
What do you know for certain about consciousness and reality?

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That we are inventing ourselves through the choices we make.

I know that we don't know - to what end does a event occur. It's an infinite chain of cause and effect. 

I know that I desire to be God-like. 

Edited by Harsh Bagdia

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@Breakingthewall Thank you for sharing! I have had similar insights in the past on mushrooms. In very expanded states I became aware how I was everything and experiencing endless unique experiences all simultaneously. When I am contracted and focused as Matthew I have no awareness of them. 

Leo has a different perspective on this. He feels when infinity is being Matthew that is all that exists. 

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3 hours ago, BenG said:

Another thing I know for certain: Endless existential confusion is the inevitable result of not being awake. 

There isn't a you that's confused or could become awake!  

That's the revelation....that's the freedom!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Leo Gura Can you share some insights on reality and consciousness that at this point you are 100% solid in their truth?

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That I don’t exist in any type of concrete location aka nowhere and neither does anyone else and I’m dreaming this all up and all these posts on the forum are from dream characters trying to make this all feel real. Far out, yet I’m participating so obviously I’m still asleep. Sorry to post this comment on the forum for the 50 trillionth time but it needs to be harped for my own rememberance.

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2 hours ago, Gidiot said:

That I don’t exist in any type of concrete location aka nowhere and neither does anyone else and I’m dreaming this all up and all these posts on the forum are from dream characters trying to make this all feel real. Far out, yet I’m participating so obviously I’m still asleep. Sorry to post this comment on the forum for the 50 trillionth time but it needs to be harped for my own rememberance.

And yet, here I am seeing your comment through my POV. I'm beginning to think Solipsism is just a paradox. I just need to crack how relative time and the Absolute intertwine and I'll know for sure. The question is, how could I do that? Lol. 

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57 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

I'm beginning to think Solipsism is just a paradox.

Maybe it's just a wrong, flat and superficial interpretation of reality, a kind of egomaniac delusion. We have to be open to that

Or maybe it's a twisted idea, like: I'm imagining you and you are imagining me. 

3 hours ago, Gidiot said:

I’m dreaming this all up and all these posts on the forum are from dream characters trying to make this all feel real. Far out, yet I’m participating so obviously I’m still asleep

That sounds like that, a delirium. If you adopt a belief, try another less psychotic. If you are alone is as existence, not as pov. It's a confusion of levels

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 14-9-2022 at 6:12 PM, Breakingthewall said:

no idea. Before I thought I understood, but the mechanics of reality completely escape to me. I would say that Leo's approach has a basic error. he says: right now all that exists is your experience, and you will experience everything at some point. when? if time is a creation, that is obvious. and who? it is completely wrong. the only possibility is that everything is being experienced right now. but I speak logically. Probably the thing is like the Leo's poem, infinity infinitely unfolding, actually being a infinite singularity of being

@Breakingthewall  watch this video of a person sharing his story of babaji experience. God operating in babaji it's a clue. Babaji is master of other masters. It seems that there is no future or past , and that it runs simultaneously at once like in a dream. Here is proof:

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On 13/9/2022 at 2:40 AM, Matthew85 said:

Not speculation or parroting of ideas and belief's you read or heard from others. What truths or insights have you personally awakened to and verified enough that you are now completely solid in their truth?

If you can share your method for receiving your insight's, that would also be helpful. Thank you!

One of my own is that consciousness is not generated by the brain. I became certain of this after many out of body experiences. 




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As soon as you take this question seriously you miss the entire point

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