Tyler Robinson

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11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:


That's cause you much more of an INFP than INFJ.

Though in socionics you'd probably be INFp.

Lmfao. I'm more Hitler than you give me credit for. 


INFPs are sweet. I'm like salt+sugar. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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So tldr version: make yourself healthy first and your intuition will lead you to a person who you're supposed to be with. Focus on intensity of emotions in deciding who you're attracted to. Then, put yourself in close proximity to him while not letting on that you like him too much... even if your feelings are intense. Basically, don't mess up the mating dance. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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7 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Lmfao. I'm more Hitler than you give me credit for. 


INFPs are sweet. I'm like salt+sugar. 

INFJs are idealistic empaths who have big ideas for the world and how the world should be.

IINFPs are introverts lost deep in their own fantasies who don't care about what's happening in reality.

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15 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

INFJs are idealistic empaths who have big ideas for the world and how the world should be.

IINFPs are introverts lost deep in their own fantasies who don't care about what's happening in reality.

Then I must be an INFJ because I speak about the collective and wanting to heal the collective.  


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11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

INFJs are idealistic empaths who have big ideas for the world and how the world should be.


You're right. I used to be idealistic which I still am. I had an extremely high score on an empathy test. Most people who have interacted with me in the past have labeled me an extreme empath. I had to do a lot of work to shed away some of that empathy because it attracted a lot of vultures to me. 

Yes I have big ideas about the world and I used to constantly think about how the world should be. If you had read all of my journals you would have had a glimpse of that behavior in me. But you weren't following me closely from day one so you still don't know much about me. You saw me in my finishing stages. 


I was very obsessed about the world before joining the forum. I was a part of different groups that were about changing the world. The I realized that it was causing me a lot of mental stress and my ex boyfriend J told me to stop idealizing about the world and focus more on myself. 

So you're right about my INFJ behavior but I had to drop those behaviors because they were very toxic. I was much more intense like Hitler before. 


Over the last 2 years I mellowed down a bit. 

I'm still very much like Hitler in real life. On the forum I can't show that because I will get banned if I said everything like Hitler here. 


I've entertained thoughts like genocide like Hitler. Just because I don't write those thoughts here doesn't mean I don't have those thoughts. They are in my private diary though. 

It won't be a stretch at all to compare me with Hitler. I also know that Hitler was a good guy. In fact when I told this to my ENFP boyfriend, he was a bit nervous. 

Hitler was simply very empathetic and passionate like me. Like many INFJs he was very much misunderstood. He didn't want to kill people. 

You haven't scrolled through my previous history. You haven't seen all my posts. 


I had a journal where I was going to share how I similar I was to Hitler and his thoughts. That time I didn't know that Hitler was INFJ.. But I didn't continue the journal out of fear that I'll be banned for Nazi writing. 

The problem with your typing is that you don't have an accurate knowledge about a person's history and character. You type people on the basis of the little information that you get from their public persona. Yet you don't know much about their private life. 

You don't know much of my private life and history. I have been compared to Hitler many times by my family members. 

So I wasn't really  shocked when you compared me to Hitler. 


That Hitler part of my personality is not visible on this forum because I need to be politically correct here on purpose.. 

If you heard the political opinions I share with my family at dinner table, then you will say I'm worse than Hitler :P..lol. 

I'm nowhere INFP. I have very extreme opinions and thoughts and like Hitler I'm a bit negative, depressive, passionate and neurotic. But I'm just trying to tone it down a bit because being that passionate about the world impacted my health so I broke that neurotic habit. 

Some guy on the forum said that I was an empath but a foolish empath. He told me to wisen up and become a wise empath. So I decided to cut down on my empathy a bit.. 

All these changes are making me a better less unhealthy version of INFJ. I was much more neurotic, nervous, aggressive and unhealthy type of INFJ before.



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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7 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

Then I must be an INFJ because I speak about the collective and wanting to heal the collective.  

You might wanna read the Socionics descriptions of the 2 types.

INFJs aren't sensitive, they're angry at what they perceive as injustice and rebel against authority.  They're often journalists or activists who want to bring awareness to a worthy cause.

INFPs are sensitive and don't like to make a scene or stir shit up.  They'll keep their mouth shut and write books about a better world instead.


This is why INFJs are compatible with ENTPs.  They're both misunderstood idealistic rebels, but with opposite yet complimentary strengths.

Edited by thisintegrated

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@thisintegrated the more you tell me about INFJs the more it confirms me that I'm INFJ. Because whatever you are describing are all my past behaviors a year ago but I'm coming close to gradually dropping those behaviors. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

INFJs aren't sensitive, they're angry at what they perceive as injustice and rebel against authority.  They're often journalists or activists who want to bring awareness to a worthy cause.




Not long ago, I made a thread about how I had a shadow against authority and how I rebeled against authority. In fact I have been rebeling against authority all my life. That's why I hated my mom because she represented authority to me. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Just now, Tyler Robinson said:

Not long ago, I made a thread about how I had a shadow against authority and how I rebeled against authority. In fact I have been rebeling against authority all my life. That's why I hated my mom because she represented authority to me. 


Well you know yourself best, but most of your posts seem like Fi1.  You talk about your own inner world, and your perspective on a variety of things.

You don't have a single focus you're passionate about.  You talk about your feelings about.. everything.

It's all very FiNe.

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11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

They're often journalists or activists who want to bring awareness to a worthy cause.



My lifelong passion was to be an advocate. I wanted to be a woman's rights advocate and an advocate for child abuse. I have written about this in my previous journals in my previous persona. 

You haven't tracked my whole journal. One of the reasons why I was strongly hated is because I used to push my advocacy against others. I was considered a whistle blower by many people and this is the reason why I made a ton of enemies. They thought I was doing it for egoic reasons. 

In fact Leo wanted to ban me for my advocacy behavior. He didn't appreciate it. I can show you private messages between me and Leo where he told me to stop my activist behavior. 

My dad used to say that I will be a great activist or lawyer when I grow up. 

I also wanted to be a vegan activist. I wanted to be a lawyer/ activist as a child. 

All these plans were put on hold because I began having health issues and I constantly would fall ill.. I began to feel stressed. So I left my activist projects and a abandoned all my activism dreams. 


I still want to be a child abuse activist but first I want to get my health in order. 

Maybe 10 years from now I'll finally be able to realize my dreams when I get all my stuff in order. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

Well you know yourself best, but most of your posts seem like Fi1.  You talk about your own inner world, and your perspective on a variety of things.

You don't have a single focus you're passionate about.  You talk about your feelings about.. everything.

It's all very FiNe.



The reason I don't have a single focus is because I'm BPD. BPD tend to be lost in their own world and lose focus constantly. They cannot even maintain a constant identity. This gives you a false signal that I must be INFP. 

All the INFP stuff you notice in me are actually my BPD symptoms.. 

If you look online then you will find that INFJs are most likely to suffer from BPD.. 


Most INFP are honest people. I'm not honest at all. My behavior is usually very secretive. INFJs are never known to be honest people, they tend to hide a lot. 

I'm a true INFJ, 100%.

Im also rare. My BPD symptoms mask my inner nature and mimic INFP behaviors giving wrong impressions of my true personality. 

I talk about my inner world because my focus went from INFJ external to internal. 

I had to modify a lot of my INFJ behaviors for health reasons. 

INFJs are deeply troubled people. 

Now if you want to study an INFJ in depth, you will have to study my behavioral patterns. 

Although it's hard to study someone like me because I tend to change a lot due to my bpd.. It's like mutating behavior. 

I'm extremely unstable so studying me is a huge challenge.. My bpd constantly causes me to change my personality a lot.. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson Take the time to learn MBTI. Read books. 

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Now if you want to study an INFJ in depth, you will have to study my behavioral patterns. 

My sister's a Yellow INFJ.  I know them quite well.

Edited by thisintegrated

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42 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

You might wanna read the Socionics descriptions of the 2 types.

INFJs aren't sensitive, they're angry at what they perceive as injustice and rebel against authority.  They're often journalists or activists who want to bring awareness to a worthy cause.

INFPs are sensitive and don't like to make a scene or stir shit up.  They'll keep their mouth shut and write books about a better world instead.


This is why INFJs are compatible with ENTPs.  They're both misunderstood idealistic rebels, but with opposite yet complimentary strengths.

I relate to the second one.  I'm the first one under pressure.  But I default to the second. 

Edited by Proserpina


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11 hours ago, integral said:

@Tyler Robinson Take the time to learn MBTI. Read books. 


I'm not really too interested in MBTI. It's just a tool.. I took the test, came to know I'm INFJ. Read stuff on INFJ. 100% match. I'm satisfied and it gives me a sense of direction on how my INFJ personality dictates a lot of my daily behavior. 

INFJs need a lot of time and space to grow because they are very unhealthy people. They can be like Emo kids.

But knowing that I'm an INFJ has helped me a lot in knowing why I used to be the way I used to be. 


11 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

My sister's a Yellow INFJ.  I know them quite well.

I'm not a yellow. I'm more like stage Blue Hitler type INFJ. I might not be civilized as your sister. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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19 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

My sister's a Yellow INFJ.  I know them quite well.

Thanks for telling me that Hitler was INFJ. Now a lot of my past thinking and behavior makes sense. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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5 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I'm not a yellow. I'm more like stage Blue Hitler type INFJ. I might not be civilized as your sister. 

4 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Thanks for telling me that Hitler was INFJ. Now a lot of my past thinking and behavior makes sense.


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20 hours ago, thisintegrated said:






I was going to be in jail because of my INFJ behavior. I was doing some nasty violent shit 4 years ago. 

So my ex boyfriend J, when he found out my nazi journal, he told me strictly to get out of the whole thing. 

It was God's grace. If he didn't intervene the group that I was a part of was being investigated by the FBI. I exited the Nazi group six months before the investigation. Or they would have put me in jail. 



I did some real shameful shit back then that still haunts me. I was like a radicalized kid wanting to change the world the way terrorists think. For me it was activism and I felt like I was on a noble mission. It is still a shameful thing to talk about on the forum. 

I'm just glad that all of my  Hitler behavior was recognized by my boyfriend and he put an end to it by slowly convincing me to get out of it. 

I used to be very rebellious back then, I used to throw furniture if some authority person tried to boss me, I used to get very angry and rebellious. Very wild. 

I'm much more civilized now. Sometimes I still randomly jump into fights when the activist warrior mode is turned on. 

But Leo kinda tamed me a lot. 





Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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My mom used to tell me - you don't listen to anyone except your boyfriends. 

So whenever I used to get aggressive and disruptive they used to call my boyfriend's to calm me down. That used to do the trick. Because I would go back to my room and sit quietly on my boyfriend's request 



Because I didn't want my boyfriend to witness my wild child behavior. Lol. 

So I used to immediately clean up my room before my boyfriend reached our house. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@thisintegrated: INFJ = hitler

@Proserpina: ???How could you be so insensitive???

@Carl-Richard:  ?You're an asshole

@Tyler Robinson:

8 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I was going to be in jail because of my INFJ behavior. I was doing some nasty violent shit 4 years ago. 

So my ex boyfriend J, when he found out my nazi journal, he told me strictly to get out of the whole thing. 

It was God's grace. If he didn't intervene the group that I was a part of was being investigated by the FBI. I exited the Nazi group six months before the investigation. Or they would have put me in jail. 

I did some real shameful shit back then that still haunts me. I was like a radicalized kid wanting to change the world the way terrorists think. For me it was activism and I felt like I was on a noble mission. It is still a shameful thing to talk about on the forum. 

I'm just glad that all of my  Hitler behavior was recognized by my boyfriend and he put an end to it by slowly convincing me to get out of it. 

I used to be very rebellious back then, I used to throw furniture if some authority person tried to boss me, I used to get very angry and rebellious. Very wild. 

I'm much more civilized now. Sometimes I still randomly jump into fights when the activist warrior mode is turned on. 

But Leo kinda tamed me a lot. 

Edited by thisintegrated

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