
I awakened - ask me anything

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Does anybody else think it's strange that people are answering questions in this thread that are presented for me? Notice the title of this thread "I awakened - ask me anything", this makes it very clear that all questions are directed to me in this thread, so that I can answer them, not so that somebody else can answer them for me.

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

^ I would say I believe you certainly experienced an Awakening so congratulations. But you are lacking in the sense making department. Your relative perspective is just a thought in INFINITY. You need to develop your ability to deconstruct so you answer with clarity. Don't start teaching until you can answer questions that are presented concise and clearly. 

Not every awakened person is automatically a teacher, also enlightenment actually reveals that you can help others awaken in infinite ways. You can help reveal the divinity in all through things such as music, art, medicine/healing, social relationships, etc.

Your ability to express the divine is contingent on how much you have developed the gifts you have. = If you were never good at explaining complex things before your awakening....don't expect that to change. Awakening reveals that God's gift to you is your finite expression of divinity which must be earned. God is unconditional love. This means you need to develop whatever talents you have just for the sake of it. Through that process you will be able to finetune and cultivate it, then the divine infinite intelligence will shine through you and your mastery will be self-evident. 

The whole purpose of awakening is to recontextualize your lived experience, to remove the scales from your eyes and to give evidentiary value to your life and all of your experiences. Its to empower you and simultaneously hold your feet to the fire. Its both the most beautiful thing and arduous thing. Its one thing to realize God, its another to embody it.

  1. I am not lacking anything
  2. I am not asking for any advice or opinion
  3. I do not need to do anything
  4. I know what I need want to do and how I need want to do it
  5. I know what I can do
  6. I know what enlightenment is
  7. I know what awakening is 
  8. I am asking for questions about my awakening


Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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On 25.9.2022 at 6:46 PM, Vladimir said:

I noticed this thread is starting to get derailed into multiple directions. I kindly ask that we keep the conversation on the topic of this thread:

"I awakened - ask me anything."

Can you solve science questions better than scientists?

Did it help making more push ups?

Edited by Epikur

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@Loving Radiance I will be responding to those quotes you posted individually, here is the first one.

@A Fellow Lighter I will be responding to your questions soon, thank you for your depth and intelligence.


If you live life with awareness, you mature.

Yes, maturity develops with awareness. Awareness is the golden key to the gates of self mastery. Awareness is the diamond foundation for all growth.

Do your best to cultivate awareness in everything, every day, every moment, that includes - thoughts, feelings, breath, sensations, sound, taste, touch, smell, vision, actions, and habits.

It is safe to cultivate awareness, it is safe to become aware, awareness is the path back to love, life, joy, peace, union, Truth, rhythm, balance, healing and harmony.

Unawareness is what causes suffering to yourself, other people, other beings and the entire world. Unawareness is ignorance and is also the cause of the Hell of separation.

One of the best ways to begin raising awareness is to practice awareness of the breath during daily activities.


A mature one never dies because he will learn even through death.

Most, if not everybody in the world think of life and death in this way - "A person is born", "a person lives a life", "a person dies". In actuality, everybody who is "alive" right now is not really alive, everybody is in the between state of Life and Death - the Middle World. Some people are more dead than others and are suffering more, and some people are more alive than others and are more joyful, but most are somewhere in the middle. Nobody is fully dead or alive. I am now in the process of becoming fully alive after recently slaying the Final Boss.

To die completely and fully, is to die for real, and that means to end up in Hell, this is what happened to me, I remained in that state for about 18 months and I started gradually coming out of it about 4 months ago. To become alive completely and fully is to awaken to Paradise, this means to "awaken to real life", real life that is beyond the fear of death. I am now in the process of rapid ascension into deeper and greater glory of Eternal Paradise, I am in the process of becoming fully alive, alive for real. The deepest joy that I am experiencing now is transmuting and alchemizing the depths of darkness that I have endured during those 18 months of suffering the Hell of real death, a complete separation.

Maturity is how one liberates her/him self of death.


Even death is going to be an experience to be intensively lived, watched and allowed.

Death cannot be lived, and especially not "intensively lived", death is the opposite of life, there is no life in death.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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10 hours ago, Vladimir said:
  1. I am not lacking anything
  2. I am not asking for any advice or opinion
  3. I do not need to do anything
  4. I know what I need want to do and how I need want to do it
  5. I know what I can do
  6. I know what enlightenment is
  7. I know what awakening is 
  8. I am asking for questions about my awakening


I love that firm response :x

1. Is your current perspectice all there is in the universe at the moment?

2. Is there a room when you close your eyes?

3. Please share some thoughts about why you love technology even more now. Ever since my journey I am at the same time ever more in awe of Technology but at the same time I want to avoid it as much as possible.

4. Since your awakening are you experiencing anything people would consider paranormal/siddhi?

5. Is Law of Attraction real/ how to manifest most efficiently?

6. Do you think you will be ever in a relationship with someone?

7. What is your favourite psychedelic and why?


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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@Vladimir Thank you so much! Love your response.

Consider that (gradual) falling away of the individual identification can be said to be death. This de-identification can be lived, watched, allowed.

Question: How has your perception of "I" changed (before and after the 18 months)?

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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13 hours ago, Razard86 said:

If you truly realized that you were imagining....would you be asking these questions? Food for thought my friend.

I don't pretend to know anything I don't know, nor do I pretend to be complete in my enlightenment of self. So where there is an opportunity to learn, I ask. And where there is an opportunity to teach, I answer. These are the only two patterns of love in the most absolute of senses - the teach/learn and learn/teach patterns. This is what I've awakened to, this is what I mean by infinite knowledge. Love is the eternal learning and teaching of Self by self/selves, the complete enlightenment of what it means to be the One Self. And imagination is the only means of accomplishing this Activity called Love.

Now I ask, is there a grounds to this eternal phenomenon, is the reason to this existence we call Love? The simple answer to this is the I Am what I Am. But this is no reason, this is no logic, this is no grounds. This is simply a recognition of Self by self. Hence I say, we/you/I are absolutely transcendental, and the only law or principle which gives shape to so-called reality, is the principle of Free Will, that is - one can only ever know what one is willing to know, and be what one is willing to be, and do what one is willing to do. Will is the absolute truth. Freedom of Will is what we are talking about when we say Love. However, this is not a why, it is only Truth without contrast, without question.

With that being said, I'll ask once more. What is it that we awaken to other than one's own Will?

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55 minutes ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

I don't pretend to know anything I don't know, nor do I pretend to be complete in my enlightenment of self. So where there is an opportunity to learn, I ask. And where there is an opportunity to teach, I answer. These are the only two patterns of love in the most absolute of senses - the teach/learn and learn/teach patterns. This is what I've awakened to, this is what I mean by infinite knowledge. Love is the eternal learning and teaching of Self by self/selves, the complete enlightenment of what it means to be the One Self. And imagination is the only means of accomplishing this Activity called Love.

Now I ask, is there a grounds to this eternal phenomenon, is the reason to this existence we call Love? The simple answer to this is the I Am what I Am. But this is no reason, this is no logic, this is no grounds. This is simply a recognition of Self by self. Hence I say, we/you/I are absolutely transcendental, and the only law or principle which gives shape to so-called reality, is the principle of Free Will, that is - one can only ever know what one is willing to know, and be what one is willing to be, and do what one is willing to do. Will is the absolute truth. Freedom of Will is what we are talking about when we say Love. However, this is not a why, it is only Truth without contrast, without question.

With that being said, I'll ask once more. What is it that we awaken to other than one's own Will?

^ You awaken to how to exercise will in the world, by a complete understanding of how your thoughts are represented/manifested in the physical world. You then learn how to flow through life by taking responsibility for what thoughts you entertain and what you don't. To transcend the world of duality is to stop entertaining thoughts of a dual nature. If you only receive thoughts of divinity, and love thus is what your reality will reflect back to you.

As a child you were free of the knowledge of good and evil, once you were given the knowledge of good and evil =the fall of man. That is when you were ushered into the world of duality and awakening is the realization that the world is really divine and that any evil we see is a projection of our own mind. A rejection of absolute truth, and the cause of all suffering. You cannot truly awaken as yourself as God and rest in heaven until you desist viewing reality from a dual lens of good and evil.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 hours ago, Vladimir said:
  1. I am not lacking anything
  2. I am not asking for any advice or opinion
  3. I do not need to do anything
  4. I know what I need want to do and how I need want to do it
  5. I know what I can do
  6. I know what enlightenment is
  7. I know what awakening is 
  8. I am asking for questions about my awakening


^Your lack is self-evident even if you do not acknowledge it. But they say let someone persist in their folly so that they may become wise. You say you are not asking for any advice or opinion, if you ask for people to ask you questions they will also respond with advice or opinion. Its like putting content out publicly and not expecting criticism. What you ask for does not matter, you accept what is, because everything is divine. If you were awakened...you would notice this. Awakening is freedom, not the perpetuating of conditions, the ego wants to control which is what you are doing. So I will ignore the ego you project and do as I please.

1 minute ago, Razard86 said:

^ You awaken to how to exercise will in the world, by a complete understanding of how your thoughts are represented/manifested in the physical world. You then learn how to flow through life by taking responsibility for what thoughts you entertain and what you don't. To transcend the world of duality is to stop entertaining thoughts of a dual nature. If you only receive thoughts of divinity, and love thus is what your reality will reflect back to you.

As a child you were free of the knowledge of good and evil, once you were given the knowledge of good and evil =the fall of man. That is when you were ushered into the world of duality and awakening is the realization that the world is really divine and that any evil we see is a projection of our own mind. A rejection of absolute truth, and the cause of all suffering. You cannot truly awaken as yourself as God and rest in heaven until you desist viewing reality from a dual lens of good and evil.


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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23 hours ago, Vladimir said:

The best way is to have faith in me, believe words of Truth that I speak. Believe these words coming from me right now - Self Love is the best way into the Kingdom of Heaven, Self Love is the only way. The important part in this is knowing what Self Love is. This is where I come in as Wonderful Counselor and Sage of Sages to be the shepherd that I am and guide others through the dark forest and into the light of Garden of Eden.


Thank You ! 

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7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

^ You awaken to how to exercise will in the world, by a complete understanding of how your thoughts are represented/manifested in the physical world. You then learn how to flow through life by taking responsibility for what thoughts you entertain and what you don't. To transcend the world of duality is to stop entertaining thoughts of a dual nature. If you only receive thoughts of divinity, and love thus is what your reality will reflect back to you.

As a child you were free of the knowledge of good and evil, once you were given the knowledge of good and evil =the fall of man. That is when you were ushered into the world of duality and awakening is the realization that the world is really divine and that any evil we see is a projection of our own mind. A rejection of absolute truth, and the cause of all suffering. You cannot truly awaken as yourself as God and rest in heaven until you desist viewing reality from a dual lens of good and evil.

This resonates well with me, as this is my current phase in my spiritual growth - learning to tame the Will, learning to do what I do consciously instead of unconsciously. Thanks for this appropriate response.

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What was the last straw? What was one of the last things to go before you took the plunge?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Loving Radiance


Enlightenment is not something that you have to choose. When there is no choice,.. that which remains is enlightenment.

My enlightenment was inevitable since the moment everything was created. I was never in control, everything that has ever happened to me was guided by God's infinite intelligence.


Life seems just a shadow of breath. When breath disappears, life disappears.

In my personal experience, my life disappeared, yet my breath remained. Life is so much more than just a shadow of breath.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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12 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

@Vladimir Thank you so much! Love your response.

Consider that (gradual) falling away of the individual identification can be said to be death. This de-identification can be lived, watched, allowed.

Question: How has your perception of "I" changed (before and after the 18 months)?

I appreciate your kind words.

I prefer the words "letting go of the old", "transformation", "alchemy" in the process of growth and evolution. And also, "uncovering true self" instead of "de-identification".

Before: I don't know who I am and I don't know the Truth. I am Vladimir.

After: I know who I am and I know the Truth. I am Vladimir and I am Universe.

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10 hours ago, Razard86 said:

^Your lack is self-evident even if you do not acknowledge it. But they say let someone persist in their folly so that they may become wise. You say you are not asking for any advice or opinion, if you ask for people to ask you questions they will also respond with advice or opinion. Its like putting content out publicly and not expecting criticism. What you ask for does not matter, you accept what is, because everything is divine. If you were awakened...you would notice this. Awakening is freedom, not the perpetuating of conditions, the ego wants to control which is what you are doing. So I will ignore the ego you project and do as I please.


All the judgements that you have directed towards me are a reflection of conflicts that are within you.

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On 9/30/2022 at 10:41 AM, A Fellow Lighter said:

Yes. I know we are love, and I am also aware of what it means to be love. I've had this awakening. However, though I've realised love a thousand times, and continue to do so, I still find this existence as mysterious as it were before I began consciousness work. Though I am aware of what all this is, I am equally unaware of what This is. The most perplexing paradox ever.

Why you/I, Love, exist.. other than the simple response that I just do, which of course is not an answer, there is simply no grounds to this.. to us. Which leads me to think that perhaps the highest, most fundamental, knowledge there is.. is Knowledge itself - that it doesn't matter what you know, or, rather, we can only know what we're willing to know, that whatever one imagines oneself to be.. that is what one ultimately is. It is as though all knowledge is knowledge of the same thing which is basically nothing.. or the Knowledge itself - knowing that you're capable of knowing but can know nothing.. less you imagine something.

So yeah, you/I are Love. But is there a why? It seems not. It seems that love is the equivalent to anything else. And so, although you know you are love, it is though you know the same thing as you did last time, just on a different lense. Thus, the only you that is constant upon every imagination is the you that knows.. the knowledge itself. Am I love, or am I infinite knowledge? Is love = infinite knowledge? 

If there is no why to existence, then can there even be an existence? The existence of I/you is absolutely transcendental. It is beyond reason and fathom, beyond anything, really. And with that being said, what is it that we truly awaken to? Nothing (other than the spirit that fuels one's life) I know nothing different than any one else in the world, what I know serves no value other than that this is the lense that I prefer, until I imagine something different.  

Does this make sense to you?

You, I, everybody and everything exists because it's the best possible creation thought up by the the infinite intelligence of God to experience self in the most awesome way possible. You, I, everybody and everything has contributed to God's Absolutely Magnificent Plan, The Perfect Divine Purpose, The Masterpiece of All Masterpieces with absolutely everything. You, I, everybody and everything has fulfilled our life purposes. This is why you, I, everybody and everything exists - to be God's vehicles for the purpose of embodiment of the Great Divine Plan.

Edited by Vladimir

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