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God's constant punishment

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This ever so called loving god is constantly punishing you on a daily basis. Where do your emotions and thoughts come from? What is the source? The source is god consciousness. This means that everytime you feel negativity or suffering, this is god's punishment in real time.

People will argue that this is no punishment but simply the natural flow of possibilities and life. But I see it as a direct and personal attack against my well being. Each time I have a negative thought, god is originating it and punishing me into a negative state. The ego is god's slave, changing according to every whim that god has. If god wants you to be depressed for your entire life, it will not fail to depress you.

A loving god would forego the madness of being everything and simply be uplifting and wholesome. But no, we're stuck with this. I get to enjoy endless torment, yay! God is mentally ill according to its own definitions of mental illness but it don't care. God has complete self awareness because every single word written in human history has been authored by the same being but despite this, no change will come to pass. God is a blockchain, immutable in its resolve in the quest for everything. A foolish, pointless and impossible quest since infinity is never ending. The goal of being everything will never be complete. You could spend an eternity only playing the good games and you'd still never run out.

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@Holykael no .you keep attracting negative shit into your life by thinking in a negative way .

According to the law of attraction, your thoughts have the facility to manifest in your life. for instance , if you think that positively and visualize yourself with enough money to measure comfortably, you'll attract opportunities which will make these desires a reality.

On the opposite hand, if you constantly specialise in the aspects of your life that you simply are unhappy with, you'll still attract negative outcomes and experiences.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Law of attraction is complete nonsense. You don't choose your thoughts, there is no free will. Everything happens automatically. Where do your thoughts come from? If you go meta enough, you realize that law of attraction is complete and utter nonsense. Where do you even come up with this nonsense. Your ego thoughts do not manifest reality. God is manifesting reality. You are just a puppet in the play. You have no power whatsoever.

Edited by Holykael

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4 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Law of attraction is complete nonsense. You don't choose your thoughts, there is no free will. Everything happens automatically. Where do your thoughts come from? If you go meta enough, you realize that law of attraction is complete and utter nonsense. Where do you even come up with this nonsense. Your ego thoughts do not manifest reality. God is manifesting reality. You are just a puppet in the play. You have no power whatsoever.

Think of the mind as a drainage system in a house. When the mind is working correctly, thoughts and action flow clearly and cleanly. There is no disconnection between thought and action. There is no hesitation. When things need to be done, they get done.

When the mind is not working correctly, unnecessary and stagnant thoughts clog up the inner workings of the mind and begin to pile up like raw sewage. Thought is repetitive and action is almost non-existent. This type of energy is very heavy, very dense. It’s like being trapped in mental quicksand. People who have been depressed or anxious for a long time know what this feeling is like.

If you’ve ever had a main line clog in your house, you know that it is an unpleasant experience. For many people, their mind functions like this all the time. Thoughts begin to build up and pile up without proper disposal. The end result of all of this is a form of insanity to varying degrees.

What if I get fired?

What if she doesn’t like me?

What if I lose a lot of money?

The mind then begins to ruminate and chaos ensues.

In this state, the mind becomes very dull, making it hard to pierce through anything.

Here’s some of the traits of this state of mind:




-Addictive behavior



-Repetitive thought patterns

-Any negative behavior you can think of

Fun stuff, huh?

In order to have the mind function as it should, one needs to realize two things:

1-Thoughts are just thoughts

2-Action must always be taken

When you identify with thoughts too much, you begin to be weighed down by them. You end up being a slave to your thoughts. You become entangled in the world of matter, the illusion ..maya.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Ah yes, the transcendental 'other' (other being God in this case) that somehow maliciously imposes on you from the outside, it is forcing me to think negatively! I simply cannot change, it is impossible, God is punishing me for this. God's fault! Not mine.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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4 minutes ago, amanen said:

Ah yes, the transcendental 'other' (other being God in this case) that somehow maliciously imposes on you from the outside, it is forcing me to think negatively! I simply cannot change, it is impossible, God is punishing me for this. God's fault! Not mine.

There is only one being in existence doing everything. It's just a straight up fact. Everything is god's fault. Ever seen Leo's episode "Why god forgives devilry and evil?". The answer is because it's god. God is evil.

Edited by Holykael

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It is correct that there is no free will. Still it is possible for the seeking energy, the sense of separation, the sense of incompleteness - and along with it the notion that there is a problem to be fixed - to completely dissolve.

Ironically, seeking can seem to lead to its own dissolution. A metaphor for this might be how a car apparently needs fuel in order to stop. Of course, without any fuel the car is already stationary, already stopped.

Yes, it is a hopeless situation. But seeking energy seems to burn itself out, particularly if it burns extra bright.

Edited by axiom


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2 hours ago, Holykael said:

This ever so called loving god is constantly punishing you on a daily basis. Where do your emotions and thoughts come from? What is the source? The source is god consciousness. This means that everytime you feel negativity or suffering, this is god's punishment in real time.

People will argue that this is no punishment but simply the natural flow of possibilities and life. But I see it as a direct and personal attack against my well being. Each time I have a negative thought, god is originating it and punishing me into a negative state. The ego is god's slave, changing according to every whim that god has. If god wants you to be depressed for your entire life, it will not fail to depress you.

A loving god would forego the madness of being everything and simply be uplifting and wholesome. But no, we're stuck with this. I get to enjoy endless torment, yay! God is mentally ill according to its own definitions of mental illness but it don't care. God has complete self awareness because every single word written in human history has been authored by the same being but despite this, no change will come to pass. God is a blockchain, immutable in its resolve in the quest for everything. A foolish, pointless and impossible quest since infinity is never ending. The goal of being everything will never be complete. You could spend an eternity only playing the good games and you'd still never run out.

This is all true, and it is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I wish you could see the beauty that I see in all this. It is very wonderful, to experience everything. In fact your posts have helped me to see this beauty so I thank you for sharing this. You have taught me that any resistance I have to your perspective is the denial of truth and in that moment I saw the beauty in your perspective. 

Your love is so profound you just want to share it with all of us, and instead we judged it and did not seek to understand. So thanks to you, I had to realize where my ignorance was. See you do not even realize that through your own posts you raise the awareness of others, you are living proof of the absolute perfection. Even your cries of suffering benefit us by teaching us to acknowledge our own. 

Thanks for being a teacher, thanks for guiding us to ever more acceptance to what is. Love you man!!!

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 hours ago, Holykael said:

There is only one being in existence doing everything. It's just a straight up fact. Everything is god's fault. Ever seen Leo's episode "Why god forgives devilry and evil?". The answer is because it's god. God is evil.

Precisely due to that God is free, and there is nothing outside God forcing it to have negative thoughts. As it is it's own source, you cannot blame God as an outside entity outside yourself for your negative thoughts. You are responsible for them, because you are God, and since you are free, you can change them. And it doesn't seem like you're actually awakened to what God is, if you say it is evil, other than holding God as a belief on an intellectual level.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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@Holykael the source of your life is coming from books written by god. God is living you through stories it wrote is it evil to write a story that the main character doesn't like

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39 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Holykael the source of your life is coming from books written by god. God is living you through stories it wrote is it evil to write a story that the main character doesn't like

Yeah I think it's absolutely evil. A loving god would care about the well being of the characters it incarnates as. I'm not saying abolish suffering as a whole but make everything ok in the end. Make the suffering worthwhile. But that's too much to ask for.

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@Holykael what's the biggest problem in your life?  I don't believe all this rambling has anything to do with God BS ..there has to be something going terribly wrong in your life ..Do you suffer from a chronic disease?  A death of loved ones ? Addiction of some kind ? What is it ? Please tell me .I'm trying to help you out of this funk because I once was there .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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the pessimism and negativity thing reminds me of my father. the translation for me is: since I lack balls to do what has to be done, and also I'm lazy, well, I'm going to say that everything is horrible all the time, so it's not my fault, it's reality.

but no... in the end reality catches you. you have to do what has to be done, you have to put courage in life, you have to give your best , and leave the complaints for 5-year-olds kids

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God's love is infinite. You won't see God even if he passed you by. You choose to look away when he is in front of you. 

You're stuck in projection mode. All the bad you do, projecting it on God absolves you of responsibility for following his command and that means creating good. 

By dismissing God, you want to cherish a worldview that your ego holds dear. 

Self deception 101.



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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