I Hate Beautiful Women

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Don't take the title too literally. I don't actually hate them but more so despise them. 

Let me explain. The reason i don't like beautiful women is because a large quantity of those women are kinda narcissistic and full of themselves.

They have countless of options for possible mates.. They have insane power and value. A beautiful 18 year old woman with nice tits and butt has value wherever you throw her in the planet. Almost all males will wanna mate with her.

I see many of these beautiful women acting arrogant and narcissistic. Sometimes i feel good when i think that in few decades they will age and lose most of their value.

I am not redpill or anything. I recognize some of these egotistical narcissistic traits that they have in me too. My intention is to love them more. I don't wanna be a hateful person.

Any insights about this are highly appreciated.

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"Im not red pilled" yes you are ? accept it because whole post is self biased because if those women wants you opposite would be true you would love them!

Now since they dont want to have sex with you because you have no game, now you despise them ?

I mean i get it im just pointing out sneaky mind manuevers..

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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52 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

"Im not red pilled" yes you are ? accept it

I am not gonna accept something which is untrue. This is just your opinion.


52 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Now since they dont want to have sex with you because you have no game, now you despise them ?

I mean i get it im just pointing out sneaky mind manuevers..

You are not pointing out anything new to me. And i have had beautiful women being attracted to me in the past.

And i know many guys who have sex with countless of beautiful women, and still they despise them, lol.

I am more bothered by their narcissism and egotism rather than anything else. 


Edited by SQAAD

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52 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

I see many of these beautiful women acting arrogant and narcissistic. Sometimes i feel good when i think that in few decades they will age and lose most of their value.

Yes women who identify with their beauty in younger years will suffer immensely for it when they age. I wouldn’t want to be in their position. 

They can seem kind of arrogant but it’s just their survival mechanism. They have so many options that they have to filter it’s nothing personal. Imagine you were a popular film star and you could get pretty much any girl, would you give all the less attractive girls the same love and attention? They might think then that they have a chance to be your gf and then you have to avoid all kinds of cringe. Although I am not a popular film star I stopped giving girls I wasn’t into lovely dovely energy because they misunderstood.

If you want attention from beautiful girls you can increase your value. Girls are way more limited in that. 

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4 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

You are not pointing out anything new to me. And i have had beautiful women being attracted to me in the past.

And i know many guys who have sex with countless of beautiful women, and still they despise them, lol.

I am more bothered by their narcissism and egotism rather than anything else. 


Of course some girls can overdo it with their arrogance but you should have pity for them because they aren’t happy. 
"You can’t hit a nail in empty space“. Somehow this really triggers you. If it were just "an objective discovery“ you wouldn’t be angry about it. Somehow you are involved in that which triggers your feelings towards beautiful women. 

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@SQAAD You are right

You should be also bothered  by the mother bird dropping their babies from nests...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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What you interpret as narcissism in hot girls is likely just their mechanism for filtering out guys who they feel aren't worth their time. If you are shy and not that confident in yourself, a confident hot girl will just steamroll you.

Those girls will probably end up with guys who don't treat them especially differently from regular girls and can handle their sass/confidence. The way you are thinking, putting them on a pedestal, does not serve you. Bear that in mind.

And honestly, I kinda enjoy it when I see actual narcissism in attractive girls because it reminds me that no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. In their case their flaw is their narcissism.

There are also plenty of hot girls who aren't narcissistic, too. In fact, probably most of them. The narcissistic hot girls you may see on social media are not typically representative of girls in general. In my experience most girls are actually pretty insecure, even hot girls.


Edited by something_else

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hatred is but lack of understanding

beauty can be seen as the worse curse imaginable through the correct lens

its burden is that people refuse to see the real you only the you to serve their base ends

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Stop being a devil. Stop comparing yourself with others. This is a downwards spiral.

There will always be people who won the genetic lottery, have more power, more money, more sex.

Focus on yourself because everything else is fruitless anyways.


When you practice comparing yourself to others you will feel bad and lacking.

When you practice gratefulness you will feel good and abundant.

Your decision.

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Don't take the title too literally. I don't actually hate them but more so despise them. 

Let me explain. The reason i don't like beautiful women is because a large quantity of those women are kinda narcissistic and full of themselves.

They have countless of options for possible mates.. They have insane power and value. A beautiful 18 year old woman with nice tits and butt has value wherever you throw her in the planet. Almost all males will wanna mate with her.

I see many of these beautiful women acting arrogant and narcissistic. Sometimes i feel good when i think that in few decades they will age and lose most of their value.

I am not redpill or anything. I recognize some of these egotistical narcissistic traits that they have in me too. My intention is to love them more. I don't wanna be a hateful person.

Any insights about this are highly appreciated.

The advice would be to get good with girls.

Once you can get laid with girls of that calibre somewhat regularly you won't hate them anymore.

If your game is good (and also some decent fashion and you're not a Desaster in life) you have enough value for these girls too.

That's why good game has so much to do with validation. These girls are so used to receiving tons of validation, thus they value the guy from which they can hardly get that validation, because he has options and standards etc., but who still might be attainable if they match his standards sufficiently.

That's what these girls respond to well, the guy who is not impossible but hard to win over, who's willing to walk away, unwilling to take her shit, who doesn't try to impress her and so on.

And don't be mad at these girls. It's good that it works the way it works. Like this, if you put in the work you can eventually have these girls whilst 97% of guys can't.

What do you think how much normal girls hate men because we value nice tits and booty so much, so that an average girl never has a chance against a very hot girl? That's even tougher than what men have to deal with. So be grateful you can do something about your situation.


Edited by Federico del pueblo

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Good looking high status men can also be arrogant, narcissistic because they know they have insane power and most women adore them. 

It's not even possible to get such dudes no matter how high value the woman is because these guys do the picking.. 

And these Men tend to dump women as soon as they find the next girl in que. 

At least beautiful woman stick to the asshole they dating. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Yeah, well, that's like 1 in 50 women.

Being born spoiled into an easy life is actually a curse. You shouldn't want it.

Also, a woman's value goes down, a man's value goes up. So you should be glad to be a man. It's way better to be a high value male at 40 than a high value girl at 20.

Hot women usually have very shallow existences. Sure, they get lots of sex easily, but sex gets old quickly and it does not satisfy the soul.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

"Im not red pilled" yes you are ? accept it because whole post is self biased because if those women wants you opposite would be true you would love them!

Now since they dont want to have sex with you because you have no game, now you despise them ?

I mean i get it im just pointing out sneaky mind manuevers..

ive slept with beautiful women and still despised them :shrug: most of them arent very good people

That comeback is played out 

Edited by Tron

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3 minutes ago, Tron said:

ive slept with beautiful women and still despised them :shrug: 

That comeback is played out 

What do you mean by comeback?


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, that's like 1 in 50 women.

Being born spoiled into an easy life is actually a curse. You shouldn't want it.

Also, a woman's value goes down, a man's value goes up. So you should be glad to be a man. It's way better to be a high value male at 40 than a high value girl at 20.

Hot women usually have very shallow existences. Sure, they get lots of sex easily, but sex gets old quickly and it does not satisfy the soul.

Love is more than just sex, just saying. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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7 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Love is more than just sex, just saying.

Of course. And these hot women struggle with finding love.

It's not good to be too good-looking because it makes your life too easy to the point where you are not forced to seriously develop yourself. It spoils you.

The amount of development I got from learning how to pursue sex is worth more than all the sex in the world. A hot woman is missing all that development. And pretty soon she will lose her good looks and wind up with very little.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Of course. And these hot women struggle with finding love.

Maybe they aren't being loved in the first place. How do you automatically come to the conclusion that they are shallow just because they are hot? What if the men who approach them only do so to simp them to get into their pants and don't offer them love? 

Would it be their fault that they never received healthy love from a guy? 

I was gamed by men for sex and I felt terrible. My only mistake being that I was looking for love and found it wherever I could. Yea you could say I was being reckless but life and love and dating doesn't come with a navigation map or manual. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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4 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Maybe they aren't being loved in the first place.

Of course. Because they are terrible at selecting men. Just awful.

I am just constantly stunned at how bad women are at selecting men.


How do you automatically come to the conclusion that they are shallow just because they are hot?

Because there is no pressure on them to actually work hard. Hot women can skate by in life with everyone giving them free shit.


What if the men who approach them only do so to simp them to get into their pants and don't offer them love? 

Of course. But that is the woman's responsibility.


Would it be their fault that they never received healthy love from a guy? 



I was gamed by men for sex and I felt terrible. My only mistake being that I was looking for love and found it wherever I could. Yea you could say I was being reckless but life and love and dating doesn't come with a navigation map or manual.

Yeah, it takes intelligence.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course. Because they are terrible at selecting men. Just awful.

Because there is no pressure on them to actually work hard. Hot women can skate by in life with everyone giving them free shit.

Of course. But that is the woman's responsibility.


Yeah, it takes intelligence.

You make it out to be about intelligence. But love can be much more complex than that. Yes I do agree that women can make poor choices in men. Yet love is very unpredictable. There are biological factors. You could have a guy who is extremely sweet and would make a decent partner and the woman might make a wise choice by having him, yet you forget that women are wired to be with men they are attracted to. She might just not be attracted to him. What is she to do? She can't feel loved by a man she isn't attracted to? And the men that she is genuinely attracted to sometimes turns out to be a total asshole. I don't think it's as cut and dry as making intelligent choices as you make it out to be, unless we're talking about compromising on attraction itself which is the hardest thing to do. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Don't hate hot people, they're only human like anyone else.  Just because it's easier for them for a time doesn't mean much.  Also 18 year olds are still teens, they aren't fully developed.  Children in general are still narcissistic.  You could argue that young people get exploited a lot for their looks.youth.  The entire system is designed to take energy and time and attention away from young people doing anything with themselves - drugs, booze, alcohol, social media, pointless nonsense pointed at this demographic to suck them dry.  Don't quote me on that, that's just how I feel. 

I was a really pretty young woman and I didn't know it until I got older.  Sometimes these girls literally have no idea that they are attractive, or even if they do, they're still riddled with insecurities.  A lot of them don't know - or do - that love for them is predicated upon how they look and not who they are.  There are benefits and drawbacks to being pretty.  When I was young and pretty, I had guys use me a lot.  I wasn't aware of how the world worked, either and made bad choices.  Women would often not want me around because they felt insecure around me.  Like they would just be pissed off because I was prettier, like there was anything I could do about that at all.  They didn't even bother to know that I still had struggles just like anyone else.

Don't be upset with hot women.  Just appreciate their beauty while they have it and be nice to them if you can.  Being mad at someone because you think they have an easy life or that they are getting more than you, or have higher value doesn't actually make your life any better.  Also, what if one of those women would have liked you, but you judged her life just on how she looked?  Many times, women who are pretty don't have a lot of female friends because women get catty with them, and the men are in it for the sex and not for who they are.  And then once they get older, the world drops them like a sack of potatoes.  You can grow up literally thinking the world is a friendlier place, only to find out later it was just because of your superficial shell.

Also, I don't like the way men are putting this, like still subtly making women like this out to be less - like they can't develop themselves or that older men gain more value than women who age.  It's like, we get it, we fucking get older and that's life - and I'm fine with it personally, can't focus on what you can't change too much, but it's like putting women down and still objectifying them based on their appearance, like this is the only thing that they have of value.  Kinda lame.  I'm okay with men gaining more value as they get older, don't get me wrong - unlike you guys I don't want another person's value to diminish over superficial things like that, but it's almost as if you're patting yourselves on the back or are relieved that it doesn't work that way for a woman. 

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