yourself in the face? Is it evil to stab yourself in the arm? Its not wise, its certainly is foolish, but if everything is you then evil cannot exist. If you have not learned this one truth, then you have not embodied the truth. 

2. You keep saying human....YOU ARE NOT HUMAN!!! A true awakening stops association with the human body. You are the divine using the human body as a vehicle. Do you see people identifying with their car? Do you see people identifying with a video character they play? 

3. Just because I have preferences doesn't mean I see evil. A preference isn't the same as demonization. There is distinction, and then there is demonization. I can say I don't prefer something but still respect its existence, versus saying I hate something which is a desire for something to not exist.

4. Additionally you cannot stop seeing evil by changing your beliefs, you stop seeing evil by raising your consciousness. At a high consciousness state reality becomes completely recontextualized and you see the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The absolute truth is everything is LOVE. Every single thing in existence seen from the absolute is love. If you are not seeing everything as love, it means your awareness is not high enough. There is nothing wrong with it, but literally your reality shifts depending on what level of awareness you are at. 

Let me explain the deep confusion that is prevalent on actualized.org as simply as I possibly can:

  1. Relative Truth - duality, human, mind, body, soul, language, words, colors, water, food, black, white, love, fear, joy, pain, cat, dog, light, dark, chaos, order, good, evil, man, woman, ethnicity, favorite songs, preferences, likes, dislikes, ignorance, consciousness etc......
  2. Absolute Truth - Absolute Nothingness, Absolute Unity, Absolute Truth, God, no distinctions, no duality, no boundaries, everything is one, one is everything, no distinction between good or evil, you don't exist, you are not a human, you are not your body, you are not your mind, you were never born etc.....
  3. Golden Middle Truth - This is the part that is the missing puzzle for the entire actualized.org dilemma and confusion of "relative" vs "absolute" understanding. The goal should NOT be to "transcend relative truth", it is to get you towards the Golden Middle Truth, to integrate Absolute Truth of psychedelic experiences into the Relative Truth of being a Human and move closer towards wisdom, love, consciousness, unity, goodness, skillful way of living, awareness - the Golden Middle Truth, the Wise Mind, the Wise Way.

Also, the only way to say "there is no evil" is to know and understand the "Divine Plan" for which all evil was working towards just like good. I am not disagreeing with you that there is no evil, but that is because I have an understanding of what all evil was for the sake of. To say that "evil does not exist, because everything is me" lacks that understanding.

The correct way of saying for you is: I forgive and I am grateful for all evil because I believe that all evil was for the sake of God's Absolutely Perfect, Genius and Magnificent Divine Masterpiece.

The correct way of saying for me ( I who awakened and know the Truth ) is: I forgive and I am grateful for all evil because I know that all evil was for the sake of God's Absolutely Perfect, Genius and Magnificent Divine Masterpiece.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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23 hours ago, Vladimir said:

I'm not just better, I'm in the best condition I have ever been in my entire life and I'm just getting started.

Okay good. Very, very glad to hear it man! Congrats. I was asking because the video you posted reminded me of myself before a tremendous awakening happened. So yeah I’d imagine you would be doing pretty well!

Edited by The0Self

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5 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Okay good. Very, very glad to hear it man! Congrats. I was asking because the video you posted reminded me of myself before a tremendous awakening happened. So yeah I’d imagine you would be doing pretty well!

Much gratitude for your kind and empowering words brother. I truly appreciate it.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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2 minutes ago, Vladimir said:

Much gratitude for your kind and empowering words brother. I truly appreciate it.

I appreciate you brother.

Lemme see if I can prompt some value here, for fun:

If I may ask, what kind of practices are you doing these days? If any.

And what kind did you do before the awakening? Do you have any sense that it contributed to the awakening?

And, three more questions:

1. What is the most unexpected aspect of your awakening?

2. What is the most difficult aspect?


3. Is your sense of movement or frames different now? (Is it almost like nothing ever moves, and there’s just an explosion of absolute infinity, appearing as absolutely ordinary?)

Thank you.


Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self Thank you for those questions.

If I may ask, what kind of practices are you doing these days? If any.

  • Conscious movement
  • Ecstatic dance
  • Tai chi
  • Qi gong
  • Journaling - handwritten, phone and PC 
  • Composing songs and poetry
  • Singing at home
  • Singing in choirs
  • Yoga in nature
  • Being in nature
  • Swimming in the ocean
  • Rollerblading - https://www.instagram.com/p/CiY-qHTgBV9/ ( that's my brother in front of me and I'm behind him filming )
  • Drinking cacao ritualistically - I love cacao, it is wonderful medicine, I highly recommend it for creativity, meditation, contemplation, journaling etc.
  • Photography
  • Conscious and skillful way of using social media
  • Seeing beauty everywhere
  • Breathing exercises
  • Sound baths and healing
  • Listening to good music
  • Healing with medicine songs
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Connecting with soul family and community of conscious friends
  • Making real friends
  • Connecting with people everywhere I go
  • Eating good, wholesome food
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Shamanic ceremonies
  • Howling
  • Contemplating
  • Exploring new places

All of these come naturally to me, I do all of these because I want to do them and they bring me joy.

And what kind did you do before the awakening? Do you have any sense that it contributed to the awakening?

I did most of the practices above. In addition, I have participated in psychedelic ceremonies before my awakening. I am taking a break from psychedelics for now because much healing, awakening and integration is happening without psychedelics. Yes, all of the practices contributed to my awakening. Drawing, bicycle, soul family, community, connecting with people, photography, singing in choirs, making real friends, howling - those are all new additions after the awakening.

And, three more questions:

1. What is the most unexpected aspect of your awakening?


2. What is the most difficult aspect?

Losing my life and remaining dead for 18 months


3. Is your sense of movement or frames different now? (Is it almost like nothing ever moves, and there’s just an explosion of absolute infinity, appearing as absolutely ordinary?)

I call what I think you're referring to here as God Awareness, Pure Awareness, Immaculate Consciousness, The 5th Element. I'm aware of the entire bubble of Consciousness most of the time. I move with much more ease, beauty and grace, I am in the flow.

Light, love and blessings.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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what is the hell you are talking about?

What did you face?

I already shared about these two questions here:

I felt evil, I became the devil. I saw visions of pure evil with my eyes opened and closed. I felt the root source of depression, loneliness, abandonment, guilt, insanity, ugliness, illness, bizarreness, shame, fear, failure, separation, chaos, evil, hatred, self hatred and all darkness. I felt like the entire Universe turned against me. I became the worst of the worst. I hated myself, everybody and the entire world, I could not stand being around other people, I avoided sun light as much as I could. I could not rest at all, time went by very slowly. It was like waiting on a death row in a prison of my own mind, knowing the ultimate punishment of eternal suffering is inevitable. I felt like I had become the craziest and most evil person in the world. I felt like I had become separated from the entire world. I did not feel myself, I did not feel alive, I felt complete disconnection from my body, myself and the entire world.

how did you feel?

I felt like I have become the worst of the worst, I felt like I became the devil, I was the devil, I saw the devil in my reflection of the mirror.

Why hell when you are a spiritual person?

To purify myself of all evil and defeat the devil forever.

how things went wrong?

Things never went wrong, everything was absolutely perfect. I was guided into the darkness by the entire Universe, led through it by the entire Universe and guided out of the darkness by the entire Universe, this was my destiny and I have fulfilled it. This was "The Last Judgment" that I had to go through to defeat the devil forever.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Vladimir Thanks for answering throughly, I really appreciate it.  I hope my story will have a happy ending like yours.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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56 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Vladimir Thanks for answering throughly, I really appreciate it.  I hope my story will have a happy ending like yours.

You're welcome.

What are you struggling with?

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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45 minutes ago, Vladimir said:

What are you struggling with?

Some sort of mental illness induced by spirituality ,philosophy and childhood truama.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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4 hours ago, Vladimir said:


what is the hell you are talking about?

What did you face?

I already shared about these two questions here:

I felt evil, I became the devil. I saw visions of pure evil with my eyes opened and closed. I felt the root source of depression, loneliness, abandonment, guilt, insanity, ugliness, illness, bizarreness, shame, fear, failure, separation, chaos, evil, hatred, self hatred and all darkness. I felt like the entire Universe turned against me. I became the worst of the worst. I hated myself, everybody and the entire world, I could not stand being around other people, I avoided sun light as much as I could. I could not rest at all, time went by very slowly. It was like waiting on a death row in a prison of my own mind, knowing the ultimate punishment of eternal suffering is inevitable. I felt like I had become the craziest and most evil person in the world. I felt like I had become separated from the entire world. I did not feel myself, I did not feel alive, I felt complete disconnection from my body, myself and the entire world.

how did you feel?

I felt like I have become the worst of the worst, I felt like I became the devil, I was the devil, I saw the devil in my reflection of the mirror.

Why hell when you are a spiritual person?

To purify myself of all evil and defeat the devil forever.

how things went wrong?

Things never went wrong, everything was absolutely perfect. I was guided into the darkness by the entire Universe, led through it by the entire Universe and guided out of the darkness by the entire Universe, this was my destiny and I have fulfilled it. This was "The Last Judgment" that I had to go through to defeat the devil forever.

Sounds about right… ? 

Yep, awakening can be quite brutal.

Everyone consider reading that just to know what you could be getting yourself into.

Of course it could go all sorts of ways, but I for sure highly resonate with that.

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On 9/23/2022 at 11:07 PM, Vladimir said:

I have wondered in the darkness 

For a very long time

Searching for the Truth

My entire life

And I found myself deep inside

In the darkest forest of my mind.

And it's now time to come alive

And it's time to feel the joy of love

From the mother's womb I come alive

Like a Phoenix I arise reborn

Rise Phoenix rise

Rise Phoenix rise

Rise Christ, Child of Light

From the cosmic womb I come alive

From the darkest night I shine my light

Rise Phoenix rise

Rise Phoenix rise

Rise Christ, Child of Light


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I was in heaven for what seemed like a very short 20 or 30 seconds.

It happened in a dream last night.
I found myself in front of a space made of brick and grey walls, there was a hole with a wall surrounding the hole. Grey walls that separated the people from the hole. It was like a touristy place, lots of people were around the walls watching this wall. 
On the other side of the hole there was a kind of gray balcony. 

When I was in front of it I knew clearly that this place symbolized life and death. Death was in the hole and Life was on the ground, around the hole. But it was as if there was no difference, the two were one and the same in a divine way.

I was transported without any fear into the hole or onto the balcony above the hole (I don't remember) and then I was in heaven. I was a woman who walked dancing and singing, there were houses, blue sky, like a village. 
I felt like I was at home, and I only remember that my song was about love but not the lyrics. I woke up after a few seconds of this walk. 

It was the most beautiful and intense moment I have ever experienced, even the moment I felt infinite love was not worth it. There was something more, I knew it was heaven and it was perfect. Women, all the money in the world, are worth absolutely nothing compared to this, it's ridiculous.

Now I wish I could bring that paradise here on earth, within me, but how do I transcend death? How do I accept the fact that I may be tortured in this lifetime or in other lives, that I will suffer and that I have no idea how my life will turn out? If I could accept all that, I would be at peace. 
It seems impossible to accept and yet I have no choice, I am fighting Reality when it is inevitable... what a joke.

I also realized through this that Paradise was on earth and that it could be on earth again if only the collective consciousness would awaken.

Do you feel like being in Heaven now that you're awake ? 

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On 9/26/2022 at 3:25 AM, Vladimir said:

Thank you for your congratulations, it's deeply appreciated brother.

"How did this awakening happen?"

Here is a very succinct version: I was on a spiritual path full time for about 4 and a half years (psychedelics, meditation, journaling, contemplating, watching Leo's videos, reading good books, retreats, trips to the Jungle doing shamanic dieta, going to various festivals, yoga, qigong and other practices). Then it happened - I died. I remained dead for 18 months. I was resurrected and came out of death back to life. I have conquered death. I have gotten to know what death and life is. I have gotten to know the Truth. I know myself, I know the Truth. I am enlightened. I am awakened. 

With that said. This awakening is in the process of being embodied deeper every day. It's like I have been asleep this entire time, and now I have opened my eyes and I'm still stretching and yawning before getting out of bed and into the world.

"What changes have taken place within you?"

I know the Truth. This is what I wanted to know my entire life and very possibly many life times. The entire creation was working on this since the beginning of everything. Rejoice knowing that the masterpiece that we all have been working on is complete. You and everybody else in the world who lives now and has ever lived have contributed to this masterpiece that is Truth with your entire life, with every day, with every single moment. Know that your life purpose has been fulfilled with literally everything that you have ever done. 

I feel liberated. I am free. I am clear minded. There is no more fear, worry or striving. There is no more competition. There is no more survival, I am in the thriving consciousness. I have eternity, literally, meaning I will never die. I will live forever and embody love, life and beauty infinitely. I know I have won the greatest treasuries the Universe can offer. The way everything turned out is exactly how I wanted it to turn out - in the best possible way. I am finally at peace for the first time in 39 years that I have been alive in this body. I know I am eternally safe. It's time to play, experience as much joy and pleasure as possible and life life to the fullest. I am the happiest human alive. All my dreams have come true and a cornucopia of gifts that are beyond mine and anybody else's wild imagination.

Thank you for your questions.


So during those 18 months when you were dead, who took care of your body and who fed you?

Where was your body and spirit during those 18 months?

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4 hours ago, hyruga said:

So during those 18 months when you were dead, who took care of your body and who fed you?

Where was your body and spirit during those 18 months?

I was in a motel room, in bed, ordering food, alcohol and cigarettes with UberEats. I did the bare minimum to keep my body fed and as much alcohol as I could drink and cigarettes that I could smoke to get away from myself. I could barely brush my teeth, shave and take a shower, sometimes I would go for several days without brushing my teeth and weeks or even months not showering or shaving. Eventually I ran out of money and moved in with my family, they took care of me, then I ended up on a street and when I ran out of credit cards, my brother drove me to a drug and alcohol rehab center.

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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@Vladimir Thanks for sharing. It must be great to feel so enlightened now. I rely on my Lord Jesus Christ to give me strength and love daily.

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21 minutes ago, hyruga said:

@Vladimir Thanks for sharing. It must be great to feel so enlightened now. I rely on my Lord Jesus Christ to give me strength and love daily.

My pleasure. I cry tears of gratitude, freedom, and joy everyday. Salvation - liberation from death is in your Lord Jesus Christ. 

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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I will be singing in a choir at 9:30 am this morning at 5333 Lake Murray Blvd, New Life Church.

The song for this Sunday's morning is:

We Lift Up as Our Shield God’s Name

We lift up as our shield God’s name, the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same: the Three in One and One in Three, our Rock and Tower, God of Light, Eternal Father, Spirit, Word; we claim the name of grace and might: salvation is of Christ the Lord.

Immanuel, incarnate Lord, from Mary’s womb was given breath, was baptized at the Jordan’s ford, and gave his life to conquer death. He rose triumphant from the tomb, was lifted to the Father’s throne to come on God’s dread day of doom and bring salvation for his own.

By faith we claim his grace today: the pow’r of God to hold and lead, his eye to watch, his might to stay, his ear to hearken to our need; the wisdom of our God to teach, his hand to guide, his shield to ward, the word of God to give us speech, his heav’nly host to be our guard.

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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