
Is Toxic Feminism Finally Dying Out?

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A student, who identifies as non-binary, at a school in Central Sweden did not want to be addressed as he or she but hen. A teacher at the school refused and the Discrimination thingy (DO) is now requesting that the student receive compensation for the violation. 15,000USD

Sweden had in the past a radical feministic political party who have made it possible to put a man in jail by lying they got raped. I know a girl who accused a man of rape because she wanted attention from her female social circle. There are countless cases. No evidence is needed and most of the men are jailed but not for long.

This happened a lot during the #metoo movement.

That political party had such radical ideas they wanted to become real. For example, they wanted to introduce a male tax. Imagine paying taxes just for being a man. Wanted to teach and brainwash kids in school that gender is a social construct and god knows what.

But now after the Swedish election, the right-wing is in charge and the radical feminist party did basically get 0 votes and now they are not in the parliament doing crazy stuff.

Seems like radical feminism is finally dying.

Edited by D2sage

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You shouldn't shout hello until you get over the creek / Man ska inte ropa hej förrän man kommit över bäcken.

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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Honestly, there are bigger issues in the world than toxic feminism and extremely left wing ideology. It isn't really that big of an issue. There are always going to be extreme people in all political ideologies, and the right wing extreme is far worse than the left wing extreme.

The worst examples you could come up with for the extreme left are fines for not obeying pronouns, male tax, and sending men to jail when they're accused without super concrete evidence. Yea, maybe these things are kinda dumb, but the right wing extreme wants things like genocide, segregation, eugenics and minimal tax for the absurdly wealthy.

It isn't really comparable

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I know a passionate feminist and she told me that healthy feminism is only interested in equality. So even fighting for mens rights is part of healthy feminism. People are always opportunistic. Meaning when they get power they try to abuse it. Just look at what we are doing to our environment. Naturally reality will teach a lesson so we have to adapt and that’s also true to unhealthy feminism which won’t survive. 

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16 hours ago, something_else said:

Honestly, there are bigger issues in the world than toxic feminism and extremely left wing ideology. It isn't really that big of an issue. There are always going to be extreme people in all political ideologies, and the right wing extreme is far worse than the left wing extreme.


Basically this.

If radical Green feminism is your biggest problem, you’re doing pretty well overall.

Which is not to say it shouldn’t be addressed. But let’s put it in its proper context.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@D2sage Lool you have a link to an article that talks about the male tax? 

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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On 9/15/2022 at 7:53 AM, something_else said:

Honestly, there are bigger issues in the world than toxic feminism and extremely left wing ideology. It isn't really that big of an issue. There  always going to be extreme people in all political ideologies, and the right wing extreme is far worse than the left wing extreme.

The worst examples you could come up with for the extreme left are fines for not obeying pronouns, male tax, and sending men to jail when they're accused without super concrete evidence. Yea, maybe these things are kinda dumb, but the right wing extreme wants things like genocide, segregation, eugenics and minimal tax for the absurdly wealthy.

It isn't really comparable

You have no idea how bad the left wing extreme is, that's your bias at play. I've never agreed with Leo on this red is worse nonsense, extremism is extremism. Its like arguing who is worst a terrorist who blows you up, or one who indoctrinates your children to ingest poison for twenty years so they become sterile and can't reproduce.

The lesser of two evils game is foolish game to play. How about.... just calling out both sides and leave it at that.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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No. It’s actually become more popular than ever. 

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On 17/09/2022 at 0:37 AM, Razard86 said:

You have no idea how bad the left wing extreme is, that's your bias at play. I've never agreed with Leo on this red is worse nonsense, extremism is extremism. Its like arguing who is worst a terrorist who blows you up, or one who indoctrinates your children to ingest poison for twenty years so they become sterile and can't reproduce.

The lesser of two evils game is foolish game to play. How about.... just calling out both sides and leave it at that.

Give some more concrete examples of the problems caused by the extreme left then. Ones that are on the same level of toxicity and atrocity as genocide, nationalism, terrorism, curb-stomping people for their skin colour, discrimination, segregation, pedophile rings etc.

Of course there are problems with the left but in the whole it is progress for our society currently to move towards the left since we’ve been right biased since the inception of humanity

Most of the time you see people talking about how bad the left is, or how the feminist SJW booger-men are out to destroy us, they are also the exact people who lose power with the progression of left wing ideology, which speaks volumes


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I’ll take toxic green over toxic red any day of the week and twice on sundays hahaha

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