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Journal :Let's talk sex

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I choose sex as the main  subject of this journal because I fucking love women, love orgasms, love licking women and being sucked by women. Sex is good and right. What's not to love. Pussies need fucking. Somebody's gotta do it!

Although I'm deprived from it .all my relationships with it come from porn and masturbation.  So I will be discussing that too .soon enough, I guess. 

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my first orgasm 

Didn't understand what was happening. Touching felt good but I felt like I was gonna pee. So I'd stop, then get to the point of "pee", stop. Repeat. I was at the cottage and at the cottage you pee on threes. So I went out in the moonlight and ended up giving a facial to the toilet ?. 

Gave myself an orgasm for the first time


 This is going to sound weird, but I was 14,and I've never really successfully touched myself before.  I mean, I've tried,but never really succeeded.  I was also always really embarassed and ashamed of it, every time I did.  I gave it up as basically a moot point.  

  I experimented with the whole showerhead thing first, which was admittedly a whole new experience.  I'm not sure I've ever cum like that before.  I've been trying and trying to replicate it with my hands, both out of a fear that I was going to desensitize myself by using the shower head, and because  I wanted to learn how.  I've been actively trying for weeks now , and I finally gave myself an orgasm!  It's stupid and kind of weird, but I'm really proud of myself right now.  I just wanted to tell someone about my success, haha.  I didn't feel ashamed at all, and that feels really good. But nowadays orgasms make me feel guilty  not sure why. Something is out of wack .gotta fix that shit .


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 So i had my first orgasm  pretty early in comparison to other boys. Shortly after hitting puberty. Shower head hit the right spot and I kept playing around. 30-40 minutes later my life was changed forever.?

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There is no structure to this journal.  Just random  expression for my sexual life and exploring it .

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I was pretty young. I think my first thoughts were something like "Holy shit holy shit holy shit, white stuff came out of my dick. What the fuck did I do? That has to be bad for me. I'm never touching myself again!" 

And then the next day I did it again.

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My favourite sexul position/act is blowjobs . Of course all  my relationship with it via porn .

it feels like heaven.... It's by far the most relaxing sex act ever. For me giving me a blowjob is about the nicest thing a woman can do for me.

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I remember very vivid one time I masturbated .I was 14 or 15, and staying with a friend overnight. I got up to pee early in the morning, and heard weird noises from his bedroom. I look in there are he is naked on the bed, humping a pillow or stuffed animal or something, and really enjoying himself. I watched with amazement at this, and my penis got harder and harder. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and ran to bed, took off my underwear, and humped my stuffed bunny rabbit like he did, and very soon had an orgasm, which was probably my best. I did it again and had two more orgasms. I even made a noise of pleasure loud enough at my orgasm to wake my friend, for a moment. I had to rest and let it pulsate for a while before I could quit.

Edited by Someone here

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 Is there really harmful effects of masturbation?  Idk honestly.  Some doctors say it's healthy and can help preventing prostate cancer.  Some say there are huge  Disadvantages of Masturbation"

-There is guilt coming inside us just after losing sperm

-Our Nature became angry

-The shine has been removed one by one.

-Confidence down, can't talk with older people with eye contact.

-Start feeling weak

-Problems arise when you want a baby.

There are so many facts available which tell you, why you have to stop  it

There was a time when I was so much addicted to masturbation .

But I know that I have to leave it, but whenever I tried, then I do it in a shorter period.


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I dont understand Why is sexual fantasy so addictive? Its hard for me to do nofap this year .

I'm only on day 10 which is as far as I got in my first NoFap attempt. So call this round 2. I'm going for 90 days, so it's 80 days to go... My previous set-back happened because I didn't really understand the power of sexual fantasy and how it is the cornerstone of the three building block behaviours of a porn addiction (sexual fantasy, pornography and masturbation). Dr Mark Laaser says: "Fantasy by itself can be exciting enough for the addicts body to produce adrenaline, which is stimulating and elevates mood. Fantasy fuels the neurochemicals that facilitate human sexual response in such a way that the response takes place even without any physical stimuli. Fantasy can produce chemicals called chatecholamines in the pleasure centers of the brain that positively alter mood and even have a narcotic-like effect. The addict then uses these effects to escape unpleasant emotions, to change negative feelings to positive feelings, and even to reduce stress." Imagine that: just fantasying about the porn that I've seen (or anything else that captures my eye in a lustful way) gets all my old PMO neurological wiring going again. So I'm trying to commit to 'early intervention" where I make sure that the water is clean upstream. No sexual fantasy = little or no chance of PMO downstream. 

So it's: NoSF + NoPorn + NoFap 

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My ultimate sexual fantasy..I actually fap to her a lot.  Is to have sex with Kate Upton . It's a shame that she is just a model and not a pornstar .if she were a pornstar I would completely destroy my dick fapping to her.  She is the most sexy and attractive woman I ever saw . I fell in love with her bikini ads since the age of puberty.  I just love you Kate ? 


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Sex is the highest form of love beyond which a man/woman could not express his/her love. when your words are not enough to express your love towards him/her . Sex makes the partners to connect more emotionally . This actually helps to strengthen their bond. Sex is one of the way of Ultimate communication.

But now a days people are trying to find plessure in sex. There is hell lot of difference between having sex with a normal person and with the loved person. When you have sex with normal person you might feel plessure,happy but when you have sex with your partner the feeling is complete different.

Sex with love is plessure

Sex without love is prostitution.

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People fantasise all the time about weird, freaky, illegal things .

incest and rape porn are extremely popular, for example, but the people who watch that don't want to be raped or shag their relatives.  Very weird dynamic .

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Hope you don't mind if I give some self expression as well as some probably controversial opinions. If you want. I will take this down.

Sexual repression, in the way it divides people against themselves, creates so many problems globally. Through shame and guilt it gets weaponized by those who know as well as those who don't know.

 To borrow a phrase from Ken Wilber. I'm a hardwired heterosexual. Self diagnosed Asperger's,,,, somewhat. To be blunt, I'd rather Jack-off than fuck. My taste in regards to porn is pretty vanilla. Softcore,, young cute/beautiful ladies. I do believe or understand the arguments about how porn poisons the minds of humans. Until a person really observes themselves over time it may remain sub or semi-conscious that it (porn) creates unrealistic expectations. I also agree with those who say it becomes an addiction. Nearly everything is addictive. Sugar, caffeine, bowling, complaining and arguing, chocolate ice cream. What could be more "normal" or understandable than admiring the physic of those who we are sexually attracted to.  Humans are very oversexed as a species. We have relatively delicate bodies that needed some arithmetic on our side physiologically to survive in our evolution through history.

I maintain that counteracting against the aggression of our own superego as well as others, leads to the awakening of conscience. Group think - herd mentality/ the cultural ego keeps us asleep as conformists. We have to learn to truly think for ourselves. I may be a stroke-slut but I abhor violence. War is profane. Humans are beautiful. The older I get, the more passive I become. It's normal to be horny but I live by a code that says never impose your will on someone else and that Mercy is the highest law.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot The idea of porn addiction comes from the fact that watching porn can induce certain biochemical responses that also occur during sex, when being loved or in love, and consuming large amounts of chocolate. Typically, if it sets in during a relationship, it stems from dissatisfaction in the relationship, so it wouldn't be very pleasant.

However, if someone been using porn as a crutch , the challenge is more in showing the same feelings and endorphins can be obtained just as easily with the a real partner. This can take time and therapy, as porn is easily accessible and lacks any potential issues with confidence or body type. Someone who has acknowledged a psychological dependency usually has had multiple things push them to it, so the challenges in the relationship will stem from those traumas.

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@Someone here Wonderful, broad minded, intelligent response. Thank you!

This topic is inherently touchy. No pun intended. ? Lots of healing and integration await the majority of the population as well as myself on this subject.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot thanks .

I think that sex education should be an integrated component of population education programs in every country of the world .

The problem is 90% of teenagers begin their sexual lives with porn and masturbation. I know I did .there is also this whole demonisation of sex that runs amok in third world and Conservative countries. 

What do you think?  Should we teach kids in school about their sexusliy ?

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I am the type of person who probably has the craziest, wildest fantasies you could imagine. Most people wouldn’t even see that 

probably my wildest one so far would be an encounter with a guy .And while I am in a relationship with a woman, and I adore her more than anything, I always was curious about a man's touch. I have never been with a man.

I fantasize about being with someone who knows what they’re doing, who can guide, and make me feel good. Someone who understands my body.

It’s hard for me to achieve intense and satisfying pleasure easily through normal sex . It’s mainly how I feel, and what I crave. I crave a gentle, expert touch, soft gentle skin, and slow sensual lovemaking

So even if it isn’t the ‘’ dirtiest’’ fantasy for a lot of people, it’s dirty for me.

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@Zigzag Idiot thanks .

I think that sex education should be an integrated component of population education programs in every country of the world .

The problem is 90% of teenagers begin their sexual lives with porn and masturbation. I know I did .there is also this whole demonisation of sex that runs amok in third world and Conservative countries. 

What do you think?  Should we teach kids in school about their sexusliy ?


It could certainly be helpful,

In stage blue countries where fundamentalist religion is dominant, most sex education programs will run contrary to its values which are rooted in the demonization of our sex energy. This then creates a clash with the liberties of their religious freedom. I may be out of touch with some current trends regarding this clash.

More effective towards a faster resolution I think would be a progressive campaign launched by a large group irreverent, light hearted heretics eroding the boogey-man Satin/Devil aspect of their rationales. This done outside of the countries educational system of course. Maybe introduce a revived form of Disco as a component of this campaign. Doing for them what it helped accomplish for the U.S. in the 70's. I'm about half joking of course,,,

In my irreverent opinion the following work by Rob Brezsny would set a good underlying tone for a progressive campaign of heretics wanting to reduce the overall fear and shame instilled in a population by conservative fundamentalist religions.


Rob Brezsny's - A Prayer For You.  

I am starting to pray right now to the God of Gods, the God beyond all Gods, the Girlfriend of God, the Teacher of God, the Goddess who invented God, and what I pray is:


Oh Goddess Who Never Kills But Only Changes: I pray that my exuberant, suave, and accidental words might move You to unleash ferocious blessings on all the beauty and truth fans who've tuned in.


I pray that You'll grant them what they don't even know they want. Not just the boons they think they need but everything they've been afraid to even imagine or wish for.


Oh Goddess, You Wealthy Anarchist Burning Heaven to the Ground:


The divine chameleons out there in sacred space don't even know they're crazy. Please use Your blinding magic to help them see they're all wildly creative geniuses too big for their own bodies. Guide them to realize that they're all completely different from what they think they are and more exciting than they can possibly imagine. And make it immoral, illegal, irrelevant, unpatriotic and totally tasteless for them to be in love with anyone or anything that's no good for them.


Oh Goddess You Sly Universal Virus with No Opinion:


I beg that You help all the personal growth-addicts that are reading this prayer to be disciplined enough to go crazy in the name of creation not destruction. I pray that You teach them the difference between self-destructive self-control and liberating self-control. Awaken in them the power to do the half-right thing when it's impossible to do the totally right thing. Arouse the Wild Woman within them ~ even if they're men. Give them bigger, better, more original sins and wilder, wetter, more interesting problems.


And, oh Goddess, You Pregnant Criminal Who Scorns All Mediocre Longing:


Inspire all the original sinners out there to love their enemies in case their friends turn out to be jerks. Provoke them to throw away things that make them believe they're better than everyone else. Show them how much fun it is to brag about what they can't do and don't have. Most of all, brainwash them with Your freedom, so that they never love their own pain more than anyone else's pain.


Oh Goddess, you Psychedelic Mushroom Cloud at the Center of All Our Brains:


These budding Demeters and Inannas and Buddhas and Christs deserve everything they need and much much more. Please arrange for a racehorse to be named after them, or a boulevard or river or thousand-year-old storm on another planet.


Help them win the battle against time, and learn to talk the language of the most scientific angels, and master the zen of temper tantrums, and get a fabulous mommy and daddy in their next incarnation.


Teach them to push their own buttons and unbreak their own hearts and right their own wrongs and sing their own songs and be their own wives and save their own lives.


Bless them with lucid dreams while they're wide awake and solar energy-operated sex toys that work in the dark and a vacuum cleaner for their magic carpet and a knack for avoiding other people's hells [!] and a secret admirer who's not a psychotic stalker and a thousand masks that all fit their face perfectly and their own 900 number so that everyone has to pay to talk to them.


Oh Goddess, you Dumb, Fast, Infinitely Wide River of Electricity, You Smart Slow Smoldering Lump of Angel Fat Left Over from the Big Bang, You Ghostly Snake Who Loves Inventive Tragedy and Sophisticated Superstition, You Cool Furnace That Incinerates the Props of Our Nightmares Much Too Slowly, You Creator of Happy Purgatories Where Impeccably Unironic Apocalypse Salesmen Preach Christian Satanism and Rosicrucian Baseball Players from the Middle Ages Dream Politically Cracked Dreams That Reveal the News in More Exact Metaphors Than Any Newspaper:


I pray that You provide all the global village idiots that are reading this prayer with a license to bend all laws, rules, and traditions that keep them apart from the things they love. Show them how to purge themselves of the wishy-washy wishes that keep them distracted from their divine desires. And teach them that they can have anything they want if they'll only ask for it in an unselfish tone of voice.


Oh Goddess Who Gives Us So Much Love and Pain Together That Our Morality is Always on the Verge of Collapsing:


I beg You to cast a spell to nullify all bad spells that have ever been cast on all the beautiful love geniuses out there. Remove, banish, annihilate, and laugh into oblivion any jinx that has clung to them no matter how long they've suffered from it, and even if they've grown accustomed or addicted to its ugly companionship. Conjure an aura of protection around them so that they will receive an early warning if they're ever about to act in such a way that would attract another hex or plague or voodoo into their lives.


And now, dear God of Gods, God Beyond All Gods, Sister Lover of God, Mother of God, Goddess who invented God:


I bring this prayer to a close, trusting that in these mysterious moments You have impregnated the dream glands of all the beauty and truth fans out there with the most compassionate lust and smartest love You can imagine. And if there is anything I've forgotten which will help their cause, please flash it into my imagination in the coming days and months and decades, and motivate me to perform any tricks or carry out any project that will encourage an abundance of sweaty creativity to flow through them, inspiring them to become more wildly disciplined, erotically feminist, aggressively sensitive, demonically compassionate, ironically sincere, lyrically logical, insanely poised, orgiastically lucid, macho feminist.


Amen. Awomen. Ommmmmmm and halle-fucking-lujah.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot I am curious to know what sexual education looks like in your country. Where are you from? 

* Who or where do you get it from?
* On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being bad and 5 being great), how would you qualify the sex ed in your country?
* Does your government promote a nation wide plan or does it depend on non governmental institutions (NGO) schools, etc.?
* Do you think the people who teach sexual education are properly trained?
* Have you learned about sexual education from other sources? Books, videos, talking with people you trust? Which one contributed the most to your knowledge?
* How do you feel talking about sexuality related topics with other people?
* Have you ever heard of "Ideología de género" or "Gender Ideology"? If you have, what are your views on that?
* If you don't have sexual education in your country, what elements in your opinion contribute to not having it? I am interested in all points of view .

These bullet points are just possible guidelines to talk about the subject. You can answer any, all or none of them.

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I haven't lived out a lot of sexual fantasies when I was younger, I had an extended phase when I would go to prostitutes and occasionally ask them what kinks they would like to offer and tried a lot of these.

As for fantasies I have not really tried out, I can say thought about  double penetration sex, maybe that is a fantasy I missed and it certainly not a thing I would suggest to my  future wife. 

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