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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

i've already noticed that when someone says they've taken psychedelics and repeats exactly what you say, i'm god, solipsism is the truth, this is like a videogame that i make so as not to get bored, you tell them: you got it, namaste. who knows if you're wrong . Sometimes you sound very profound, like the poem, sometimes very flat, superficial. Same as others here. We are limited, that's the human condition 

you need to be enlightened to be able to know who is enlightened.

Like an old saying:
"You need to become saint, to know what is a saint".

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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And really i don't think that of the degrees. There is only one awakening: to the infinite empty depth that is infinite full love that we are. Others are aspects of that, and they are infinite, so it's the same one level or another 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

you need to be enlightened to be able to know who is enlightened.

Like an old saying:
"You need to become saint, to know what is a saint".

No, you can be enlightened for 10 minutes, and after get limited again. Be enlightened is break your limits, became infinite. When you are limited again, you remember, but the remembering fades, get corrupted. You have to be limitless again 

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Let me clear up some nonsense on this forum too after 500-1000 pyschedlic trips:

1) pyschedelics can show you Awakening - they don't make 'you' Awake

2) pyschedelics can show you Enlightenment - they can't Enlighten 'you'

3) pyschedelics can show you Truth - they don't make 'you' Truthful

When you get this, you'll get back to the real work

Edited by bambi

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

And really i don't think that of the degrees. There is only one awakening: to the infinite empty depth that is infinite full love that we are. 


If  a seeker is interested in the stages of spiritual awakening then he is not true seeker. Stages and destination are the way of ego. Ego wants to know the progress ,ego is always interested in numbers ( which stage am I in? ).

Buddha never asked this question and he attained the enlightenment when his all desires died including desire to be desireless(the last hook).

8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

No, you can be enlightened for 10 minutes, and after get limited again. Be enlightened is break your limits, became infinite. When you are limited again, you remember, but the remembering fades, get corrupted. You have to be limitless again 

The infinite is the finite .the limited is the unlimited. 

Form is emptiness. Emptiness Is form .

There is nothing to do and nowhere to go .

THIS here and now is all that is .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There are so many degrees of Awakening that it's beyond anyone's comprehension.

Are there not infinite degrees? If so, then what does "being Awake" mean? Obviously it couldn't be at some specific degree because there's always infinite more. Not even mentioning that the "degrees" aren't really countable.

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16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Buddha never asked this question and he attained the enlightenment when his all desires died including desire to be desireless(the last hook).

Yeah, the desires are the limits. they form the self which is the illusion of being limited. what at this moment is creating the fiction that I am a person writing. it's just the infinite reality being, right now. but enlightenment for me is not what leo says: to know things. I know that only I exist, I know that I am creating this for this reason, etc. enlightenment is to be what you really are, what you have always been if you erase the form you are creating with the energy of desire. that is you, the infinite, which is love and intelligence without limits, but above all it is you. you recognize yourself in it, back home. 

But...there is more. You can go deeper, as leo says, and it's fascinating. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

but enlightenment for me is not what leo says: to know things. I know that only I exist, I know that I am creating this for this reason, etc. enlightenment is to be what you really are, what you have always been if you erase the form you are creating with the energy of desire. that is you, the infinite, which is love and intelligence without limits, but above all it is you. you recognize yourself in it, back home.

The ultimate level of spirituality is reality. As far as we feel different levels of spirtituality, there is still someone in us, considering those levels as something important, something that leads us “to the end”.

But there is no end. Same as there never has been any beginning. From the point of view of separate self, there si practiced spirituality, there are spiritual acheivements, spiritual faults and spiritual successes.

But none of them are real, non of them are permanent. All of them will vanish with the physical death.

Spiritual experiencies are not important. Labeling, naming or evaluating spirituality is the path to hell. But if you want to be a spiritual guy, there is nothing wrong with it, same as there is nothing wrong to be an athlete or musician.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But if you want to be a spiritual guy, there is nothing wrong with it, same as there is nothing wrong to be an athlete or musician

It's not like that. It's the real thing, to unfold the reality, that is hidden. You are the obstacle that hidden the reality. It's not a game like be athlete

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@Breakingthewall why do you think Leo says that no one here is awake ?

Its like this: Not everyone needs to lift weights and get great body definition in order to be fit, right?

Some people might simply want to do some cardio, some Yoga and others might choose to not exercise at all. Your body will manage. Life will not be utterly miserable or anything. You won’t die.

But someone who wants to achieve the peak of fitness, health and shape will need to lift weights. Right?

So similarly, a spiritual awakening enhances your life experience; you live life at from a completely different level. But those who are not spiritually awakened might be living good lives too, and they might not even feel the need for an awakening. They are blissfully aware of the spiritual dimension, yet life feels good. IT IS NOT EVERYONE’S NEED TO AWAKEN IN THIS LIFETIME.

It’s not even everyone’s need to be spiritually inclined in this lifetime.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

why do you think Leo says that no one here is awake ?

Maybe because he loves to feel special? Don't forget he's a super star ?. Anyway, i love you Leo, and i admire your work 

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@Breakingthewall not to kiss Leo's ass..but he is the most awakend teacher that you find online nowadays. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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48 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall not to kiss Leo's ass..but he is the most awakend teacher that you find online nowadays. 

47 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall not to kiss Leo's ass..but he is the most awakend teacher that you find online nowadays. 

I don't think Leo is a teacher. He's a guy who explain his insights about spirituality and about life. Maybe a genius, an inspiration, but not a teacher. You can learn of him that the truth in inside you because you are the truth, and that it's possible to realize that doing psychedelic, more than enough. More that anything you could learn from other teachers.  But listen all his content about spirituality and adopt it as a belief worths nothing. Like any other belief 

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28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

But listen all his content about spirituality and adopt it as a belief worths nothing. Like any other belief 

He always insist and repeat in his videos to not take his teachings as a belief or an ideology and to verify everything he says in your own direct experience. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 hours ago, Sincerity said:

If so, then what does "being Awake" mean?

It means you got way further to go.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It means you got way further to go.

That I'm aware of :P

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

you need to be enlightened to be able to know who is enlightened.

2 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall not to kiss Leo's ass..but he is the most awakend teacher that you find online nowadays. 

Ironic ;)

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14 hours ago, axiom said:

However, since infinity cannot be circumscribed, taken literally “God Realisation” is an egoic misapprehension which will perpetuate the illusion infinitely - like being drawn into a Mandelbrot Zoom and expecting to reach the end.


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