
Why do female like rude men?

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5 hours ago, spiritual memes said:

Reading these dating posts is depressing...

If dating in real life is like the way people describe it on actualized, I have no hope for the future of the human race. You guys reduce one of the profound human experiences to the most superficial and toxic shit.

At this point I don't care what women like, I'd rather just be myself and fucking die alone than try be some imaginary 'alpha male' that someone made up.

@spiritual memes Are you feeling annoyed because you want other users to value connection in dating more?


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Do what works

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On 18/09/2022 at 6:30 PM, mr_engineer said:

On the one hand, you say that there is no 'magic pill'. On the other hand, you're saying 'don't be logical'. As if that's the magic pill. 


"Not being logical" isn't going to make you attractive women on its own. It isn't a 'high yield technique.' It isn't a magic pill. Nor was I suggesting or implying that it was.

Being too logical is just one of many mistakes that guys commonly make with women. It's one of the many things you can work on to turn yourself into a complete man that is attractive to lots of women.

Edited by something_else

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1 hour ago, something_else said:

"Not being logical" isn't going to make you attractive women on its own. It isn't a 'high yield technique.' It isn't a magic pill. Nor was I suggesting or implying that it was.

Thank you. 

1 hour ago, something_else said:

It's one of the many things you can work on to turn yourself into a complete man that is attractive to lots of women.

On the one hand, you say that it's not a high-yield technique. On the other hand, you say that 'this is what you can work on to be attractive to lots of women'. 


Edited by mr_engineer

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I have a theory on why people say 'don't be logical about this'. 

The reality is that people don't have their shit together. Most people's minds are a mess. So, when you're being logical with them, they'll be scared that you'll see through them. Because they're insecure. 

Do I have to tell you how ridiculous it sounds, when you say 'don't be logical in your choice of woman to date, have sex with or marry'?! 

Cuz women are very logical about this stuff. If you aren't logical for yourself, no one will be. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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18 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

On the one hand, you say that it's not a high-yield technique. On the other hand, you say that 'this is what you can work on to be attractive to lots of women'. 


Your original wording that sparked a response from me was "I want one thing to focus on. One 'high-yield technique', as Leo talks about in his video on the 3-step formula" and I the point I wanted to make was that this mindset is too narrow and shows a misunderstanding of how women's attraction works. 

If you asked that question: "I want one thing to focus on. One 'high-yield technique', as Leo talks about in his video on the 3-step formula" and I responded with "don't be too logical" that single answer alone will not make you attractive to girls, but it will help. It is part of a bigger process of building yourself into an attractive guy. Do you understand?

Women are not attracted to men who are manipulating them using techniques and processes. There are techniques and processes for getting better with girls, but they are not as narrow as you would like them to be. It is a holistic process where you build yourself into an attractive man by building a life and personality that is valuable to a woman.

27 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

I have a theory on why people say 'don't be logical about this'. 

The reality is that people don't have their shit together. Most people's minds are a mess. So, when you're being logical with them, they'll be scared that you'll see through them. Because they're insecure. 

Do I have to tell you how ridiculous it sounds, when you say 'don't be logical in your choice of woman to date, have sex with or marry'?! 

Cuz women are very logical about this stuff. If you aren't logical for yourself, no one will be. 

You can construct theories like this in your head all day long, it aint gonna get you laid


Do I have to tell you how ridiculous it sounds, when you say 'don't be logical in your choice of woman to date, have sex with or marry'?! 

No one has said this. What I personally said was that you were being too logical in your approach to how women's attraction works, thinking about them like computers you can get specific output from if you give them specific input, or perform a specific technique in front of them.

Women's attraction is not based on logic. It's intuitive and emotional.

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21 minutes ago, something_else said:

Women's attraction is not based on logic. It's intuitive and emotional.

Do you see that you're being logical when you say this? When you draw a cause-and-effect relationship between 'logic' and 'women's attraction' or 'intuitiveness and emotionality' with 'women's attraction', that's logical thinking!! 

Why are you being too logical?! 

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6 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Do you see that you're being logical when you say this? When you draw a cause-and-effect relationship between 'logic' and 'women's attraction' or 'intuitiveness and emotionality' with 'women's attraction', that's logical thinking!! 

Why are you being too logical?! 

Alright mate, you do you

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11 hours ago, KH2 said:

It's really not profound at all. We're just a bunch of fucking animals, trying to mate.

If you frame it like that, then nothing is profound. That mindset makes it seem like a chore.

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8 hours ago, Ulax said:

@spiritual memes Are you feeling annoyed because you want other users to value connection in dating more?

No, its more the that these posts and comments give of such a depressing and neurotic vibe. These post frame dating like some sort of hellish job application where some female is judging you with checklist of alpha male traits to see if you're qualified for her vagina.

I want other users to value themselves more.

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13 hours ago, spiritual memes said:

No, its more the that these posts and comments give of such a depressing and neurotic vibe. These post frame dating like some sort of hellish job application where some female is judging you with checklist of alpha male traits to see if you're qualified for her vagina.

I want other users to value themselves more.


So you mean women should not have any preferences but men should. Even i feel like it's a job application to always want to look attractive to men otherwise they choose a more attractive woman over me. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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11 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:


So you mean women should not have any preferences but men should. Even i feel like it's a job application to always want to look attractive to men otherwise they choose a more attractive woman over me. 

No, I'm saying that treating dating like a job application is pretty toxic both for yourself and the person you're trying to date. People with this mentality will become bitter and resentful real quick.

Also If you think all men will choose a more attractive woman over you then that's a limiting belief.

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9 hours ago, KH2 said:

It's not a chore. I just told you that, so that you can stop making it such a big deal, and actually do something. It's just not meant to be profound. That's BS.


You're saying that dating is something that you need to get out of the way so you can do higher things. Which sounds like a chore. And like anything you frame as a chore you probably aren't going to do well in it. If you see it as something more than that then its going to be a lot more enjoyable.

9 hours ago, KH2 said:

You don't have to be anyone but yourself. In fact, you have no other choice.

The idea of all this, is that you should strive to be an UPGRADED self. I mean personality wise.

100% agree with you. But this post and many others have the vibe of 'how can I fake a personality trait so girls can like me?'

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On 9/18/2022 at 10:38 AM, King Merk said:

Pro tip when interacting with women…

Minimize the use of logic lol

You’ll never win an argument with a woman. Rather, relate to them on an emotional level. They think that’s real strong & sexy ;) 

I think many men can relate. Having the work experience I have the last year, my logic went up strongly + from trying to be more productive, my logical thinking and skills also became stronger, and they will be stronger and stronger. So yeah, I am getting more boring. xD

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1 hour ago, spiritual memes said:

No, I'm saying that treating dating like a job application is pretty toxic both for yourself and the person you're trying to date. People with this mentality will become bitter and resentful real quick.

Also If you think all men will choose a more attractive woman over you then that's a limiting belief.

It's not a job application. What you lack is acceptance. Dating is simple. Only certain types of personalities are attractive. Others aren't. Basic biological preferences don't deviate much from the standard. Others who don't fit this category simply end up wasting their time. There is nothing wrong with them, just that they are not conventionally attractive. It's not a job application, it's a beauty contest. Those who don't have the look should not apply,, this applies to both gender. So it's not tough at all, all that an eligible person has to do is just walk and broadcast themselves. And those who are too desperate but lack the charisma looks etc should compensate in other ways like a sense of humor or good nature or high achievement. Sometimes people are attracted to fame or success. However most attraction is very primitive, natural and biological. And you can't challenge or criticize this, it's how it is. Not being able to accept it is your shadow side, your insecurity. There is nothing wrong with attraction. And it's not hard at all. As long as you accept and learn this, you will be less critical and resentful of it the way you do now. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 9/20/2022 at 6:53 AM, mr_engineer said:

I have a theory on why people say 'don't be logical about this'. 

The reality is that people don't have their shit together. Most people's minds are a mess. So, when you're being logical with them, they'll be scared that you'll see through them. Because they're insecure. 

Do I have to tell you how ridiculous it sounds, when you say 'don't be logical in your choice of woman to date, have sex with or marry'?! 

Cuz women are very logical about this stuff. If you aren't logical for yourself, no one will be. 

That's your bias, also its not logical and you are just whining. What's logical is what works....not complaining about what doesn't work. That's playing the victim....the same thing you are complaining about right now. 

You are complaining because you don't understand. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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38 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Dating is simple. Only certain types of personalities are attractive. Others aren't. Basic biological preferences don't deviate much from the standard. Others who don't fit this category simply end up wasting their time.

I disagree, not everyone has the same preference. Obviously some are more common than others but attraction is subjective. Just look at how many categories there are on pornhub :D

42 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

t's not a job application, it's a beauty contest. Those who don't have the look should not apply,, this applies to both gender.

That's even worse than a job application...

44 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

However most attraction is very primitive, natural and biological. And you can't challenge or criticize this, it's how it is. Not being able to accept it is your shadow side, your insecurity. There is nothing wrong with attraction. And it's not hard at all. As long as you accept and learn this, you will be less critical and resentful of it the way you do now. 

I never said there was anything wrong with attraction. Only that people hyperfixate obsessively over the biological side of it and base their value and others against a checklist of ideal biological traits. Judging yourself and others based on superficial traits will inevitably lead to resentment and self hatred.

You've been reading too much redpill and blackpill. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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3 minutes ago, spiritual memes said:

I disagree, not everyone has the same preference. Obviously some are more common than others but attraction is subjective. Just look at how many categories there are on pornhub :D

That's even worse than a job application...

I never said there was anything wrong with attraction. Only that people hyperfixate obsessively over the biological side of it and base their value and others against a checklist of ideal biological traits. Judging yourself and others based on superficial traits will inevitably lead to resentment and self hatred.

You've been reading too much redpill and blackpill. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I'm against red and black pill but I'll always maintain that attraction is biological. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

That's your bias, also its not logical and you are just whining. What's logical is what works....not complaining about what doesn't work. That's playing the victim....the same thing you are complaining about right now. 

It's not complaining, it's a call-out to everyone telling me to 'not be logical'. You gotta know why you're so against logical thinking, right?! 

2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

You are complaining because you don't understand. 

I really love this excuse, that 'you're just complaining, you're just whining, you can't possibly know what works, cuz you're logical. You have to be illogical to know what works!!' Please make some sense, instead of scapegoating me as 'complaining because you don't understand'. You're the one selling this to me, I'm not buying it. 

To say that women are illogical and that logic cannot be used to make sense to them is kinda misogynistic, to be honest. And also not true. There are smart women out there, women with brains. You just gotta know how to filter out the morons. ;) 

And a final point - the point of having a smart woman is to be able to communicate well and to be able to make a relationship work as a team-effort. You want a teammate, a partner who is smart, not stupid! This shit matters in the real world. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I'm against red and black pill but I'll always maintain that attraction is biological. 

Attraction is biological... and mental, emotional and spiritual. 


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Just now, spiritual memes said:

Attraction is biological... and mental, emotional and spiritual. 


Mental, emotional and spiritual cannot override biological. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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