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Does books really help?

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What do people say that books don’t? My dad says:


If you spend time with people you’ll know many things (matters related to taking decisions or seeking advice in life) than staying at home and reading books or asking people on the internet.

But aren't many people not in the rat race? Does one not withdraw him or herself from a group before taking a decision? 

Am I not getting many perspectives by reading posts on forums?

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I think they can help.  

I think people can help as well.  


For me, personality-wise, I tend to be more open in terms of philosophies and life-advice when reading.  But when it comes to practical how-to matters, like doing a certain task, or even learning about certain things in nature or the world, I'm often more wanting someone, some expert, who I can ask questions to and probe their knowledge.  

So I suppose, when it comes to anything relating to more my self (ideaologies, philosophies, values, life desires, etc.), I usually read since they are more "touchy" and personal subjecets for me and I don't often like being "told" or advised in these matters.

But when it comes to learning things out in the world, I like to have people I can probe their minds and explore with.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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