How to gain the highest intelligence in any area

By Razard86 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
You were born a genius. This is not a joke, this is not some woo, this is not motivational were literally born a genius. Which is is so funny when you find this out. Anyway....I was shown why it is so hard for us to figure things out. I was given clues about this, so many of the enlightened masters talk about took me awhile but just as I was drifting off to sleep it was shown to me. Now the problem is...if you are highly educated, overly logical, you WILL NOT EASILY GRASP THIS. Why? Because you have turned your dogma, your beliefs into a religion. There really is nothing I can say to you, you are DOOMED to learn the hard way. I'm sorry it has to be this way....because to become very knowledgeable you have to have a certain level of arrogance, and that arrogance serves you in the front end, but it will block you in the back end. Oh well, good luck you overly logical types HANG IN THERE because eventually you will get it....go look at my thread about me being full of shit!!! That will help you wrap your mind around it. You is paradoxical, that is why it is so hard to grasp. Because in cannot be can only be KNOWN. Do you get what I am saying? It can ONLY BE KNOWN!!! Now you might say...what does that even means intuition is the only way....the downloads of INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. You see when you use your conscious thoughts....those thoughts are finite....but whenever you are given deep insights...the ones that hit you like lightning bolts.....the ones where you are like...why didn't I notice this before....its so simple and yet profound!!!! infinite intelligence!!  Every single person on the planet has access to INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, which all are geniuses. This is not hyperbole. Now I have tons of evidence to back this has already proven this....but you won't believe what I am saying even with proof....because your emotions are too entwined with the crap you picked up so far in your life. I have faith that one day you will unattach yourself from your false beliefs that you are normal. Its really funny that you look up to others, and think they are so are just being brainwashed!! Because you have access to INFINITE INTELLIGENCE!!! I mean....its funny the past couple years I was being told this by different sources and I put some belief in it, but I wasn't sure but kept being guided by this belief that maybe there was something to it. Then it seems once I took psychedelics this year (only two trips) its like it broke the boundary that was erected in my mind and now meditation is easier, downloads come easier, its really ridiculous. Now let me put some caveats...I'm not saying education is useless. I can give you downloads all day, if your mind is not developed, sharp, and free of limiting beliefs....well you won't be able to access the genius in you. The whole point of education is to develop your sense making capacity. But the problem try to make sense of what you see with your beliefs....that is the wrong way. You need to make sense of your interpretation of something when viewed WITHOUT beliefs. Example 1: You have a pre-existing belief about a person. So you will only see evidence that conforms to that belief. Thus you will never see the parts that contradict your beliefs. Example 2: You drop the beliefs about that person. Observe them. Observe them. Contemplate. Contemplate. Meditate with a question about what the heck you have been observing. Even ask is there something I am missing? If you obsess over this thought (Path of Devotion in Yoga) eventually it will just come to you (Law of Attraction) and you will have an "AH HAH!!" "Ureka!" "I Got It!!" Moment.  Now when this KNOWING will need to be translated and if you have a good theoretical framework/model then you will be able to transcribe that information in a way that makes sense. But notice....this is only possible if you clear your mind of biases/judgments, which means you need to deconstruct your mind and clear it!!! Once you do this...your divine intelligence will just flow, and the world will be AMAZED AT YOU!!! Amazed and completely blind, that because there is no difference between them and you, they can also do what you do!!!
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