
How To Provide Value to Others

11 posts in this topic

So basically I've heard, and I generally just agree with it, that what makes socializing great and awesome is when you provide value to others.

Except I have absolutely no clue how you would do that, like what do you say or do to make other people's night better?

Does anybody have any like stories or example, or some tips on how you would do that?

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On a deeper level you cultivate value first in yourself so it all depends on who you are and who you are socializing with..

So you like to have fun and the type of fun you like you offer that fun(value) to others...

You like humor so you give value of humor..

You know people you offer value of networking etc.

Making people feel good by you feeling good about yourself is best value imo..Experience of you as a person is most important value imo...

There is energy behind it offering value vs taking value..

Its in a vibe so you could be asking same queastion and either taking the vibe(value) or giving it tough to write about it...

Women are big on this when they feel taking value is happening in approach they will tend to leave immeditely...

Showing someone music is a value...

Taking them on adventure if its a partner...

Anything that you value you can offer to others to see a match so you avoid people pleasing and using it as a manipulation which would be taking value..

Some people tell a joke and wait for reaction thats taking value...

On this forum giving amazing insights are offering value while trolls take off value...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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...and I guess me asking this question is kinda taking value, because it's "me me me tell me how to give value to others".

Thanks for your post, I totally see your point. Making sure that, when I'm interacting with others, I'm not the one trying to take from them and the interaction isn't about me, it's about them. And the way I can do that is by finding what I find valuable, growing myself so I can give those valuable things to others, and then offering that value when interacting with others.

I could start by introspecting and thinking about the best interactions I've had and asking myself what I liked most about them.

Thanks, man! You're awesome.

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Be in a good mood and be fun.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Emrie You  can offer value by talking about yourself but not in a way usually people talk...it has to have some depth like i know this forum where people come to and we share things about life, and you know what i figured some really deep stuff about myself one guy told me how to offer value you know what that is? they would ask more or they will share something depends on a person...

You have to see where it fits thats why knowing yourself on a deeper level is crucial like people would ask whats your favourite food and you answer pizza ?

You can go in depth why you love that pizza and offer the enthusiasm when you talk about it even make fun of it thats some game :)

You can start saying how you like vampires what they mean to you, point of it all is to show who you are and you can display yourself in amazing ways but first you have to figure you out and see if you really like what you said about that thing does it display you then you can mix playful vibe into that sentence you can practice it home also thats some game you dont need to go that deep if you dont want to..

What you like+why+see if sounds good to you+adding playfulness+leading to what value you wanna offer next...

But safest is to listen..

No problem :)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You can add value by being a fun positive and non needy individual. What people call gregarious game.

On a more tangible level though, there's unlimited value you can bring to a social group or a woman. Have a fun lifestyle, have access to exclusive events, have a cool circle of friends to do activities with, have the money to do cool things, etc. 

The general idea is the same as business, have a UVP(unique value proposition) that makes you stand out from other men.

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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What do people need emotionally, aka what do they want to feel? What do people need practically, aka for achieving their goals? What do people need socially, aka from other people? What do people need psychologically, aka to feel good about themselves?

Answer those questions, and you'll know what to give people to be seen as a value provider person.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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@Superfluo Ironically i think its opposite what do i want to feel then ill offer that, what makes me tick ill offer that to the world and ill just give and no matter if world discard it,ill keep doing me but in calibrated way...

Otherwise its manipulation and people pleasing which never works even if you give...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Sure, there's also that to the mix. @Emrie this is also good advice: to provide value, you share your passions. Because it's sharing positive emotions and energy.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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You want to be in a place where your needs are mostly met when in the interaction. That way you are in a place of sharing of your energy and connection.



There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Don't hold back on what you know. At the end of it, we are all going to die or you are going to leave the company,school or organisation. 

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