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Everyone lives in an alternate reality, even you probably

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I realised talking to a friend earlier this week that everyone has their specific ideology and this is put onto the world and becomes how they see and interact with the world, its like Google glasses. The friend in question was a fairly recent convert to redpill ideology after a bad relationship, the main crux of his argument was that there are no good women anymore and their standards are too high, they're selfish in relationships etc. When I pushed back a little and asked if he's actually approaching and meeting women to test these theories first hand, he told me that he has a fear of approaching and has never actually done it. Which got me thinking all of his beliefs as far as he knows, could have no real world implications for him, he could actually approach women learn that some are great some are not, same as all people, and maybe even meet someone he really likes. In the absence of doing that though he's entrenched in this belief system that also gives him a pass for not doing the thing he's scared of, also even if he does meet someone he will bring this ideology into the relationship which could also affect the success of it. Now when he sees things happen that other people may have a different interpretation of, he would draw it back to red pill, for example if his friends girlfriend leaves them it's because she probably found someone better and women are hypergamous by nature, in reality maybe she really tried to make it work and the guy didn't treat her very well, in his alternate reality it would be hard for him to believe.


This got me thinking, everyone wears their own set of ar glasses, even people into spirituality or It may not be the intention of the teacher to give everyone these glasses, although it usually is, but the teacher themselves may not be aware of their own biases which then filter into their teachings.


There are common traits they all of have, all of them believe they have the one truth, anyone that denies this is either a sheep or an enemy of 'truth'. They have a varied following that range from sympathisers to extremists, where you rank is usually based on how vulnerable or unhappy you are with your reality before getting into the ideology, so if you were having family problems, depressed, not doing anything productive, the ideology can help with all these things and change your state for which in turn you offer your unwavering loyalty. If you notice, most ideologies offer a self-improvement aspect, which is further proof that the current mainstream doesn't care about you. Redpill says you should work out and be better, religions will teach you how to be an upstanding man or woman, black pill even says you should looksmaxx. If your state does change because of this advice its likely that you'll then follow anything else that's said. If your life wasn't that bad to begin with you probably won't go top far down the rabbit hole as you're not trying to escape from anything.


Whats also quite ironic is that the mainstream is actually the tamest alternate reality despite being a lot of ideologies' big bad. It is definitely an ar but it doesn't have any hard prescriptions, mainly because it's bound to certain standards which it could be sued for if it breaches, they can spin things but can't out and out lie. There are biases within it as well of course but they are somewhat hidden in comparison to say YouTube ideologies. Conspiracy theorists will say turn off the TV, which is fine but then they'll say 'listen to us, our matrix the truth'.


One final note, all ideologies have truth in them, which is what makes them compelling but none of them are 'true' holistically. So if you want to be Neo you have to seperate yourself from all ideologies and just take what is true, the biggest test is to take what you learn and see how it holds up in the real world, that is the true redpill.

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we start off as us vs them then mature into us is them

Edited by gettoefl

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