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recommendations on nutrition courses

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Do you know any good and practical courses or sources of information that teach the basics of a good diet/nutrition ?

I'm looking for a course that is targeted for people who have a busy day and can't spend 2 hours a day cooking or sourcing for ingredients, I feel like a lot of the recipes I find online are too hard/take to much time to cook. I'm trying to create a diet that is easy not only to follow but also to prepare.

Any advice is highly appreciated!

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Compare different foods to others by looking at their content of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs and fat. You can do that at


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Maybe you could just read a good nutrition book. Courses are good if you want to be a therapist or a coach otherwise the cost might be hard to justify. For self-calibration, some books are pretty good. 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Try Mark Hyman's books, or Elson M. Haas' books. Research "Whole Foods Plant Based Diet"

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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