I Hate Beautiful Women

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On 9/13/2022 at 4:41 PM, SQAAD said:


I am more bothered by their narcissism and egotism rather than anything else. 


Narcissism and ego is always short lived. Their beauty won't last long and soon they are dumped and replaced another beautiful young woman.

Plus I don't think you would make this statement if you had plenty of beautiful sexual women being attracted to you the whole time.

Maybe you despise yourself for not being the male that attracts beautiful females consistently. Plus it's okay to have an ego if you can back it up.

What's truly annoying in women is  entitlement and having an ego when you have nothing to back it up. 

You should edit the title to not come off as misogynistic. 

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On 9/13/2022 at 7:11 AM, SQAAD said:


I am not gonna accept something which is untrue. This is just your opinion.


You are not pointing out anything new to me. And i have had beautiful women being attracted to me in the past.

And i know many guys who have sex with countless of beautiful women, and still they despise them, lol.

I am more bothered by their narcissism and egotism rather than anything else. 


The whole premise of the red pill, is literally based on a jealousy of the power of the feminine. Take it from a guy who was in the movement for 4 years before it became mainstream. You are red pill you are just in denial. You need to be more honest. You are afraid of being a hypocrite. Listen. You are a hypocrite. Reality...is hypocritical the moment you make a distinction. That means language is hypocrisy. That means if any of us judge you for being a hypocrite...it makes us hypocrites.

Do you want to know how to see through your b.s. easier? Realize. Every single human on the planet...is full of shit. Once you realize this...you can breathe a sigh of relief and wade through your own b.s. realizing that you are NO different for having shit, you are normal. Reality is a grand shitfest, in which God gets to know itself.

Now with that out of the way I totally understand your frustration but here is where you are missing it. Because most women who are beautiful have power from looks they rarely ever develop anything beyond it. As a result all their relationships become superficial. Additionally they have a distorted view early on what true value is as they are constantly being told that value is appearance. So how could they know true value is cultivated within when their environment is telling them something different? So they are imprisoned in a search for the exterior. Think about this? They are fooled into trying to find deepness in the exterior. So most learn no relationship skills so they suck at relating, they have an undeveloped ability to perceive the value of depth, and as a result of lacking said depth in their life they feel shallow and empty. Why do you think majority of them abuse drugs? 

So you see paradoxically ugliness or average appearance is actually a gift!! You start off on normal difficulty or hard difficulty and if you hang in there you win in the end!! Pretty people or people born rich struggle to learn the opposite part of life. Its why I laugh when people get jealous of rich and beautiful people, you guys have NO IDEA HOW MUCH THEY SUFFER! They suffer BAD!!! They are just great at HIDING IT!!

A lot of people on this forums do not understand how integrity works in life. You cannot escape yourself. If you engage in self-delusion you will suffer said delusion. The key to happiness in life is self-honesty, self-reflection. If you do not look in the mirror of your reflection and accept what you see, then that is the level you will suffer at. It doesn't matter how much sex you have, money, fame, whatever. You live life based on how you feel about yourself. NOTHING ELSE. You know if you are a liar, you know if you are lazy, you know if you are inauthentic, you know what you truly are but you play this game of pretend and you suffer that game.

^Keep pretending, you do love your suffering.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Most of the time when you actually sit down and talk with one of them you perceive as narcissistic and full of themselves, you'll discover another side.

Basically, stuff ain't what it seems at first glance.

Of course, there are stuck-up ladies full of themselves and that's an unattractive trait they have to pay for later in life.

Most guys who despite hot females usually have things in common like these below, but not limited to:

  • Do you smell like tuna or cheese?
  • Long nails?
  • Oily skin with a shiny forehead?
  • How is your posture? Crooked?
  • How is your voice tonality? Do you sound like a testosterone-free chimp?
  • Bad breath?

See, some guys will put the blame on the girls and perceive them as narcissistic because they can't handle the fact that the problem is you as a man.



Edited by D2sage

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6 hours ago, Tron said:

nah women are just dumb. nothing more to it

Do you mean your mother as well? 9_9


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@Tron You have to stop with that attitude,95% is just reaction and weakness not strenght so if i see you keep just being weak ill have to ban you i see when someone posts few messages that are toxic you are just doing that- reacting not learning or contributing to the forum we dont need that...

You make a good point one in a 10 post but broken clock works once right :)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@SQAAD hey. Well, wouldn't there be more honesty in simply saying - "I wanna fuck 'em"?

Really, anything in life that is 'something' to us, there is some forsaken part of us behind it. Find it, be honest about it, look at that shadow.

Best :)


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On 9/14/2022 at 2:06 AM, Tron said:

ive slept with beautiful women and still despised them :shrug: most of them arent very good people

That comeback is played out 

All good there?

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You're not being honest enough.

Look into your own perspective and emotional state first before blaming "others."

You might be frustrated for whatever reason. The "place" where that frustration occurs is where you've got to put your attention on, which is yourself.

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On 9/13/2022 at 5:57 AM, SQAAD said:

Let me explain. The reason i don't like beautiful women is because a large quantity of those women are kinda narcissistic and full of themselves.

They have countless of options for possible mates.. They have insane power and value. A beautiful 18 year old woman with nice tits and butt has value wherever you throw her in the planet. Almost all males will wanna mate with her.

Whats so threatening about a narcissist? Its just another shape a person can be.

Its like pointing to a rock and saying "I HATE YOUR SHAPE YOU SHOULD BE LIKE THAT OTHER ROCK OVER THERE".

Whats the difference? Its another shape its another form its made of rock its made of love. 

The difference is your shaped into something that doesn't like other shapes. 

You like rocks shaped like you and hate the others. 





Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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3 minutes ago, integral said:

Whats so threatening about a narcissist? Its just another shape a person can be.

Its like pointing to a rock and saying "I HATE YOUR SHAPE YOU SHOULD BE LIKE THAT OTHER ROCK OVER THERE".

Whats the difference? Its another shape its another form its made of rock its made of love. 

The difference is your shaped into something that doesn't like other shapes. 

You like rocks shaped like you and hate the others. 





This cracked me up really bad. I'm breaking into hives. xD


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:57 AM, SQAAD said:

a large quantity of those women are kinda narcissistic and full of themselves.

Being conscious of your value within society and among men doesn't mean you're narcissistic and full of yourself. Even if this value is something you didn't work for.


No one is talking men into chasing those women. We are in it for our own pleasure. 

So from their POV all these man are trying to grab them, ofc. they will have to ignore them massively and get away from them, choosing only from the top of their criteria.


I don't see what's wrong.. They have their own problems, insecurities and difficulties in their life because of this beauty and they have to deal with it. The journey is as intense as it is for the rest of us. 


Having dicks lining up constantly and access to high value social events, gifts and offers is not what makes up your life and your Happiness.


We don't see that part, because it only hurts us that they're so unavailable..

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On 9/14/2022 at 2:47 AM, Loba said:

Like they would just be pissed off because I was prettier, like there was anything I could do about that at all. 

Yeah also this.


On 9/14/2022 at 2:47 AM, Loba said:

Also, what if one of those women would have liked you, but you judged her life just on how she looked?

True. We put these women into a category, while behind their pretty face there's actual humanness and they could desire something nobody would guess. The point is to be able to get to that humanness. And you cannot do that if you judge them based on a pretty face.


On 9/14/2022 at 2:47 AM, Loba said:

but it's like putting women down and still objectifying them based on their appearance, like this is the only thing that they have of value.  Kinda lame. 

True and hard to truly understand for a man not having access to them.

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On 9/14/2022 at 3:01 AM, eos_nyxia said:

In a roundabout way, a disgust of women tends to be a manifestation of your own self-hate, insecurity, etc.

(Likewise, as a woman, despite whatever it is that I've been through and why, if I were to hate men, that would eventually tend to come back to me as a form of self-loathing.)

On god

On 9/14/2022 at 2:51 AM, Tron said:

women are attracted to stupid shit. 

Yet important to remember what men are attracted to.


On 9/14/2022 at 3:30 AM, Jacob Morres said:

hot women deny their privelege too which is annoying lmao. As if they don't have some things on easy mode?? 

Most don't if you get to know them personally. They just hate our projection of hot girl's perfect life.


On 9/14/2022 at 4:25 AM, Tahuti said:

At my job those types tend to walk by me and give me  sneers. They are very snobby. They act as if I stalked them with binoculars outside their apartments for 7 consecutive days...

The 8 and 9/10's follow me around and try to talk to me lmao. Some even give me a smirk and then proceed to bend over in front of me and trying to catch if I'm looking.. I hate it. It's so annoying ?. Or, if I walk behind them they then bend over and my *mmmhmm* touches their *mmhmm* and they say "oh, sorry".

Gotta love it!

Just ignore it!

Don't understand any of this.


On 9/14/2022 at 4:54 AM, Tyler Robinson said:

There's no need to put women on a pedestal. 

It's like me saying to you and other women "there's no reason to fall for an alpha."


True, yet you'll do it until you embody the lesson

On 9/14/2022 at 4:09 PM, Lila9 said:

Don't be paralyzed with sings of confidence, many times the most insecure people put a lot of energy to appear confident.

Great advice!

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7 minutes ago, petar8p said:

It's like me saying to you and other women "there's no reason to fall for an alpha."

There's no problem with falling for an alpha. But someone on a pedestal, man or woman is always asking for disaster. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 13/9/2022 at 5:57 AM, SQAAD said:

They have countless of options for possible mates.. They have insane power and value. A beautiful 18 year old woman with nice tits and butt has value wherever you throw her in the planet. Almost all males will wanna mate with her.

I see many of these beautiful women acting arrogant and narcissistic. Sometimes i feel good when i think that in few decades they will age and lose most of their value.

I am not redpill or anything. I recognize some of these egotistical narcissistic traits that they have in me too. My intention is to love them more. I don't wanna be a hateful person.

Beautiful my friend, you've reached the anger phase(it's what they call this in Red Pill) and have the courage to admit it to yourself and the internet, you're at a great point.

Now realize that those highly valuable, selective, narcissistic, pretentious, and elitist females are your gift from God. They are your proof that your God sees you and loves you dearly.

These females are all yours for the taking my friend. Do you know what's the worse place to be when interacting with women? A low-value male. Do you know what's the best feeling in the world? Being with selective, elitist, and narcissistic females as high-value male because they LOVE you. They literally use those mechanisms to sort out other guys in favor of YOU.  

Try being in a place where you have abundance financially, a great social network, a good physique, worked out your limiting beliefs and trauma so you're always in a good mood and never toxic, have access to good venues and activities, etc and you'll see that basically every woman loves you and wants to hang out with you.

You also live in the best(and only time) in history where knowledge and ways to raise your attractiveness, finances, and social status are abundant. Countless resources out there to become financially independent, better your game, get fit and learn social circle game. If you choose to(or aren't in a position to) take advantage of this then, OF COURSE, you're gonna suffer and be bitter when it comes to women. That's by design, it's not a bug. 

Stop listening to mainstream dating advice and philosophy. You're not a blob, you're a male trying to court females. So is every other straight male. Become the alpha male and heaven's gates will open up to you.  

Edited by LordFall


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Beautiful women are just ... Beautiful (& feminine). 

That's it!

Beauty is something which I appreciate much, 1 of my highest values. Architecture, colours, starlight, sun sets ... and of course women

I love beauty. 

Isn't that a more pleasant & accepting way to perceive reality? 

Let your mind remain open, you only need to find 1 (or 2 or 3 or like 10) beautiful girl who isn't a bitch, it doesn't matter how the other 150 million of them are, you can only date so many at once. 

Edited by Optimized Life

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7 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

There's no problem with falling for an alpha. But someone on a pedestal, man or woman is always asking for disaster. 

Being rejected is not a bigger disaster than potentially being abused. What do you mean?


21 hours ago, Bando said:

From my experience i'd actually argue unattractive and unkept people are some of the worst personalities to be around because they carry so many insecurities and limiting beliefs. A large majority of very attractive women are normal, with chill personalities, they can be a bit on edge but that's to be expected since they've had men hit on them since puberty.

So true

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6 hours ago, LordFall said:

Beautiful my friend, you've reached the anger phase(it's what they call this in Red Pill) and have the courage to admit it to yourself and the internet, you're at a great point.

Now realize that those highly valuable, selective, narcissistic, pretentious, and elitist females are your gift from God. they are your proof that God sees you and loves you dearly.

These females are all yours for the taking my friend. Do you know what's the worse place to be when interacting with women? A low-value male. Do you know what's the best feeling in the world? Being with selective, elitist, and narcissistic females as high-value male because they LOVE you. they literally use those mechanisms to sort out other guys in favor of YOU.  

Try being in a place where you have abundance financially, a great social network, a good physique, worked out your limiting beliefs and trauma so you're always in a good mood and never toxic, have access to good venues and activities, etc and you'll see that basically every woman loves you and wants to hang out with you.

You also live in the best(and only time) in history where knowledge and ways to raise your attractiveness, finances, and social status are abundant. Countless resources out there to become financially independent, better your game, get fit and learn social circle game. If you choose to(or aren't in a position to) take advantage of this then, OF COURSE, you're gonna suffer and be bitter when it comes to women. That's by design, it's not a bug. 

Stop listening to mainstream dating advice and philosophy. You're not a blob, you're a male trying to court females. So is every other straight male. Become the alpha male and heaven's gates will open up to you. 

This post has more value and Truth than an entire page of Relationships/Dating section..

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9 minutes ago, petar8p said:

Being rejected is not a bigger disaster than potentially being abused. What do you mean?


So true

This is a stereotype. All alpha men aren't abusive. Stage Blue collar Alpha men are much better. They care for their wife. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

This is a stereotype. All alpha men aren't abusive. Stage Blue collar Alpha men are much better. They care for their wife. 

Perhaps all "putting her on a pedestal" are not the same as well. I'll always feel a great appreciation for a woman, just for a simple fact that she is, a woman. The degree to which you do it is key and the ways you do it in.


6 hours ago, LordFall said:

mobile version bug

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