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Is state important

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At around the 25 minute mark Krishna dass says state doesn’t matter and something along the lines of worrying or thinking about state is just more ego, I remember hearing Leo say don’t ever believe a spiritual teach who says state doesn’t matter is Krishna dass wrong here then? Thoughts?

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You could say so, yes, but for most people it would be utterly misleading.

In the separated state, there’s a clear distinction between conscious and unconscious. There’s a lot of activity in the unconscious. In the enlightened state the distinction between conscious and unconscious ceases to be.

So you could say that everything becomes conscious, or that everything becomes unconscious. These statements are equivalent, and equally absurd since there is no distinction anymore.

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6 hours ago, Holymoly said:

At around the 25 minute mark Krishna dass says state doesn’t matter and something along the lines of worrying or thinking about state is just more ego, I remember hearing Leo say don’t ever believe a spiritual teach who says state doesn’t matter is Krishna dass wrong here then? Thoughts?

Let's give him a dose of datura and see if state matters.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Let's give him a dose of datura and see if state matters.

Or a box of benadryl, that'll do ya real nice.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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Existence is a state. Everything is a state. Even worrying about state is a state lol. He can only say state doesn’t matter within a state of consciousness. You can’t escape state, you can only change it.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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No matter what state you are in, it might be America. Contrary to popular belief, not everything is a state. There are bordertowns. I've only been in a state of America. One at a time. You can theoretically escape states, should you be evading consciousness police. That is, unless we vote Leo as consciousness president. Then we can be consciously pardoned of consciously escaping conscious states. Then, the consciousness police are only Leo and his silly datura parables!

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8 hours ago, vishnusavestheday said:

datura parables!

Eh, it would appear Leo's far too afraid of ya know physically killing himself to do Datura. You might want to make your trolls more accurate next time with a little more research first.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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People think they can somehow use the "power of their mind" to overcome any state, as if they did not matter, but clearly these people have not realized that being able to 'not care' about your state is itself a state. You already need to be in a special state for states not to matter. But no matter how much you meditate your meditation will not be able to dispel the effects of a high dose deliriant. How deeply your ego is functioning is also a matter of your state, so if you were in such a deluded and selfish state where you would not be able to do anything other than superficial survival, how could you still claim that your state doesn't matter? Your state determines what feelings you can feel, what thoughts you can think, what actions you can take.

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@amanen yes i see, although i will say that they gave krishna dass's guru 900+ mcg of lsd and it did not effect him 


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5 minutes ago, Holymoly said:

@amanen yes i see, although i will say that they gave krishna dass's guru 900+ mcg of lsd and it did not effect him 


If you are implying their state of consciousness was already very high, and thus had no effect due to this, then you should consider that there is no ceiling level to your state of consciousness. It can always be higher. You can always take a higher dose, if there was a ceiling at which it stopped working, then no matter how large a dose you would consume it would have the same maximum effects. But this isn't the case. Even during a very high dose psychedelic trip you can add something like nitrous to it, when your consciousness level is already very high, and the intensity can grow almost tenfold of how it was previously. Most psychedelics also do a lot more than just raise your level of consciousness.

No matter how high his state of consciousness was, if he took 5 million mcg of LSD, surely this would have an effect on them.

It should also be noted that I have personally took around 2000mcg of LSD with no effects from it, and I had taken 300mcg from the same batch with noticeable effects before, and I had no tolerance for it. My state of consciousness was not in any way higher than my usual one. 

Also LSD just doesn't work for some people. The story also could just not be true, who knows.

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