
eternal nothingness as an after life

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If consciousness is infinite , is it possible for there to be a conscious reality where  after you die you are in an eternal dark void but your senses continue and you are essentially trapped in your own mind for all of eternity. Why would this not be possible? I ask because I had a dream in which this became a reality , I was in pure nothingness for what seemed like hours with nothing but my own thoughts and it made me question, what if this is actually possible to be suspended in this hell like state for all of time with no way out. 

I ask , why is this not because I know through direct experience this is possible temporarily as I experienced this void where I was in nothingness but my thoughts continued, given time is relative then should it also be possible that consciousness could become stuck in this state eternally.

Edited by patricknotstar

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Lol there is a state beyond conciousness, the deathless state this is nibbanna, nothing at all exist here, you probably just came close to this state

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existence exists and that's what we are. there is no death. There is only the cessation of an experience that is like a lens of God. you are god but you don't see it because experience prevents it. so in a way, you are the experience. but the experience is not real. then, you as experience are not real. so when you die someone will die who is not real, so death is not real. only god is

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Consider sleep. In sleep, one is cut off from the senses, and enveloped in a deep unknowing.
In your dream, there was nothing, and yet there was thought. The thoughts give way to a dream.
In the void, filled with infinite thought, delirium soon kicks in, by your own choosing.
Boom, you have reincarnated back in a dream of your own creation.

There is no nothing. Honestly, say it again.
There is no nothing. Non-existent beings do not perceive.
This is because non-existence is a logical paradox. Something can't not exist.
There is only Existence, because in death of the ego/physical body, one is found to still exist.
You are, and always have been, the entire Universe. Where could the Universe go?
You don't go anywhere in death. You're still here just like you've always been.
Only the dream the physical body and world has passed, and your infinite potential shines in the dark.
Behind the veil of darkness, still shines the true Infinite Self. Move towards the Light, and ascend, now and forever!

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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5 hours ago, patricknotstar said:

I experienced this void where I was in nothingness but my thoughts continued

5 hours ago, patricknotstar said:

what if this is actually possible to be suspended in this hell like state for all of time with no way out

If you were stuck in a void where you were nothingness but your thoughts continued forever, what would stop you from imagining endless beautiful realities and stories? The assumption that it would be a hell state implies that you are not stuck inside a void, but rather in some kind of reality where some being other than yourself is causing you to suffer. If it was truly a void with nothing but your thoughts, there wouldn't be anything to make it a hell state. You wouldn't be bored, because you would have your mind to endlessly stimulate you. If took a break from stimulating yourself with imagination, you'd basically just default to bliss because you'd essentially be in a state of being that contains no "problems" because those would have to be imagined. If some kind of problem existed underneath everything when you stopped imagining things, then it wouldn't be a void. 

Endlessly stimulating yourself with imagination doesn't necessary work this way when you're a human (or imagining yourself as a human? ;) ) because we have bodies that get uncomfortable, restless, tired, hungry, etc. but if you were just a mind in a void, these "limits" wouldn't exist unless you put them upon yourself by imagining them, so you would basically be in heaven, not hell.



Edited by InfinityBeats

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I have heard of this state, I believe it is an interim place or holding spot for people who are going to die.  Many reports of near death experiences have mentioned this dark place where they are left with nothing but their thoughts, but over a period of time someone eventually comes to get them or they see a light and move towards it.  It's possible that you just didn't get that far, but I am not for sure certain.

I also had an experience of this in a dream, where I was in a place that was all me and complete black - and I cried out, for some reason, "Why can't I be like you?"  and a female presence wrapped me up and said, "You are me, you just need to be calm."  It didn't feel like me, but something motherly and much greater.  But it was that space of pure, black mind-void that you are describing.

This guy talks about this phenomena a bit, I chose this one because he doesn't mention going any farther than the void itself.

Some quotes from people:

"Having been in the void twice, I can say with certainty that our consciousness is perfectly intact outside the body; and is no way dependent on the body. We're eternal beings and death doesn't actually happen, only a transition into a subtler dimension, far more real than this one. The void is like an entry point. You might need to expand your religious ideas a bit to get the fullness of this sacred event."

"Absolutely spot on. I was there 5 years ago. Exactly the same except I heard no voices/ saw no lights. I was the darkness of the void and it felt great! Where as you heard someone ask you if you want to live or die. I asked myself “ shall I stay here all cosy, warm and peaceful or... at that point I too saw my children and summoned all my power to fight the ‘ thickness of the void to ‘move’ back up out of the void and back into body. I said to myself as I went up “no I’ve still got stuff I need to do up there first’!! Thank you for this . It’s nice to hear an account where there is no stereotypical wishy washy white light, greeted by loved ones etc. It almost felt like I had gone down to a holding level/waiting room , a place to be held while the information as to what happens to you gets processed. But unlike a lot of accounts I was completely alone in the vastness of the void. I looked for people but gave up as I knew there was no point, but at no time did I feel sad scared or alone!! It just was . And that’s the amazing thing. It was so real that it’s so normal as well. If that makes sense."

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9 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

You might be already there right now. 



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, Loba said:

I have heard of this state, I believe it is an interim place or holding spot for people who are going to die.  Many reports of near death experiences have mentioned this dark place where they are left with nothing but their thoughts, but over a period of time someone eventually comes to get them or they see a light and move towards it.  It's possible that you just didn't get that far, but I am not for sure certain.

I also had an experience of this in a dream, where I was in a place that was all me and complete black - and I cried out, for some reason, "Why can't I be like you?"  and a female presence wrapped me up and said, "You are me, you just need to be calm."  It didn't feel like me, but something motherly and much greater.  But it was that space of pure, black mind-void that you are describing.

This guy talks about this phenomena a bit, I chose this one because he doesn't mention going any farther than the void itself.

Some quotes from people:

"Having been in the void twice, I can say with certainty that our consciousness is perfectly intact outside the body; and is no way dependent on the body. We're eternal beings and death doesn't actually happen, only a transition into a subtler dimension, far more real than this one. The void is like an entry point. You might need to expand your religious ideas a bit to get the fullness of this sacred event."

"Absolutely spot on. I was there 5 years ago. Exactly the same except I heard no voices/ saw no lights. I was the darkness of the void and it felt great! Where as you heard someone ask you if you want to live or die. I asked myself “ shall I stay here all cosy, warm and peaceful or... at that point I too saw my children and summoned all my power to fight the ‘ thickness of the void to ‘move’ back up out of the void and back into body. I said to myself as I went up “no I’ve still got stuff I need to do up there first’!! Thank you for this . It’s nice to hear an account where there is no stereotypical wishy washy white light, greeted by loved ones etc. It almost felt like I had gone down to a holding level/waiting room , a place to be held while the information as to what happens to you gets processed. But unlike a lot of accounts I was completely alone in the vastness of the void. I looked for people but gave up as I knew there was no point, but at no time did I feel sad scared or alone!! It just was . And that’s the amazing thing. It was so real that it’s so normal as well. If that makes sense."

@Loba Ive had the experience of nothingness I was in college and drank 24 beer then took a bong hit. I went back to the living room and reality started looping. The girl I was with kept looking at the tv then looking at me asking me if im ok then looking back at the tv and I kept saying no. This happened 500 times then I greened out and I feel my soul leaving my body. Im in a state where I am nothing but a rolling emotion of sadness and loneliness. Each time the emotions roll I feel extreme sadness then extreme loneliness. Forever slowly I start forgetting what I am sad about slowly I start forgetting my life. I am becoming non existent as my thoughts start popping up once a week it seems my mind will say something. I forget everything Im just a void. Suddenly I am in sea of souls all the souls around me are screaming and crying we are flowing like a stream. I am not screaming or scared I have no idea whats going on. There is a water wheel the souls go up and its like a circular river. I look up there is a Giant Bull skeleton  the size of a mountain in the middle it notices me because I am not screaming or scared. It picks me up and throws me. I wake up instantly after that. I could have woken up in anything after that and I wouldn't have known I ever existed.

Edited by Hojo

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10 hours ago, Hojo said:

@Loba Ive had the experience of nothingness I was in college and drank 24 beer then took a bong hit. I went back to the living room and reality started looping. The girl I was with kept looking at the tv then looking at me asking me if im ok then looking back at the tv and I kept saying no. This happened 500 times then I greened out and I feel my soul leaving my body. Im in a state where I am nothing but a rolling emotion of sadness and loneliness. Each time the emotions roll I feel extreme sadness then extreme loneliness. Forever slowly I start forgetting what I am sad about slowly I start forgetting my life. I am becoming non existent as my thoughts start popping up once a week it seems my mind will say something. I forget everything Im just a void. Suddenly I am in sea of souls all the souls around me are screaming and crying we are flowing like a stream. I am not screaming or scared I have no idea whats going on. There is a water wheel the souls go up and its like a circular river. I look up there is a Giant Bull skeleton  the size of a mountain in the middle it notices me because I am not screaming or scared. It picks me up and throws me. I wake up instantly after that. I could have woken up in anything after that and I wouldn't have known I ever existed.

Hi Hojo, I love your avatar btw, so cute.  Wow, that sounds like an intense, but very cool experience.  I've had an experience of a sea of souls, too, but everyone was happy and singing together.  Thanks for sharing that, that was really interesting to read about.  What do you think it meant?

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Dead is imaginary.

You are trapped in your own mind for all of eternity right now. And it's great! Enjoy the show.

The issue here is that you are imagining future scenarios based on fear. If you could die you wouldn't have a self who would care about any experience. Death would be the end of fear and suffering. So even if you could exist as an endless black void, it would not be a bad thing as you presently hold it to be. Without a sense of time, an endless black void can last a trillion years but feel like 3 seconds.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Dead is imaginary.

You are trapped in your own mind for all of eternity right now. And it's great! Enjoy the show.

The issue here is that you are imagining future scenarios based on fear. If you could die you wouldn't have a self who would care about any experience. Death would be the end of fear and suffering. So even if you could exist as an endless black void, it would not be a bad thing as you presently hold it to be. Without a sense of time, an endless black void can last a trillion years but feel like 3 seconds.

But I guess that after the death of this form there is no eternal black void. 

What happens if this form dissapears? 

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are trapped in your own mind for all of eternity right now. And it's great! Enjoy the show.

I would love if you went into more depth on the differences between the finite mind and the higher mind in an upcoming episode.

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5 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

But I guess that after the death of this form there is no eternal black void.

You're not appreciating how radical this is. "After" is imaginary.

5 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

What happens if this form dissapears? 

What happens if you stop imagining all alternatives to NOW and THIS?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Whatever you think you are right now is illusory. The idea of a “you” is a misapprehension caused by a strong egoic identification with thoughts, sensations and physical objects, all of which are merely appearances arising. They have nothing to do with “you”.

There is no you. There is *only* this / God / infinity. The appearance. All that appears to be. 

If the body you think you are occupying dies, and the seeking energy that is the illusory “you” hasn’t been exhausted, then there will be further illusions. The self is very, very sticky.

For example, “you” may get stuck to your wife, your best friend, or your pet dog. It’s not that “you” kick them out of “their” body - a la Quantum Leap - so that you can occupy it. It’s that the seeking energy will latch on to a form that already isn’t actually occupied by anyone.

This is “reincarnation”.

Enlightenment is the end of the seeking energy, and thus leads to the end of the apparent reincarnation cycle.

“Once in every thousand thousand years does a soul wake up”…

Edited by axiom


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@patricknotstar Yes. I have a friend who lives trapped in this dimension. He says not to be afraid of the dark. 

Cant even begin to stomach the Lessons from this dimension. I almost dissolved once into nothingness and my ego instantly new what to do lol. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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