
A poem for my love of God

2 posts in this topic

"The ego does not want Absolute Love - Because it will annihilate the ego totally - All of its lies, fraud, suffering and fear will be destroyed - Gods love is Absolute - The funny thing is that it is actually the only thing that you seek - You love your ego - You love your history - You love your darkness as you call it."

"All states of consciousness are holy - But the Truth is eternal love - The truth is the only thing you are seeking - It takes courage - Because you are moving towards the unknown - It requires your Heart - You always need to have your heart with you - The is no way back when you have reached it - There is no hell - There is no paradise - There is only Now - We choice God - The Almighty - The Merciful - The Peaceful - Liberation or the Light transcended of the light/dark duality that which we seek is limitless - It is eternal calmness - Safeness - Peace and bliss - Not because we need to run away from the now - Our pain and so-called darkness is a test on our Love - Are you willing to open your heart towards the unknown and truly breakthrough? We are not running away from our pain - But we see it for what it really is which is nothing but pure illusion." 

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