Julian gabriel

What is Boredom?

5 posts in this topic

What do you think causes boredom?

It seems to be a huge obstacle in spiritual development for many, especially those Pershing meditation.

Humans seem to be the only animals that get bored, why don’t we appreciate the opportunity to relax and do nothing, and instead attempt to “kill” time?


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@Julian gabriel

I'd say that boredom is survival mechanism to make us do something which we deep down think is more useful. When we don't "have" to do anything we have finally arrived to peace, present moment. That's why being fulfiled is requirement to some extent to be really happy just existing here and now. By understanding that one should see that seeking for material success is important part of life from the perspective of spirituality and your life overall. Don't fall into trap of only doing spirituality and giving your success based life away.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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if mind is on the go, it is happy

if you sit quietly however, there is a chance you may awaken

don't ever do that, mind tells you

mind will make it an insufferable experience

but if you actually sit there, good things are not far off


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If you really study evolution you see all behavior is driven by DNA. Our culture is pushed more to be stimulation seekers because it sells products, but you can condition animals in a similar manner.

Fr example it's said laser pointers are bad for cats because it stimulates their hunting instinct but they can never actually catch their prey.... This can make them hyper anxious and neurotic stimulation seekers compared to housecats that are raised without excessive stimulation.   Same with well meaning owners that leave screens of mice or other apps going. It's not really necessary.

We have what leo calls hedonic adaptation in our culture....we have gotten used to the excessive stimulation that boredom is basically a dopamine deficit. We are all drug addicts. Boredom = drug withdrawal symptom.

Self mastery is breaking free from being a slave to ones emotions and drives and being able to mindfully observe them instead....see Leo's video on addictions. I'm still an internet addict. I removed my HTPC so I can't spend evenings binge watching YouTube. The content available is nearly endless these days. I still can't keep myself from political forums entirely.  Withdraw is a bitch.


Edited by sholomar

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boredom is something that occurs in children, to encourage them to play constantly, which is a mechanism of stimulation and learning. in adults more than boredom there is anxiety. almost everyone is addicted to the mind and if we are left empty, we can't stand it, we need to fill the emptiness with whatever, movies, socializing, etc.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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