Scientific Bs Is Holding Me Back from Starting Pickup

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The last period of my life i have been learning more and more about game, pickup , etc. Also i have been doing a practice where i ask people for directions when i go outside for a walk.

I am still not ready to pickup a woman. I need more preparation. Every day i see that pickup is more and more a possibility for me. It seemed like an impossibility not long ago.

Anyways the #1 thing holding me back if a lot of scientism type of crap that i have read/listened/watched online. 

For example i read a book and watched many vids from an evolutionary pscychologist named David Buss. And he cites multiple times how basically women are attracted so much to resources and men with position of power.

There is definitely a lot of truth to that but i have seen evidence that go contrary to that. I don't have much money and power and this is why i am afraid to start pickup.

I have this belief in my head that if i had more money then everything would be so easy for me with women. But from what i've learned so far this is an illusion..

Moreover, i've heard from this David Buss scientist that if you get many rejections , it lowers your mate value, your self confidence and etc.

All this has left be very fearful of crumbling when i get rejected by a girl.. These scientistis have never done pickup or dated more than a handful of women. Yet they act like they know stuff. Its so frustrating.


Edited by SQAAD

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That kind of science thinking is extremely biased and limited, just let loose, just practice presence and recognize that those are thoughts.

It does help, and just go with the flow, don't take it so personally either, just look at it as a way to evolve you and make you more confident in your self and that the limiting beliefs about power and money and status, is an extremely shallow view of reality and human attraction that it is like 1% of the entire spectrum, so you don't have to worry about that.


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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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2 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

That kind of science thinking is extremely biased and limited, just let loose, just practice presence and recognize that those are thoughts.

It does help, and just go with the flow, don't take it so personally either, just look at it as a way to evolve you and make you more confident in your self and that the limiting beliefs about power and money and status, is an extremely shallow view of reality and human attraction that it is like 1% of the entire spectrum, so you don't have to worry about that.


That is good advice.

Unfortunately science creates this illusion of knowing and limits our minds in many ways . Many redpillers originate from scientism type of thinking. Science has done a lot of good but its not without its harms.

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

For example i read a book and watched many vids from an evolutionary pscychologist named David Buss. And he cites multiple times how basically women are attracted so much to resources and men with position of power.

Don't worry about that.

Pick up was basically designed to mimic status. If you are good at pick up your behaviours will elicit very similar responses to that what status/power/money elicits.

Well executed pick up creates a sense of social proof (which is a type of status) even when you are just by yourself, because your behaviours then indicate that you must have been successful with women and treated well by people in the past, otherwise you wouldn't be able to behave so socially confident and savvy.

This doesn't mean that you should walk around in some potato sack with holes in it and have all your front teeth missing. You should obviously take some care of yourself.

Also it is of course helpful to have status/power, but it is not NEEDED to get laid. 

Interestingly there can be men who are financially very successful but still suck with women and there can also be broke scumbags who take hot girls home. You just must be persistent with your practice, learn from your mistakes and not immediately give up when you fail to then blame it on your lack of "resources".

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@Federico del pueblo

20 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:

Don't worry about that.

Pick up was basically designed to mimic status. If you are good at pick up your behaviours will elicit very similar responses to that what status/power/money elicits.

Well executed pick up creates a sense of social proof (which is a type of status) even when you are just by yourself, because your behaviours then indicate that you must have been successful with women and treated well by people in the past, otherwise you wouldn't be able to behave so socially confident and savvy.

This doesn't mean that you should walk around in some potato sack with holes in it and have all your front teeth missing. You should obviously take some care of yourself.

Also it is of course helpful to have status/power, but it is not NEEDED to get laid. 

Interestingly there can be men who are financially very successful but still suck with women and there can also be broke scumbags who take hot girls home. You just must be persistent with your practice, learn from your mistakes and not immediately give up when you fail to then blame it on your lack of "resources".

Thanks for the helpful advice. My biggest fear is rejection. But the reason i fear it is because i've heard that it can destroy your self confidence and lower your mate value. I've heard it from a scientist but i do not buy it completely.

I have been rejected in the past and it has not affected me if i process it the right way. Any thoughts on fear of rejection? I fear that i may get very damaged emotionally from rejections. Thats my biggest fear in pickup.

Edited by SQAAD

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37 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


That is good advice.

Unfortunately science creates this illusion of knowing and limits our minds in many ways . Many redpillers originate from scientism type of thinking. Science has done a lot of good but its not without its harms.

I know, the fasad of science is really hard to break, because for whatever objection you throw up, there is usually an answer for it.

But keep just making your experience more absolute then learned knowledge and conciousness will reveal more and more to you in that sense, just relax, take it easy, you are growing and evolving in your skills, you are you, be proud and humble about that and the ladies will pick up on that, and you will feel good in yourself as well whether you get a hookup or not, I think that you are brave to be honest! Keep working and keep evolving, but don't forget to smile and enjoy the process no matter the results.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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19 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

I know, the fasad of science is really hard to break, because for whatever objection you throw up, there is usually an answer for it.

But keep just making your experience more absolute then learned knowledge and conciousness will reveal more and more to you in that sense, just relax, take it easy, you are growing and evolving in your skills, you are you, be proud and humble about that and the ladies will pick up on that, and you will feel good in yourself as well whether you get a hookup or not, I think that you are brave to be honest! Keep working and keep evolving, but don't forget to smile and enjoy the process no matter the results.


Thanks for the encouraging words.

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Dude, women will sleep with scumbags, deadbeats, and scrubs like no one is looking.

All you need to get women is charm.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

My biggest fear is rejection.

As is the case for 99% of guys.

3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

But the reason i fear it is because i've heard that it can destroy your self confidence

Not if you go about it with the right mindset (see below).

3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I've heard it from a scientist but i do not buy it completely.

That scientists probably hasn't gotten laid from night game even just once in his lifetime. Anyway this seems like tribe psychology. It doesn't work like this in the modern day and age as soon as your tribe (city) has enough people so that not everybody knows you.

You could have been rejected 5000 times and a girl wouldn't even know.

3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I fear that i may get very damaged emotionally from rejections.

Rejections will sting a little bit (or significantly) in the beginning, but you can desensitize yourself over time.

When you get rejected accept the pain in the moment (don't try to force the pain away), then see if you can find something to be proud of.

Or find something that was funny about the approach/reaction. Make this fun. Don't try to create this perfect seducer type of self image. Rather laugh about the bullshit that happens.

Like, when you get an immediate blank kind of rejection you just say in your head "yeeeeaaah, here comes the MASTER PUA, MPUA, MPUA! (in a joking way)"

Also Rsd Tyler once said something along the lines of "ok, here's how rejection works...you get rejected and it stings, then you get rejected a few hundred more times and thus you just care less and less, until you've stopped caring altogether.

Once you've stopped caring about rejection, you look like you don't care...and when you look like you don't care then you look like you're getting laid...and when you look like you're getting laid you'll get laid".

Hope this helps :)

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, women will sleep with scumbags, deadbeats, and scrubs like no one is looking.

All you need to get women is charm.

Is this true?? Or is this like a thing from the pua community used to say to sell their products 

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15 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

Is this true?? Or is this like a thing from the pua community used to say to sell their products 

I see women sleep with the douchiest guys. Honestly it has ruined my respect for women.

So you have nothing to worry about :D

A woman will sleep with anyone who makes her feel emotional.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I see women sleep with the douchiest guys. Honestly it has ruined my respect for women.

@Leo Gura And we sleep with super hot women who have extremely bad ethics & moral development as well. It's not like hot women are all saints

When I see a hot woman with a shitty behaviour I get disgusted, not turned on personally. I will take less attractive but better morals woman any day of the week. Though in this situation the whole notion of "attractiveness" gets hijacked, these woman are not really that attractive, unless you are a scumbag yourself

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Federico del pueblo 

On 16/9/2022 at 7:58 PM, Federico del pueblo said:

That scientists probably hasn't gotten laid from night game even just once in his lifetime. Anyway this seems like tribe psychology. It doesn't work like this in the modern day and age as soon as your tribe (city) has enough people so that not everybody knows you.


These scientists have never done pickup in their entire lifetime. All they have done is read a bunch of books and studies. And sure they have some direct experience with women. But still it is extremely limited. Despite all of this they still act like they know everything and its frustrating.

Human nature is much more complicated than any study or book can capture.

On 16/9/2022 at 7:58 PM, Federico del pueblo said:

As is the case for 99% of guys.


I guess the other 1% are psychopaths like Ted Bundy ahahahaha. Ted didn't need no pickup. He created his own unique way of getting laid (lol).

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Most guys focus on the wrong things. They focus on making themselves look more physically attractive without paying any attention to neediness or meeting their own emotional or psychological needs, and a lot of guys put the focus on making more money, because they think that if they have more money, then, magically, women will be attracted to them rather than just use them or attract gold diggers with it or attract women who want to go on shopping sprees, right?


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On 9/16/2022 at 11:48 AM, Hello from Russia said:

And we sleep with super hot women who have extremely bad ethics & moral development as well. It's not like hot women are all saints

What's funny though is that a guy will sleep with anything with a hole because that serves his survival.

A woman is supposed to be more choosy. And yet she chooses so poorly. It boggles my mind.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@SQAAD Just go out in the street and see that hot girls have all type of boyfriends. Sure some of them might be guys with a lot of status/power but a lot of them too are just normal fucking guys like you. Just look and stop reading so many books. Good luck.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Leo Gura

18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What's funny though is that a guy will sleep with anything with a hole because that serves his survival.

A woman is supposed to be more choosy. And yet she chooses so poorly. It boggles my mind.

I guess what you mean by poorly is anything other than qualities that lead to resource acquisition and resources themselves.

There is something to be said about this. Each sex competes for the characteristics that the other sex finds attractive. Women care about beauty. Because thats what men want.

And most males care about becoming rich and powerful. There are not many Gandhis and Buddhas walking around . Because thats not what  females want.

If women did not value money , power , fame , prestige and all this stuff then no male human chimp would bother acquiring millions or even billions of dollars. And in the process cause enormous pain and misery to others.

I doubt Genghis Khan or Alexander the 'Great' (great butcher and narcissist) would go into all this effort to kill so many people if it wasn't for women. (I know that when they conquered the territories, women did not have much choice but what about drug lords who have tons of females?)

The main reason why males wanna become drug lords, billionaires, and etc is just because so they can get females. And sure they do. 

Imagine if tomorrow all females said to billionaires and drug lords


''You are too egotistical and have way more money than you need.


You are not getting any p*ssy'. We are gonna give it only to conscious human beings who care about others, the animals, the environment, etc.

This would change the entire game and make life better for more people. Noone would care to have more than others.

I cannot blame women. I know. Their brains just get hacked. All of our brains get hacked by inputs.  But we cannot deny that women play a huge role in all this violence. Males perpetuate the violence. Females pick the 'winner' though. Who is usually the most ruthless. Hitler sure did not have any problem mating. Nor any other sc*m of the earth who happens to have tons of power.

I believe females are responsible for much of the unconsciousness of this planet. They choose who they mate with. Especially today. Plus they grow the children. Males are notoriously known for spending the least amount of time with children lol.


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19 hours ago, Raze said:

and a lot of guys put the focus on making more money, because they think that if they have more money, then, magically, women will be attracted to them rather than just use them or attract gold diggers with it or attract women who want to go on shopping sprees, right?

Those are the worst type of women... Leo says that not all women like that. I believe it because i know from experience too. But a large quantity of women are like that. They need a male provider so they can buy all their expensive crap to remain beautiful. Its really insane. Especially if the women is stage Orange , then good luck...70% of the time she will probably care about how her a$$ and tits look. Its funny .

If you are doing this actualized work, marrying a woman below stage green is gonna lead to disaster probably.

Edited by SQAAD

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