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Psychedelics, underlying social phobia

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I have some social fears that are holding my back to break out of my comfort zone. Next to going out and doing lots of mindfulness its still difficult for me to socialize. Could tripping on some mushrooms help me to deal with the underlying fears? Any tips ? Thanks!

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Yes. But be careful with psychedelics. One wrong mistake in your psyche and you can go nuts. It almost happened to me. 

Im not talking about high dose or something. If you use them long enough, you dont know what might be happening under your awareness. And if you go under a process of de realization unwillingly as it almost happened to me, good luck. 

Better try microdosing so you dont start to mistake reality with your Imagination in your actual world context. 

Yes everything is imaginary, bla bla. Thats truth. But if you want to be here and fine, better play it safer. 


Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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