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What would you do with a million dollar ?

22 posts in this topic

17 hours ago, Asayake said:

I would invest it in music gear, improving upon my home studio. I would use it to cover living costs for the coming couple of years as well as investing into a nice house to live in, close to nature. I would go on a holiday with friends and pay for everything on the trip.

YES! Love it.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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I would stick 50-60% of it in diversified savings-Mutual and Bonds, to accrue interest.

  • Quit my job, drop out of school.
  • Buy myself a reliable car, (current one falling apart ;)) rent a house in the mountains, next to a river, in the forest, 15-20 minutes from a decent sized city (100-200k population)
  • Build a high quality music studio with all the equipment and technology I would need to produce the best music possible.
  • Pay for lessons, voice, Live performance, piano, etc..
  • Budget so the 400-500K I have out of assets will last 8-10 years.
  • Devote my time to playing and building music, deep work, focused and concentrated.
  • Pay for Life coaching and career coaching.
  • Travel and meet musicians all over the world, recording new sounds and songs that the world has never heard before.
  • Dedicate this 5-10 years to  solidifying my Life purpose of Playing music, Guiding people into breakthroughs of Love, by articulating reality.
  • I would perform live, starting small, and over the years building a loyal, true fan base of 100s, then 1000's, then millions of people.
  • Devote time to building an authentic Brand, on Social media, with a website, with my music. 
    • Strategizing content creation and release, building relationships with fans.
  • I would spend more time with the people I love, my parents are old, in their 60's and 70's, I would invest more time with them, siblings too.
  • Go to concerts, Coldplay, Tycho, Odesza, AK, The Midnight, and more, to yes, experience them, but more to do research of how I want my own concerts to feel and go in the future.
  • Over the years, because of the massive value created from the music I give to the world, and the life changing effect it has on the listeners, money would begin pouring in, eventually earning more than what I have left over from the original million.
  • In 5-15 years, after going through the full phase of life purpose, achieving, and developing through orange/green, Green/Yellow, I would develop myself into the "Strategist/autonomous" stage, stage yellow systems thinker, devoting more and more time to spirituality, sourcing 5MEO (DMT and MALT, and others) Investing more time into...
    • Meditation
    • Self-Inquiry
    • Psychedelics
  • Beyond that.. we shall see ;) 


This is essentially the path I am taking, whether or not I get a million dollars or not, it will take longer, and be harder, more a challenge, but it is my path, worth it :)

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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