
Anthony Williams/Medical cleanse - Scam/fad or legit?

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Hey guys, today I want to hear your opinion on Anthony Williams who is promoting celery juice cleanse. He has a lot of claims which I want to adress separately:

  • Artificial plug-in air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, cologne, fabric softeners are bad for you. They are acumulating in your lungs.
  • Metal knifes leave heavy metals in your food (sounds logical because the metal particles that wear off the knife must be going somewhere), juicers with 2 metal gears also are the source of heavy metals. I want to expand this further: Cheerios have metallic form of iron added instead of ionic one. You can check this by applying magnet to soaked Cheerios - you will get metal dust attracted to the magnet. Is this metal dust dangerous for you?
  • He has monoeating diet where you eat only bananas/only potatoes and drink celery juice. He claims there would be no mineral defficiency because od this
  • He says that you shouldn't eat "radical fats". This means you shouldn't eat very fatty foods, including nuts because liver needs to produce bile in order to digest this food. And because we all have overburdened liver we shouldn't strain it even more. So when liver is digesting fats it is unable to cleanse the organism from toxins. Therefore he reccomends to fully exclude fatty food from diet, or at least to eat it after 14:00
  • he says certain strains of viruses could make heavy-metal based neurotoxins 
  • he claims that in 1930 there were experiments on viruses and these viruses were fed by the eggs and then these viruses got escaped from laboratories and now infecting people and are the major cause of chronic ilnesses. Bwy, I feel after eating eggs my muscle get more hard, and I have fascia inflammation because of which I sometimes couldn't sleep at night and I need to massage them on the foam roller to get rid of them.
  • petroleum, natural gas fumes are toxic for you. Petroleum I think is true, but what about gas stove gas? is itharmful to breathe in?
  • fluoride in toothpaste has traces of aluminium because fluoride is the byproduct of aluminium "manufacturing"
  • furniture, clothes, electronics, carboard boxes, are secretly laced with fungicides
  • vinegar dehydrates the organs
  • fermented foods don't introduce productive bacteria to your gut
  • fat plus sugar is the true cause of diabetes - insulin sticks to fat and prevent sugar binding to insulin
  • he doesn't recommend water/juice fasts longer than 3-4 days because after this period you start running on adrenaline (instead of glucose) and therefore you exhaus your adrenals.
  • auto-immune diseases is a myth - body attacking itself is a nonsense - what happens instead that there are low-grade viruses and unproductive bacteria and metabolic by-products causing the "auto-immune" diseases

Some stuff he says sounds logical. He also doesn't make any citations of studies - he claims the Spirit of compassion told him this information. He has affiliate links on supplements on his website. I would say these supplements are really high-quality: they don't contain sillicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. 

What do you guys think of this all?

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damn, imagine trying to have a normal life following all that advice. Sounds like a recipe for endless health anxiety and phobia 

If you are otherwise healthy, I would burn that book. 

If not, pick the stuff that other books have also talked about, be sceptical about the rest. Always important to expose yourself to many sources and then balance it out. 

Also note that one of the easiest ways to make money in health industry is to "rock the boat" harder than everyone before you, offer an "extraordinary solution" and convinced enough people to believe you. Pretty sure people who get better on medical medium do so because they switch from shit diet to somewhat of a high fibre diet, raw diet and for a short term that works for everyone. You don't hear from all of those who fail on it. 


Edited by Michael569

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I like how he says that nightmares are just healing dreams. But how can you absorb fat soluble vitamins on a diet without any fats?


Edited by at_anchor

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9 hours ago, at_anchor said:

I like how he says that nightmares are just healing dreams. But how can you absorb fat soluble vitamins on a diet without any fats?


That is the question I also interested in

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Do you see any red flags with the claims he makes Eugene?

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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4 hours ago, undeather said:

Do you see any red flags with the claims he makes Eugene?

Not the red flags. But maybe you can confirm certain theses or have an argument against them. I can't find any info in the internet about certain things he say

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Artificial plug-in air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, cologne, fabric softeners are bad for you. They are acumulating in your lungs.


petroleum, natural gas fumes are toxic for you. Petroleum I think is true, but what about gas stove gas? is itharmful to breathe in?

Can confirm those 2. I cut out the natural gas because there are millions of "natural" gases and all of them act differently when inhaled.
Gas stove gas or propane is generally safe when not inhaled directly.

The rest sounds like outlandish conspiracy bullshit with zero adequate evidence and a lot of bro-science.
I am all for integrative medicine and expanding our current medical paradigm but this is just complete nonsense.

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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Be careful just believing him. I have found that he says wrong things at times. Impossible to validate all his grand claims.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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