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When I took this username, Vibroverse, I was thinking of reality, in a sense, in terms of new age thinking. Thinking of reality in terms of being vibration and frequency etc. 

And now I'm thinking like "what the fuck is vibration anyways?", and I'm thinking of "vibration" itself, whatever it is, as another form that is the "vibration" of an even deeper structure. 

I mean, I still find thinking in terms of vibrational frequencies etc to be useful from time to time, in some senses, but at the ontological level, calling reality vibrational does not, in a sense, seem to make sense. 

I mean, if I take the idea of every "thing", both physical and mental, being vibrational in the sense that things are the modes of consciousness, then it kinda makes more sense. 

And if I make this consciousness more of a dance of the subjective and objective levels of being, of idealism, in that sense, like, in a sense, what Hegel did, then it also makes sense to me to use that analogy of "things" being vibrational frequencies of being. 

Things, in my opinion, in these terms, are the modifications, or modalities, in a sense, of absolute consciousness, the one, that itself is in itself the emptiness, or the "nothing", in that sense, and being is being the being that it is as that process of being in this space and time "world". 

Things, in that sense, seems to me as the effort, the desire, in a sense, of returning to their original states of being by feeling, or intuiting, in the broadest sense of the word, themselves into the being that they are, where they, in a sense, are what they are. 

So, thinking of that process as, like, an analogy of a frequency trying to find its "core", in a sense, frequency seems to make sense to me, but then, I guess, it also is the attempt of describing the formless, that which is intuitive, in the form of a form, and perhaps, in a sense, all the disagreements keep going from there. 

So, if being is being that "be's" itself in the form of being a form, ad infinitum, for it is the discovery of the self, in that sense, then the form that it is is both meaningful and meaningless given the "beingness" that it is, and therefore, in my humble opinion, the experience of forming of the forming is "discovering" itself as philosophy. 

So, objects refer to objects that refer to objects become the structure of that which is from which it is seeking relief, from which it is seeking the self discovery of its being, and that becomes the mode of being that it is that, in a sense, is "feeding" itself by being what it is. 

I mean, the form, in that sense, is discovering its own "process" of being the form, and that point of the objective quality becomes the form that which is the form that, also, in that moment, is the "process", where being and becoming "becomes" that which it is. 

And then, consciousness becomes the consciousness of itself, and then it finds itself in itself as it is itself, but that happens without the awareness of consciousness that it is itself being itself, and that's the point where the idea of "socialization" comes in, and that's that which requires itself to be itself by not being itself. 

Then when it begins to discover that the concepts as itself has always been the mode of being itself that becomes the world that it is, as it also is the world that also is the becoming. Then it becomes the being of the being that discovers itself by, perhaps, also, creating itself. 

This, I guess, is how all ethics and knowledges and modes of being has been created, or produced, or become that which is what they have become. This, I guess, is the modality of being that it is that is being that which it is without being known by that which it is for it is that which "itself" is, in that sense. 

I mean, it is like it is so close to itself that it is even closer to itself than the idea of being close to itself that it is unknowable to it. It is so itself that it becomes the very "itselfness" of itself that is what it "be's", and therefore the discovery of "it", in the conceptual sense, becomes another "conceptual" experience that becomes it "becoming" itself, in that sense. 

I mean, if I turn back to the idea of the concept, that becomes a set of itself in itself, then the concept represents a certain idea, or impression, to the being that it becomes the "candidate", in a sense, of its "future" probability of being where it becomes the idea of being towards "the being". 

But then, for example, in this idea of idea, that I called vibration, becomes the beingness of being that seeks for its place of being where it becomes the representation of an idea that represents that which "it", in certain modalities of being, is, and it becomes the essence of the essence of the process of "world building". 

Then, as we talked about it in the conceptual example called vibration, it becomes the symbol of a perception that perceives itself to be that set of being where it is being where it, in itself, is being. That's the point that's interesting to me about the idea that we may call the process of "world building", for the substance of that process also is that process itself. 

The process of a concept becoming itself, in its all specific and broad senses, becomes the mystery of being itself by being itself that seeks for the demystification of itself in the modality of the "mystification" that it is, where it, then, is a "science", for it becomes the "merging" of that mode of "conceptuality". 


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