
I awakened - ask me anything

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15 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

I want to validate your claim.

What is mind?

What is self?

What is consciousness?

What is the nature or substance of you? What are you made out of, so to speak?

What is another?

What is life?

This cannot be answered through words. But I will try lol.

Mind = Direct experience. Everything I experience is a mind. I am asking what a mind is with my own mind. I cannot grasp the mind because I am the mind. Just observe and bask in the mystery of being.

Self = identity based off of the illusion of separation. It is the mind tricking itself into thinking it is behind the eyes look out at a world. The mind isn’t behind my eyes. The mind is what I call the world.

Nature of Substance = Cannot be answered through language only experience.

Another = Myself. I create other in the same way I create a self.

Life = In short, direct experience. I am inside of a living mind. Everything is alive. Socially, life is a moving thing that we believe has consciousness of its own. But all there ever is, is Myself and Myconsciousness. I am Life itself!


Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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11 hours ago, Vladimir said:

The art and the artist are one.

Yeah yeah but I mean, how is it possible for there to be such creativity, how, why ? 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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21 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

This cannot be answered through words. But I will try lol.

Mind = Direct experience. Everything I experience is a mind. I am asking what a mind is with my own mind. I cannot grasp the mind because I am the mind. Just observe and bask in the mystery of being.

Self = identity based off of the illusion of separation. It is the mind tricking itself into thinking it is behind the eyes look out at a world. The mind isn’t behind my eyes. The mind is what I call the world.

Nature of Substance = Cannot be answered through language only experience.

Another = Myself. I create other in the same way I create a self.

Life = In short, direct experience. I am inside of a living mind. Everything is alive. Socially, life is a moving thing that we believe has consciousness of its own. But all there ever is, is Myself and Myconsciousness. I am Life itself!


@r0ckyreed  I don't get why you say you're not awake ? Apologies if i've misunderstood. 

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36 minutes ago, Dear Fiona said:

@r0ckyreed  I don't get why you say you're not awake ? Apologies if i've misunderstood. 

If I am not awake now, then I am not awake. All of my previous and future awakening experiences are as imaginary as yesterday and tomorrow.

I know that if I say or proclaim I am awake, then my ego will adopt that identity so that I never fully deconstruct ego and access God. That’s how powerful and tricky the ego deception is! 

To claim I am awake is to put me further back to sleep. Too many of you fall into this trap. When you awaken, the last thing you should do is try to “share” it with “others.” First learn to fully dissect it and integrate it so that you are aware of God now. After you are able to live from an imperturbable state of God, then you are at a place where “sharing” just happens naturally.

You also have to wonder, if I have awakened, what are some tricks my ego will use to pull me back asleep? “Oh yeah! Sharing and posting about it! Ok I get it now! Why do I want validation and verification for my awakening? Oh you sneaky ego!” 

I also know that there are many states of consciousness that I still have yet to explore. Deeper awakenings to be had. The ones I have had were mere glimpses, but I am conscious right now that those glimpses never happened beyond my constructing of them right now.

I really don’t even know what it even means to “be awake” anymore these days. Being awake to me means being aligned with what is most truthful of my experience right now. If I claim to be awake, that will do nothing for me but stunt my growth.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed Oh. Ok. I "woke up" about two years ago. Saw through the illusion. It was spontaneous. I was never looking for "enlightenment" ( I've never meditated in my life) so I was very disoriented. 
But yeah. Even I still don't know what "woke up" means to be honest. I just picked that word up, cos "enlightened" sounds really ridiculous. 
It's not real. It's not personal.
I do really love that. I really do.  

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Vladimir how did this awakening happen ?

Also ,what changes have taken place within you ,that you could say it changed you in a positive way? 

And oh congratulations  ? 

Thank you for your congratulations, it's deeply appreciated brother.

"How did this awakening happen?"

Here is a very succinct version: I was on a spiritual path full time for about 4 and a half years (psychedelics, meditation, journaling, contemplating, watching Leo's videos, reading good books, retreats, trips to the Jungle doing shamanic dieta, going to various festivals, yoga, qigong and other practices). Then it happened - I died. I remained dead for 18 months. I was resurrected and came out of death back to life. I have conquered death. I have gotten to know what death and life is. I have gotten to know the Truth. I know myself, I know the Truth. I am enlightened. I am awakened. 

With that said. This awakening is in the process of being embodied deeper every day. It's like I have been asleep this entire time, and now I have opened my eyes and I'm still stretching and yawning before getting out of bed and into the world.

"What changes have taken place within you?"

I know the Truth. This is what I wanted to know my entire life and very possibly many life times. The entire creation was working on this since the beginning of everything. Rejoice knowing that the masterpiece that we all have been working on is complete. You and everybody else in the world who lives now and has ever lived have contributed to this masterpiece that is Truth with your entire life, with every day, with every single moment. Know that your life purpose has been fulfilled with literally everything that you have ever done. 

I feel liberated. I am free. I am clear minded. There is no more fear, worry or striving. There is no more competition. There is no more survival, I am in the thriving consciousness. I have eternity, literally, meaning I will never die. I will live forever and embody love, life and beauty infinitely. I know I have won the greatest treasuries the Universe can offer. The way everything turned out is exactly how I wanted it to turn out - in the best possible way. I am finally at peace for the first time in 39 years that I have been alive in this body. I know I am eternally safe. It's time to play, experience as much joy and pleasure as possible and life life to the fullest. I am the happiest human alive. All my dreams have come true and a cornucopia of gifts that are beyond mine and anybody else's wild imagination.

Thank you for your questions.


Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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4 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

I want to validate your claim.

What is mind?

What is self?

What is consciousness?

What is the nature or substance of you? What are you made out of, so to speak?

What is another?

What is life?

These are all very good questions. Thank you for asking.

On an absolute level. The answer to all these questions is one: "I am".

Here are the answers on a relative level:

What is mind?

The mind is the most advanced technology you have available. Learn to use it wisely. 

What is self?

You are

What is consciousness?

The essence of everything

What is the nature or substance of you? What are you made out of, so to speak?


What is another?

Another is a distinction from self body and another body

What is life?

Life is feeling alive. Life is joy. Life is love. Life is unity. Life is consciousness. Life is beauty. Life is power. Life is pleasure. Life is health. Life is wisdom. Life is goodness. Life is creativity. Life is spirituality. Life is awesome. Life is adventure. Life is exploration. Life is a fable. Life is a fairytale. Life is delicious. Life is art.

3 hours ago, Loveeee said:

Yeah yeah but I mean, how is it possible for there to be such creativity, how, why ? 

Because creativity and intelligence is the essence of God. Because it's the best way to experience self and the greatest desire of God is to experience self to the fullest.

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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Thanks for answering.

It still smells weird to me, though.

But hey, you know you. Enjoy.

Edited by UnbornTao

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2 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Thanks for answering.

It still smells weird to me.

But hey, whatever. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy life.

You're welcome.


Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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When someone here says they've just had an awakening, don't be a cynical dick about it. Let them have their awakening on their terms. Doesn't matter if it's the ultimate or not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@MsNobody Thank you for your kind words love, it brings me joy to share my gifts with the world. I feel joy and happiness knowing my answers brought you a lot of joy. 

Yes, I recommend a book called "Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life", it is written with the language of love and is filled with great wisdom. It is the number one on my book list.

@Leo Gura

I appreciate that brother Leo.

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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Here is what I personally believe:

It doesn't matter what someone experiences, believes, is convinced of, or anything, because it could just be hallucination, delusion, false belief, wishful thinking, etc.

And another bad sign is that many "enlightened" people disagree about what enlightenment or what the truth is. They often go like this: "I'm enlightened, and you are not."    "No, I am enlightened, and you are not."

@Vladimir So I give almost zero value to everything what you or any other "enlightened" person say.

But I could be wrong, so you could try to convince me otherwise. I'm still open minded and curious. 

I wrote this to maybe get help with this problem. So I hope I wont get in trouble for this post.

You don't have to reply at all to this.

Edited by Blackhawk

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1 hour ago, Blackhawk said:

But I could be wrong, so you could try to convince me otherwise. I'm still open minded and curious. 

My intention for this post was not to convince anybody that I am awakened/enlightened. 

Rather, my intention was to receive questions about my awakening, hence the name of the post: "I awakened - ask my anything". 

Reason? My passion to share the beauty of Truth with others, to share wisdom and bring joy and happiness to people who resonate with the Truth and to arise curiosity, inquiry and insights in others and be the guide and teacher on the path to awakening for others, now that I know that I am ready to teach. Also, I'm gaining more clarity and organizing my thoughts so that I can articulate precious gifts of wisdom I have gained to others in the most skillful way possible.

And that is one of the things I enjoy doing - posting on actualized.org, sharing wisdom and interacting with human beings that are spiritually mature. I enjoy receiving questions about my awakening that spark profound conversations and helping others on their journey to enlightenment. 


And another bad sign is that many "enlightened" people disagree about what enlightenment or what the truth is. They often go like this: "I'm enlightened, and you are not."    "No, I am enlightened, and you are not."

I get it.

I will show the Truth rather than endlessly talk about it. Typed up words can only do so much. Meanwhile, if you are curious and have any questions that are more specific I will be glad to answer them.

1 hour ago, Blackhawk said:

You don't have to reply at all to this.

I know I don't have to reply at all to this, there is no need to tell me. Save your precious words and time.


Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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On 25/9/2022 at 6:31 PM, Loveeee said:

Yeah yeah but I mean, how is it possible for there to be such creativity, how, why ? 

Easy. Because there is nothing, and the nothingness is unfathomable depth. As it has no limits, it's everything it's possible to be. Absolute freedom. That's what we are. We never began, we won't end, we are absolutely nothing, and because that, absolutely everything, for the single reason that we can. We can everything. We are god and it's not a joke. Nothing could be better than that, even god couldn't imagine nothing better. 


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