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What if my life purpose requires making lots of money?

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I'd say I'm fairly interested in most topics, I pick up random interests almost every day/week like watch making, history, drawing but nothing ever sticks, I eventually lost interest in it. But there are some things that I've been interested in for a long time (years) for example Hardware, Stuff like Laptops, consoles, monitors, speakers, headphones, phones, opearting systems, processors etc... Problem is, in order to make a single piece of hardware I'd need millions. Now... I'm extremely optimistic about my capabilities as a human being, meaning that I don't see 'making millions' as a unachievable goal, I strongly believe that I can make any amount I want, 100k, 1 million, 10 million or even a billion. I just want to know whether or not its a toxic outlook on life purpose in general.

Edited by MarkKol

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You can start small and cheap by modeling and then pitching your hardware to people who have the means. There are pitch events in that industry all the time. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think you are highly intelligent and you can meet your dreams. So it doesn't matter even if it involves a lot of money as long as it's your passion. 

You’ll feel more fulfilled.Your job shouldn’t just be a source of income. If you don’t enjoy what you do, you’ll end up missing out on your life.  As the lines between working life and personal life blur, a job is as much about personal fulfillment and growth as it is about a paycheck. People don’t want to make widgets, they want to change lives, including their own.

Your career should make you feel good emotionally, both in and out of the office.A job that you love … gives you extra motivation to meet your goals, and when you do, the sense of accomplishment is outstanding. You will carry and radiate that success wherever you go, helping yourself in other aspects of your life.

You’ll be more productive.

It’s important to feel motivated and inspired in your career. Without the drive to excel, your performance will lack passion and, in turn, your work may suffer. Productivity allows you to become more efficient, which makes room for downtime and encourages work-life balance.If you are passionate about your job, you are likely to take an active interest in learning every aspect of the business. This not only sets you on the path toward success, it also helps you get through the daily grind.You’ll inspire others.

Many people are too afraid to follow their dreams and do what they love. Think about what you would say to a friend or your loved one. Would you discourage them from doing what makes them happy simply because it’s risky? When you do take that leap yourself, you become an inspiration to others. You’ll succeed. I believe trials and tribulations are just a part and parcel of your experience. 

You won’t need someone to keep tabs on your work or motivate you to reach your full potential. You will do your best work because it’s natural and exciting.

When you love what you do, you are compelled to push against yourself too.



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@MarkKol Tricky one. To my mind, its not unhealthy to make a tonne of money.

Its unhealthy if its the sole reason why you are doing what you are doing.

Though I could see issues with a prolonged money only project. I guess it would depend how long it took you.

However, I'm very much speaking as a lay person on this issue. Cal Newport might be a useful resource for you, i.e. So good they can't ignore you. 


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Do what works

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There are a hundred thousand people doing t-shirts, dropshipping, freelance and whatnot.

There are not many people developing processors or consoles.

So in a way you have it easier.

Companies that need a lot of money upfront also typically scale far better than the ones that don't.

Assemble a team of 3 highly skilled founders, make a plan and go look for investors.


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