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I wanna die. I'm a loser. I'm left alone in hell. I'm left alone with people who say I'm hopeless. And if they say I'm not hopeless, they don't know what they're saying. There is something like the law of attraction, yes, but I don't know how it can even help me. Trying to tell myself that infinite intelligence knows, but am I even believing what I'm saying, or am I just lost in hopelessness and stupidity? I'm an ignorant person who doesn't know shit, but believes that he knows shit. I don't know what those guys are even talking about and I'm not well aware of what they are talking about. I don't know. I don't even know if working on my mind etc, whatever shit it is, will help me. I feel like I'm fooling myself, but I don't know how exactly. I'm fooling myself, in a sense, but how am I actually fooling myself, what am I even supposed to do? Should I know what I'm supposed to do? Should there be something I need to do? Would it be sufficient if I? Would it be sufficient? 

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I really feel like I don't need to know what to do, because Inner Being knows what to do. I feel like I need to care about my vibration only and tune to the mind and mode of my frickin Inner Being. "Oh I shouldn't have done that", "oh, I'm fucked up", "oh I'm a bad one", "oh dada". All of that probably is just me being an idiot, and letting myself be sucked in by a black hole. 

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"I need to be the doer", "I need to motivate myself", etc etc etc etc. All those modalities of thinking and "being" probably are just me frickin bsing. And it's you, and it's you, and it's you, one of the losers only, hopefully. One of those who messed up their lives and now seeking for alignment, or some shit like that, hopefully. 

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Maybe I'm really just fooling myself saying that "I probably have no choice but suffering", "my life cannot flow peacefully and nicely the way I want" etc. Just making myself believe, perhaps, that life is supposed to be hardship and pain. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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There probably is no such thing as intelligence, there is only the experience of jumping from parallel reality to parallel reality. Then intelligence probably, simply, is you jumping to a parallel reality timeline structure, changing the past, that represents what you want. 

People and objects around me are not more real than an imaginary being, like Dobby, and those realms of being. Reality, probably, possibly, hmm, is the illusion of continuity that consciousness is morphing into. A collapse of focus that "you" become. 

And I'm, in a sense, "stuck" in the idea of similar, very very similar, frames following each other to create the illusion of continuity and world etc. It is like vibration collapsing into a thought, a memory, etc, and you "go" from there. 

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I feel hopeless. I feel self judgment. I feel stuck and forsaken by my inner being. I feel like I'm fooling myself and don't know what to think or do. I don't know if I'm able to leave this place and move somewhere else. I know that reality is consciousness and mirror etc, but it does not seem to really help. I feel afraid and anxious and threatened. I feel anxious and frightened. I feel like inner being, or whatever it is, has forsaken me, or something like forsaking me. I feel judged, in different ways, in a sense, almost, like, all the time. I'm seeing the connection between my mind, my consciousness, and reality, but I don't know what to do with that. I'm feeling forsaken by some groups of people also for not talking the same language with them, or whatever the dada it really frickin is. I have some weird fears also, like I need to write letters in a certain way etc, or what the heck it really is. I can also, kinda, see the absolute ish, perhaps, absurdity of being, but what the heck should I be frickin doing? And I'm kinda afraid of, or anxious about, some people around me, or some people who, kinda, may tend to be around me. What I want is to move out etc, but I don't know how exactly, and I don't wanna get lost in anxieties etc also. However, would being general and being in a meditative mode, or something, whatever it is, like that, really be helpful? Because I understand that reality is like a movie, it is like a tv set, or whatever it is, something like that. But there is this problem and there is that problem, and all of that. And maybe I don't need to try to solve those problems of mine. I mean, maybe I can let go of those problems of mine. Maybe those problems will, kinda, solve themselves, I don't know. Maybe I should just stop worrying etc, I don't know. I mean let it be about this and that, or whatever crap, ad infinitum, in a sense, I frickin have no frickin idea, man. I mean, maybe I should just relax and watch tv, I frickin have no frickin idea, man. I mean, I understand the importance of feeling and alignment, etc. I mean, maybe saying I cannot be in alignment is just another form of not being in alignment, etc. But there are some modes of thinking and feeling etc that I'm habituated in thinking and feeling etc. Should I be doing something about that, or what does it even mean to be doing something about that? Should I just get into the meditative mode, or something like that, about "that"? Can that be the "work" that I "should" be doing about "that"? I mean, about "that" also, whatever that "that" might "be"? I mean, what does it mean to feel good, or whatever it is, really? I mean, how do I "achieve" feeling good, really? I mean, is it really the feeling that matters, and all else is "effortless"? I mean, is it really that simple and I'm just making a big deal about "it"? I mean, in a world with other big deal makers, kinda? Should I, also, not work on any problem, in a sense, really? 

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