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Thought Art

Canada’s Green Party has Self destructed

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I used to think that Canada needed a progressive party like the Green’s. However, their last leader Annemae Paul basically destroyed it by accusing her own party of racism and sexism instead of going about conflict resolution in a meaning full way. Totally idiotic. Imagine if Obama cried like that every time he faced racism by democrats or even republicans… 

I think it goes to show that being a leader, isn’t that same as being left/ progressive/ liberal etc… the Green’s need to find real leadership like, Obama or something. Someone who can handle the real adversity that comes with the difficulty and complexity of such a leadership position. 

Then, the next leader candidate as far as I can tell gets “misgendered” on a zoom call and… again breaks down and starts accusing HER OWN PARTY… considerably the most progressive part in Canada as being sexist, transphobic and racist. What is going on? To me this is what a right winged person would call being “libtards”.

Very disappointing I wasted a vote in them years back.


I am a little worried a lot of progressive politics is really just poor personal development, mental Illness and a social media induced idealistic morality that lacks any backbone and adversity quotient. There are things I resonate with with Jordan Peterson on this…. 


here is an article:

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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