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My First 5-MEO Malt Trip

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Hello, I want to write down my first 5-MEO Malt experience for anyone that is interested. I plugged 6mg at 5pm today. Right now it is 11.30pm for me. I feel strong emotions of acceptance and comfort as I write this, which is very pleasant. The only other psychedelic I have taken before is 5-MEO DMT around 15-16 times. 

Before the trip I meditated for around 1-1.5 hours trying to experience the difference between what is real and what is imagination. I felt like I was getting somewhere with this meditation. I was getting a much clearer understanding of the distinction between reality and imagination. 

I listened to Leo's video on 5-MEO Malt on 2x speed while reading up on what people had to say about it on the forum, deciding on the dose and preparing it. I decided on 1 red mini-scoop which weighed out to around 6 mg. Leo mentioned 5-10mg was a good staring dose in his video. In my last few 5-MEO DMT trips, my trips have been lasting much longer and I seem more sensitive than I used to be so I wanted to start out with low dose with this new substance. 

I plugged the dose and lay prone for the first 5 min before getting on some underwear and sitting cross legged alternating between opening and closing my eyes. As i looked at the fuzzy blanket over my lap, I could see every micro movement of every strand. The light coming through my window changed as the sun started setting and the colors did seem a bit different than normal, but it is hard to describe it and it was subtle. 

After 50 or so minutes I decided to lie down on my back and close my eyes so that I could just relax and feel the emotions of acceptance, love, curiosity coming up in my body. I imagined sexual images and pondered what causes arousal. I accepted and cherished every image that appeared in my mind before moving on to thinking about my priorities. (No sexual thoughts came up during my MEO- DMT trips as sex did not seem interesting to me when taking it) When on 5MEO-DMT I desired more than anything to understand but when on 5MEO-Malt, I just wanted to experience everything. Experience trumped everything. I wanted to experience everything possible and come to my own conclusions of what I like and what I dislike. I even wanted to experience disliking things and struggling. I could feel love for the present experience building in my heart. I imagined many things that I wished to experience.

This lasted until around 2.5 hours after I started. I got a few text messages and was filled with love trying to decipher the meaning and respond in the proper way. Shortly after I cooked some food then watched a guided meditation by Michael Taft. At one point he asks "What is noticing the experience that is happening right now" The obvious answer that someone listening to the meditation would first come up with is "awareness" but I could see that that was just a thought. The answer that I came up with is:

There is nothing noticing the present experience. Noticing is not happening at all. The present experience is just being itself. Awareness is fused with this present experience.

I feel quite relaxed, positive and accepting. Emotionally I feel much better than I have after 5MEO DMT. 5MEO DMT has left me with pleasure in my head but I was much less interested in emotions or experiencing different things. It left me more interested in understanding intellectually through direct experience. With 5MEO Malt I felt much more emotional and put less importance on intellectual understanding in favor of being absorbed in experience and becoming what is. I enjoyed it quite a lot.  It also lasted much longer, strongly affecting me for 2.5 hours while the 5MEO-DMT strongly affects me for 40-60 minutes usually.

That is what I can remember right now. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask or comment. 

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Is it the case that there is not so much ego death with 5meomalt?

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2 minutes ago, Fluran said:

Is it the case that there is not so much ego death with 5meomalt?

I took a low dose so I can't say for sure. On a higher dose I am guessing it will be similar. This experience I had made me want to enjoy having an ego even though I realized it did not exist. 

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Ah right.. thats why i never had something like ego death even at 22mg.

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I should have been a bit more clear, I meant to say that I am guessing it will be similar to 5MEO DMT at higher doses in terms of ego death being part of it. Maybe not quite as harsh as 5MEO-DMT but I think ego death should be a part of what is experienced at higher doses. In any case it was a different experience what felt quite fresh and looking from a different perspective. I will have to try a higher dose to find out what it is like. I will move slowly though since I do seem to be getting more and more sensitive. 

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A good start. At 20mg+ it will knock your socks off. 5mg is a very low dose.

Total ego death will come, and you'll go way beyond that.

Yes MALT lasts about twice as long and it has more erotic, feely, sensual vibes than 5-MeO-DMT.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Fluran said:

@Leo Gura when will i die with 5meomalt sir, i feel from my last trip 22mg my ego strengthened

Lol, keep trippin'

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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