
Sweden Has now Higher Crime Rate than USA

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@Leo Gura Maybe show us some time how to be healthy green without being SJW. Nobody is doing that. I think a lot of people want to be green but are repelled by cringe and militant leftists. Leading them to either be liberals or the radical right, which both suck. People are just lost nowadays epistemologically and politically. It’s a recipe for upcoming disaster.

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I've had similar conversations to this with my stage green friend. She thinks I've become a racist right winger ?

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Honestly, Leo needs more stage green integration. I have never seen him asking for pronouns here xD

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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All you people calling Leo racist here are nuts. I love diversity and think it's a net positive for most societies in general, by I too- don't want to live in an ethnic enclave. In Sydney, Australia there are quite a few suburbs that are 90% middle eastern and while I hope these people get access to good healthcare, good schools for their kids etc. YOU would be the one out of place living there.

There are cultural anomalies that are weird as fuck like people walking around shouting at each other when just talking, the air smells like spices from their countries (coming from the restaurants and shops), and there's almost no english signage anywhere. I've got no hate against these people but I would not choose to live alongside them, purely for my own comfort. If it was a regular neighbourhood with only 10% of these ethnicities that's completely fine and wouldn't give me that weirded out feeling of being in another country within my own home country.

Edited by whatishappeningtome

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6 hours ago, Yali said:


you're just being too honest about your racism.

@Leo Gura


You're being incredibly naive if you think most people aren't slightly racist. The reality is that most people will never admit it - not even to themselves!

The majority of the people in the UK probably have similar views to Leo's. But no one would say that of course. Most people around today are still slightly homophobic. But no one is gonna say that either. 

There's subtly and nuance to be recognized here.

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5 hours ago, Jake Chambers said:

@Leo Gura Maybe show us some time how to be healthy green without being SJW. Nobody is doing that. I think a lot of people want to be green but are repelled by cringe and militant leftists. Leading them to either be liberals or the radical right, which both suck. People are just lost nowadays epistemologically and politically. It’s a recipe for upcoming disaster.

I have been demonstrating healthy Green with my political stances. Conservatives have been giving me shit for it ever since I started speaking out against Trump and saying that the left is more developed than the right. I get a lot of shit for saying that. Yet I say it cause it needs to be said.

One of the problems with Green is that it loves to eat its own allies if they don't fully support Green group-think. Green has some bad ideas about racism.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 2022-09-16 at 10:32 PM, D2sage said:


Sweden right now is not a fun place to be in. This is due to illegal immigration but you are apparently a nazi if you state facts.

People get shot during day time. Outside of preschool with traumatized children to shopping malls and crowded streets.

Cops are pussies, not allowed to use necessary tools. Criminals get better food in prison than the elderly.

Criminals get treated as victims sometimes far too often.

Highest gas/tax price in the world, but what do we get? Huge penis repeatedly in the butt by the government.

Once Vikings, but now some can't even decide whether they are a man or a female.

This is fucking depressing.


Wow, this thread got big.

Are you a swede? I'm a swede.

I don't want to read all the posts here but I'll say a few short things..

On 2022-09-16 at 10:32 PM, D2sage said:

Sweden right now is not a fun place to be in. This is due to illegal immigration but you are apparently a nazi if you state facts.

It's not because of illegal immigration, it's because of legal immigration.

About 2 weeks there was election in Sweden. And the right wing/conservatives won, which I voted for. (The right wing in Sweden isn't as bad as right wing in USA).

More precisely I voted for the party "Moderaterna" (M).

The new right wing government will make things better.

They will cut down on the (legal) immigration. And they will make the laws tougher and give the police more powers, etc.

So you actually picked a weird time to complain about the criminals in Sweden. You should have done it earlier.

This is the time for celebration, because everything will get better with the new government ?

Edited by Blackhawk

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump and saying that the left is more developed than the right

Most extreme lefties are pro-immigration but live far away from immigrants.

And as soon as someone talks about mass immigration policies their emotions take over and they must twist it and bring up the racist card. It's childish.

Maybe the left is more developed in the USA but it looks different overseas.

Edited by D2sage

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7 minutes ago, D2sage said:

Most extreme lefties are pro-immigration but live far away from immigrants.

And as soon as someone talks about mass immigration policies their emotions take over and they must twist it and bring up the racist card. It's childish.

Maybe the left is more developed in the USA but it looks different overseas.

I agree.

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7 hours ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

how can you claim to be at stage turquoise but hold stage blue racist predjucies?

Dude, stop this 0 nuance bullshit

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@Tyler Robinson @Yali Off topic, but can mods check out these users please? I swear, the way they write, reminds me of a few banned users here. I thought double accounts are prohibited in this forum?

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15 hours ago, Yali said:

A proper racist acts our on their biases, a closet racist hides their biases.

You've admitted that you have biases you don't act out on, so that would make you a closet racist.

@Leo Gura

preferences arn't racism

you don't control the former; it is hard-wired

how you treat people determines the later

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Sweden right now is not a fun place to be in. This is due to illegal immigration 

If Immigration is ONE FACTOR according to you, then state that in your paragraph.

One factor does not equal THIS IS DUE TO X

Your emotional bias & desire to be contrarian is very obvious from the get go, I really doubt your just "stating the facts".



Edited by Optimized Life

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20 hours ago, Jake Chambers said:

Yeah its touchy cause I see you as an intelligent pioneer of society who has some responsibility to lead people in the right direction. Do you think Sadhguru would speak like this? 

Leo is just a dude who smokes DMT & occasionally makes useful self help videos, don't overvalue him, he makes excellent videos yes but that says nothing about his quality of character. 


Edited by Optimized Life

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20 hours ago, Jake Chambers said:

You first have to lead your followers through the forest of Green before you can show them the hills of Yellow. 

You're fucking corny haha. 

So cult like. 

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On 19.9.2022 at 2:21 AM, Leo Gura said:

If you are very honest, most people are racist. It's just wired into the human mind. Nothing surprising about that.

Do you hold the belief that racism is natural/wired? I was thinking that since there are and have been societies where race or skin color is not a big deal at all, where it is just one attribute like the color of your eyes or hair; that would mean that racism might just be a unique phenomenon in some cultures. 


I think that if we believe it is something natural and wired into the human mind, then we will collectively not be as proactive in trying to change that tendency in our societies. If we see it as a social construction to begin with (which it might be) then we can at least have the collective vision of slowly removing racism from our minds, society and our intitutions. 

Tribalism ≠ racism

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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@TheAlchemist When you feel weird seeing another person skin color or facial features , or you cannot imagine yourself as having a darker skin tone, this is racism. Even the feeling of belonging to a certain race is in itself racism. We are wired as humans to have these feelings, obviously to make communites of Us vs other communities. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@LSD-Rumi My point is that Us vs. Them is wired, but racism might not be. Us vs. Them is tribalism, but we can easily, and commonly do identify people of different race/skin color as being part of our tribe. The racism is when we categorize some arbitrary physical feature like skin color as being representative of a certain "them" group. In the right historical conditions you could brew a culture where prejudice develops against red haired people, just because that physical attribute was attached to a "them" group in peoples minds and they learned  to immediately "feel weird" when they saw it.

Children don't "feel weird" about people with different skin color. I lived abroad in the middle east as a kid and went to a school with people from all over the world. As children going to school together, being part of the same "tribe" there was not even a thought about someone being different because of their skin color, or any other physical attributes. Children of all skin colors and so called races played together sonce they were part of the same tribe. In that environment, that weird feeling you speak of might have come up if strangers or people from another school/tribe appeared, no matter the skin color.

So my point is that racism is likely not wired, as we can clearly see with the redhead example and the existence of multiracial tribal "us" groups. With skin color, compared to other physical attributes it is so deeply entrenched in modern western minds and culture, so it is hard to see. But tribalism, us vs. them thinking, surely is wired and very "human".

18 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@TheAlchemist When you feel weird seeing another person skin color or facial features , or you cannot imagine yourself as having a darker skin tone, this is racism. Even the feeling of belonging to a certain race is in itself racism. We are wired as humans to have these feelings, obviously to make communites of Us vs other communities. 

Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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Sweden is right now experiencing the first stage in transitioning to yellow from green. We have a problem with immigration and even more so integration. Because of this,  there is a cultural war taking place which also mirrors the war between the masculine and feminine. What the swedish society is about to learn is that we need both perspectives which in other words is nuance.

Stage greens problem is that its trying to stop denial with denial. It doesn't work! Sweden has big problems, but our problems will funnily enough be our solution and salvation.


"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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