
Why do female like rude men?

99 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I would much prefer a caveman. He will know how to take care of stuff. At least he will protect me from rape. 

Who told you that a caveman will know how to take care of stuff in this modern world?! :D:D:D 

When you nag your caveman for screwing something up, the beatings come for free!! 

Edited by mr_engineer

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1 minute ago, mr_engineer said:

Who told you that a caveman will know how to take care of stuff in this modern world?! :D:D:D 

When you nag your caveman for screwing something up, the beatings come for free!! 

Not necessarily. This is a huge myth. I've been with tough men. They did not beat me. They were protective of me in fact. Some guys who are physically strong can be abusive. The woman has a choice to drop such men. But there are men who are tough on the out  but gentle in their hearts. And what about mental abuse? I had been with a beta guy. He would regularly bug me with his insecurities to the point I couldn't work. He would constantly make up stories that weren't true. He was extremely stressful to deal with. He would compare himself to other men and keep telling me how he never liked himself. It became a headache because he began to be very negative and there was no happiness in the relationship with his constant complaints. He would never take action to change himself. Always bitter, whiny and never sharing a laugh. It drains you at some point. I broke up with him and he began stalking me at my workplace. He would call me in the middle of the night when I was dog tired. At last he forgot me and left me for good. That relationship was a nightmare. He wasn't a caveman and he was good at technology like your software guys, but his constant negativity and complaining was driving me insane. 

You're wrong about many things. Alpha men take responsibility which makes matters easier for women. Saying that all alpha men are abusive is a cop out that most guys use as a way to avoid working on  themselves. 

It's like saying all successful people are cheaters. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@mr_engineer it actually goes both ways. There are healthy alpha who are strong and protective. There are unhealthy alpha men who beat women. They are healthy beta guys who understand and are gentle to their girl. They are unhealthy beta guys who constantly upset the girl with their negativity and lack of commitment. 

It goes both ways.. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson I'm talking about 'cavemen', men who are meatheads who don't have the brains that a software-guy would. And brains are pretty much everything in this complex world. That's what it takes to 'take care of things'! 

I'm not saying that others can't survive. I'm saying that if you want the strongest men, they are the software-developers. Technology is what separates humans from animals, at the end of the day. These are the actual alphas in the real world. 

And, cavemen have no brains, no impulse-control. These are not your 'protective alphas'. And, because they have physical strength, they will be abusive. That is a guarantee. 

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22 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

You're wrong about many things. Alpha men take responsibility which makes matters easier for women. Saying that all alpha men are abusive is a cop out that most guys use as a way to avoid working on  themselves. 

It's like saying all successful people are cheaters. 

What does 'having a sense of humor', 'sharing a laugh' and 'not whining and complaining' have to do with 'taking responsibility'? How is vulnerability antithetical to 'taking responsibility'?! 

I'm not justifying what he did. I'm trying to understand your reasons for breaking it. 

And, you talked about 'making matters easier'. Is that what you want? For things to be 'easy'? Cuz that's not reality. If you want a caveman who lives in a fantasy in which 'everything's easy', feel free to go for them. 'Taking responsibility' will be an easy choice for them! Until shit hits the fan. Then you'll feel betrayed by the moron you chose, who didn't think it through, cuz he was so simple-minded. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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37 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Saying that all alpha men are abusive is a cop out that most guys use as a way to avoid working on  themselves. 

If I ask you to describe an 'alpha man', you will 100% come up with some fantastical definition that doesn't match with reality. 

I challenge you to define 'alpha man' in realistic terms. 

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1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

You can't say that 'sex is important to you' and that 'sex is a part of humor' in one sentence. Cuz you've also said that strength is more important to you than humor! 

Pro tip when interacting with women…

Minimize the use of logic lol

You’ll never win an argument with a woman. Rather, relate to them on an emotional level. They think that’s real strong & sexy ;) 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

@Tyler Robinson I'm talking about 'cavemen', men who are meatheads who don't have the brains that a software-guy would. And brains are pretty much everything in this complex world. That's what it takes to 'take care of things'! 

This is a myth..Cavemen have brains. They're not that high IQ as someone who is educated but they are street smart. You don't need great education for a simple life. Does a pizza delivery guy need a doctorate? Absolutely not. In fact most common people have rudimentary skills and not much education yet they do good enough and get by in life somehow. Unless you are living in Silicon Valley where your software gymnastics could be put to good use. Other than that, most people live a simple life with simple needs. Basic technology is accessible to everyone and even the caveman has learned how to use a phone. All you need is a phone and internet. I don't even remember the last time I used the computer. 



I'm not saying that others can't survive. I'm saying that if you want the strongest men, they are the software-developers. Technology is what separates humans from animals, at the end of the day. These are the actual alphas in the real world. 

If technology is what separates humans from animals, then I would rather be on the side of animals, they're much gentler. 

So people who live in Amish community with little technology are Animals? 



And, cavemen have no brains, no impulse-control. These are not your 'protective alphas'. And, because they have physical strength, they will be abusive. That is a guarantee. 

No. Strong men have a protective side. I can't help you with your myths and beliefs. I speak from experience. I have been with strong dudes and yes they are protective alphas. It's very dogmatic to assume that someone who is physically strong is abusive. 

Guys learn karate or visit the gym, it's not always to punch someone. Maybe they do it to be protective husbands for their wives and families. You have some eccentric ideas about men. 

Dwayne Johnson is a physically strong guy. He is not abusive. 

A lot of strong men are gentle bears. 

You're loaded with projection. 


1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

What does 'having a sense of humor', 'sharing a laugh' and 'not whining and complaining' have to do with 'taking responsibility'? How is vulnerability antithetical to 'taking responsibility'?! 

You're talking about toxic behavior here. You're literally describing a parasite. To be vulnerable is one thing and I would highly appreciate if a guy cried to me. One of my exes did. However there's a huge difference between being vulnerable and soft in a moment of despair versus using the other  person as an emotional tampon, an emotional punching bag, using up all of their time and energy to unload all your problems on them day and night, completely draining and exhausting them with your nonsense and drama and not having even the slightest consideration for their health, time and life. It not only displays the behavior of an ingrate but is extremely selfish and exploitative. Who in the world would be happy with a person who complains day and night? Would you like a woman who constantly calls you all the time for help or keeps demanding things from you all the time. I'm sure you will run away from her on the 10th day. There's something called boundaries in relationships. You cannot take advantage of someone just because they love you. That's selfish. Having Vulnerability in a moment is fine. But constantly whining and complaining and never trying to bring any positivity is not Vulnerability but victim mentality and is generally synonymous with Vulnerable Narcissism, a type of cancer my second ex had and hopefully I never have to deal with that soul eating behavior again. It's worse than being raped and beaten. I was hospitalized because he wouldn't stop stressing me out with his problems for straight 15 days. I collapsed at the end of it and he had no mercy. Terribly selfish. 

If you want some woman for your selfish reasons (agreed that everyone has a selfish agenda, nobody is a Saint, but remember there are boundaries to how much devilry you can bring into a dynamic, if you're too selfish, people will automatically move away, can't blame them.), then don't have a relationship, you will save her a lot of trouble. Why have relationships just to unload all your problems? 

Relationships involve sharing and caring but within a certain boundary. It's not a buffet where you just keep eating and eating and let the other person be totally used by you. That's called exploitation not Vulnerability. 


I think this thread might benefit with your victim mentality. Read it. 



I'm not justifying what he did. I'm trying to understand your reasons for breaking it. 

Whatever I told you should be enough for you to know the reason why I broke it. He gave me no space and acted like a total parasite. He was shorter than me, not physically strong, so he did not beat me, he was a beta, I thought he would be nice but he was an insecure bloke who used me as a punching bag for his failures, frustrations and problems. And took advantage of my generosity in the name of Vulnerability. 


And, you talked about 'making matters easier'. Is that what you want? For things to be 'easy'? Cuz that's not reality.

A woman is not Hulk Hogan. She is not some Superwoman. A woman needs comfort. All women want comfort. No woman wants a life of misery or hardships. Have you ever seen a woman complain about 'wealth'? 

Most women want comfort, protection and safety. That's just how women are. 

Reality is that women choose stronger richer  men and then live a carefree life. Women who don't win the jackpot try to just get by. Reality is harder for men and it makes them stronger. When reality becomes harder for women, it makes them miserable and bitter and generally jealous of other luckier women. Men want challenges, women want comfort. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. 


If you want a caveman who lives in a fantasy in which 'everything's easy', feel free to go for them.

A caveman's life is not easy. He is always busy protecting his family and taking care of things. How can that be easy? But by doing harder stuff he is maintaining his manhood. 


'Taking responsibility' will be an easy choice for them! Until shit hits the fan. Then you'll feel betrayed by the moron you chose, who didn't think it through, cuz he was so simple-minded. 

He is exactly the kind of guy who can take responsibility. When shit hits the fan, guys like you won't be able to protect their women from being raped because you don't even know how to punch. 


49 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

If I ask you to describe an 'alpha man', you will 100% come up with some fantastical definition that doesn't match with reality. 

I challenge you to define 'alpha man' in realistic terms. 


I've described what alpha means to me in this post. However it may not align with the standard societal definition of alpha and that's fine. Every woman has her own version of what an alpha male means to her. 

So this is what alpha means to me. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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2 minutes ago, King Merk said:

Pro tip when interacting with women…

Minimize the use of logic lol


3 minutes ago, King Merk said:

You’ll never win an argument with a woman.

I already won. What she's saying is full of contradictions. 

3 minutes ago, King Merk said:

Rather, relate to them on an emotional level. They think that’s real strong & sexy ;) 

I swear, that is the easy way out. How do you filter out the morons, though?! You need someone with a brain to commit to. Cuz you need to know you can trust her. 

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1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

You can't say that 'sex is important to you' and that 'sex is a part of humor' in one sentence. Cuz you've also said that strength is more important to you than humor! 

I don't think you read me right. You make your own assumptions. I never said sex is a part of humor. I never said one is important than another. 

I said a strong man can be both sexy and humorous. He can have all the qualities that a woman wants. 

I said humor has its own place and time. I didn't say that he shouldn't be humorous. 

I don't know what you're reading. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Sex is important to me. I never dated a software engineer. If I interacted with them, I found that they couldn't say romantic things or couldn't tickle me. Conversations with them got boring very quickly. 

Keeping things interesting is important in a relationship or else feelings never develop in the first place or people lose interest. 

A guy who is sexy is always interesting. 

This was a reply to a point I was making, calling BS on the point of 'sense of humor'. And, what I was saying there, was that the pick-up community emphasizes the importance of 'sense of humor' to get laid. Then, when I talk about sense of humor, you bring up sex! That's why I assumed you were making a connection there. 

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4 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:


I already won. What she's saying is full of contradictions. 

I swear, that is the easy way out. How do you filter out the morons, though?! You need someone with a brain to commit to. Cuz you need to know you can trust her. 

If your argument involves calling me a moron or brainless then you definitely won.




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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2 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

If your argument involves calling me a moron or brainless then you definitely won.



I didn't call you a moron. I said that I see being logical with women as important to filter out morons. 

And I'm pointing out contradictions in what you're saying. That's different from calling you a moron!! 

It's okay to take the L sometimes. Just saying. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Just now, mr_engineer said:

This was a reply to a point I was making, calling BS on the point of 'sense of humor'. And, what I was saying there, was that the pick-up community emphasizes the importance of 'sense of humor' to get laid. Then, when I talk about sense of humor, you bring up sex! That's why I assumed you were making a connection there. 

Iet me make it clear since saying it the 49th time didn't make it clear so I'll say it 50th time, 

Women need a man with 

Strength + sense of humor + great sex + domination + Vulnerability (but not victim) + social calibration. 


I think I'm done with this now


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Read this, print it out, and laminate it.


Edited by D2sage

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2 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Strength + sense of humor + great sex + domination + Vulnerability (but not victim) + social calibration. 

What's the priority out of all of these for you specifically? 

It's unrealistic to find someone who's a 10 on all of these scales. 

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3 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

What's the priority out of all of these for you specifically? 

It's unrealistic to find someone who's a 10 on all of these scales. 

My priority? 

Sex and domination. Because my highest need is intimacy. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

My priority? 

Sex and domination. Because my highest need is intimacy. 


Sex, domination or intimacy? 

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Just now, mr_engineer said:

Sex, domination or intimacy? 

My God. I can't. Intimacy means sex. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Just now, Tyler Robinson said:

My God. I can't. Intimacy means sex. 



You can have intimacy with a best friend too. You can be vulnerable with them, be open with them and have them be with you. And that can be fully platonic, with sexual boundaries. 

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