Eternal Unity

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away

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12 minutes ago, Ulax said:

class is a much more distinct thing in the UK to the US. There's more snobbery, and less of an mythos of social mobility. The upper classes have this more snobbish

One thing I really do hate is upper class people. What a load of horseshit they are.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

One thing I really do hate is upper class people. What a load of horseshit they are.

@Leo Gura you being serious or sarcastic?


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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't insult the pharaohs by comparing her to this silly queen.

You're being overly reductionistic. Weddings, funerals, baptisms, birthdays, graduations, holidays, laws, contracts, currencies, and etc. are all how humans operate instinctually because we are magical thinkers/creatures. If someone has a lot of green paper or if they have some number written on a screen, that in our society means the person is more entitled to resources than other people with less green paper or some smaller number written on a screen - because this is an economic system we've decided makes sense for how we live, even though it's completely irrational. There is nothing essential about green currency or large digital numbers until it is invented to be the case, and then transactions are seen/felt/operated as valid.

With a wedding you wear special clothes and have people gather around and then you say words in front of a priest and the government signs some papers, and somehow that passing of events makes the two people morally obligated to stay together. Or a funeral with people wearing all black instead of flashy colors where people gather around a casket where the person is put by an undertaker in an expensive suit. Then they're buried in a cemetery with a special stone with engravements on it, and then people bring them flowers as gifts. Don't you understand that all of this is no more valid than a crown? I'm just saying humans are ritualistic creatures; this is our soul; this is our essence.

Reductionistically, decorating a Christmas tree or hunting for Easter eggs or wearing a gown and cap for a graduation or eating a cake on your birthday does not make much sense, but it still has a symbolically specified emotional imprint and effect on the subconscious mind. I'm just saying that if you were to be coronated, if you, Leo, were sat down in a chamber and had an ancient crown being ritually placed upon your head, if you claimed you didn't feel the weight of the hundreds of kings that existed before, you would be fooling yourself.

You going to clubs in Las Vegas. All the loud music with pulsing rhythms and flashing lights and dancing and drugs is all instinctive. People have been doing that for tens of thousands of years. And people with special clothes or crowns for special people or occasions or whatnot aren't going away either because it's hardwired and makes perfect sense.

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40 minutes ago, Ulax said:

@Leo Gura you being serious or sarcastic?

100% serious.

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8 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

You're being overly reductionistic. Weddings, funerals, baptisms, birthdays, graduations, holidays, laws, contracts, currencies, and etc. are all how humans operate instinctually because we are magical thinkers/creatures. If someone has a lot of green paper or if they have some number written on a screen, that in our society means the person is more entitled to resources than other people with less green paper or some smaller number written on a screen - because this is an economic system we've decided makes sense for how we live, even though it's completely irrational. There is nothing essential about green currency or large digital numbers until it is invented to be the case, and then transactions are seen/felt/operated as valid.

With a wedding you wear special clothes and have people gather around and then you say words in front of a priest and the government signs some papers, and somehow that passing of events makes the two people morally obligated to stay together. Or a funeral with people wearing all black instead of flashy colors where people gather around a casket where the person is put by an undertaker in an expensive suit. Then they're buried in a cemetery with a special stone with engravements on it, and then people bring them flowers as gifts. Don't you understand that all of this is no more valid than a crown? I'm just saying humans are ritualistic creatures; this is our soul; this is our essence.

Reductionistically, decorating a Christmas tree or hunting for Easter eggs or wearing a gown and cap for a graduation or eating a cake on your birthday does not make much sense, but it still has a symbolically specified emotional imprint and effect on the subconscious mind. I'm just saying that if you were to be coronated, if you, Leo, were sat down in a chamber and had an ancient crown being ritually placed upon your head, if you claimed you didn't feel the weight of the hundreds of kings that existed before, you would be fooling yourself.

You going to clubs in Las Vegas. All the loud music with pulsing rhythms and flashing lights and dancing and drugs is all instinctive. People have been doing that for tens of thousands of years. And people with special clothes or crowns for special people or occasions or whatnot aren't going away either because it's hardwired and makes perfect sense.

All right then. You have convinced me henceforth to wear a crown. I think this will be good for us all.

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I'm from the UK and to be honest I haven't really paid much attention to it, everywhere shut down yesterday and we got a bank holiday, also tv, radio etc is completely dominated by coverage and the history of the Queen. Lots of people talking about it as well obviously. 

I've never really gotten it and I can't get my head around people queuing for 20 hours to bow their heads to a box containing the queen. But I will say just a person level she did have a quiet dignity about her and did her duty as it was assigned for her, if it gave people hope then fair enough. I think a lot of the out pouring and people lining up is to be part of history as well, this will be a landmark event and dies feel like a big change so my theory is its partly fomo for a lot of people. 

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

All right then. You have convinced me henceforth to wear a crown. I think this will be good for us all.

To match that stupid robe! You should get some more robes and not wear the same one every episode.

Anyway, Americans spend money in the hundreds of billions range on Christmas lights and electricity. Why can't this monarchy and these ceremonies in Britain receive their mere hundreds of millions of dollars?

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18 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

To match that stupid robe! You should get some more robes and not wear the same one every episode.

I'm a humble man. I require few robes.

18 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Anyway, Americans spend money in the hundreds of billions range on Christmas lights and electricity. Why can't this monarchy and these ceremonies in Britain receive their mere hundreds of millions of dollars?

Cause Santa has a better hat.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

All right then. You have convinced me henceforth to wear a crown. I think this will be good for us all.



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5 hours ago, Dazgwny said:

You can tell a lot about someone’s level of consciousness by the reaction to the queen.


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I like to think that Lizzy had one phone call with the awful new PM and died of cringe. Incredibly based.

It's dumb I know but it makes me laugh.

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   The lack of empathy, and the immense disdain for Monarchy, is insane. Literally, some of you are too close minded to understand that some British people this is a significant event, comparable to an American president passing away. That's the feeling, even though the consequences are different in the country to around the globe.

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Sorry, don't compare royal douchebaggery to the Presidency.

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   The lack of empathy, and the immense disdain for Monarchy, is insane. Literally, some of you are too close minded to understand that some British people this is a significant event, comparable to an American president passing away. That's the feeling, even though the consequences are different in the country to around the globe.

It's a reflection of what they have been and still are, to this day. 

The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle cost 30 million pounds. 

If they'd donated that money to the homeless or something, instead of kicking them off the streets to preserve 'royal honor', people would be saying much better things about them. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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On 9/20/2022 at 4:31 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

You're being overly reductionistic. Weddings, funerals, baptisms, birthdays, graduations, holidays, laws, contracts, currencies, and etc. are all how humans operate instinctually because we are magical thinkers/creatures. If someone has a lot of green paper or if they have some number written on a screen, that in our society means the person is more entitled to resources than other people with less green paper or some smaller number written on a screen - because this is an economic system we've decided makes sense for how we live, even though it's completely irrational. There is nothing essential about green currency or large digital numbers until it is invented to be the case, and then transactions are seen/felt/operated as valid.

And you are overly mystifying this, when there is nothing, in particular, to mystify it so much about.

This is pretty simply clear and straightforward if you want to look at its human mind core. 

Paper currency, and now digital currency, was historically first pioneered and invented by the mercantilist-colonialist nations of today, later inherited by them in their transition to capitalism during scientific-industrial modernization progress to ease, simplify, make more efficient, and rationalize their transactions amongst themselves and the rest of the world (an easier more cost efficient social convention if you will) and value anchor their trading goods and services based on demand, rarity, cost and difficulty in acquirement in their exploitation, extraction, refinement, production, assembly, acquisition, extortion or plundering across their own continents, colonized lands or the great unknowns of the scientifically underdeveloped or undeveloped parts of the world - of course, the actual precise microeconomics and macroeconomics of this in economics are actually more complicated than that (and I haven't actually passed an economics course yet to explain it accurately, precisely and properly) but this is a layman's easier to understand gist of it if you just look at it from a historical point of view, whilst not holding unto any convenient, borderline deliberately naive ahistorical illusions about the seeming randomness and specialness of money grounded in some kind of mystifying, just randomly and happenstance agreed upon etherial collective agreement or covenant. 

It's easier to propagandize and marketize to people what their wishes, desires, wants, and needs should be via some sort of currency as an easier way for them to make them come true, realize and acquire them and henceforth have a much larger pool and basis of people to exploit, use and extract surplus value from via its manipulation.

Marx compared the inherent value of money to a sort of fetishized idolatrous religious object, its value and worth being exclusively drawn from people's exclusive belief in its inherent specialness, scarcity, and borderline magical properties to materialize their needs, desires, and wishes into a tangible reality (if I remembered that one precisely and correctly :D).

The fetishistic power of money, or any sort of currency. That's what's only magical there to it, people's ability and readiness to be willfully, collectively agreed fooled, and deceived ;) to it in order to find an easier route to fit in and increase their feelings of self-worth, self-value, status, and importance amongst other conformists and normies in society in their chosen self-preservation and survival route and the willingness of other's to exploit these base needs and desires for their own benefit, social and material advancement.

Try accomplishing that with just labor vouchers, for example, not much prestige. mystification and symbolic power coming there with that, is there? Look, John, I acquired 100 labor vouchers on my social account yesterday for that successful pitch of my blueprint on the instant self-cooling mechanism suggestion for the solar panels of the solar-powered self-propelled and self-driving Maglev mass-produced public utility cars on the collective design team board, ain't I the swagger - lol :D.

On 9/20/2022 at 4:31 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

At a wedding you wear special clothes and have people gather around and then you say words in front of a priest and the government signs some papers, and somehow that passing of events makes the two people morally obligated to stay together. Or a funeral with people wearing all black instead of flashy colors where people gather around a casket where the person is put by an undertaker in an expensive suit. Then they're buried in a cemetery with a special stone with engravements on it, and then people bring them flowers as gifts. Don't you understand that all of this is no more valid than a crown? I'm just saying humans are ritualistic creatures; this is our soul; this is our essence.

These things have emotional imprints because of the emotional effort involved in them and the intimacy of said emotions in such, and carrying over the residual effects of that as well in the collective subconscious mind of the previous generations.

A mass mechanical and mechanized totalitarianism and rigid, collective idolatrous state funeral is the precise opposite of that said intimacy and deep self-reflection of emotions involved in that - it is a deliberate mass psychosis induction on the part of people governed over how they should and ought to suppose to feel on the passing away of one of those that ruled over them and how they ought to remember them, think and henceforth feel about them afterward after they have passed on the torch to the next one from that said ruling caste - it's an exercise of total ideological manipulation (henceforth emotional as well) on a mass scale involved on the basis of appealing to collective induced identities based mostly on feelings and needs of belonging via nationality in order to ensure the safety of the current hierarchical social order, status quo continuity, and ideological traditionalism is not broken down in this brief interlude crisis and legitimization vulnerability period when it is most at risk to be questioned, rebelled against and replaced with, once the collective emotional gaslighting spectacle and ritual is over and gone for a brief moment and period that is vowed through an underlying hanging air of fear and doubt in the background that comes with self-deluded conformity and in denial of the factor of existence of coercive, repressive state ideology and social ostracization mechanisms of the maintenance of such in it.

On 9/20/2022 at 4:31 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

Reductionistically, decorating a Christmas tree or hunting for Easter eggs or wearing a gown and cap for graduation, or eating a cake on your birthday does not make much sense, but it still has a symbolically specified emotional imprint and effect on the subconscious mind. I'm just saying that if you were to be coronated, if you, Leo, were sat down in a chamber and had an ancient crown being ritually placed upon your head, if you claimed you didn't feel the weight of the hundreds of kings that existed before, you would be fooling yourself.

 ''And people with special clothes or crowns for special people or occasions or whatnot aren't going away either because it's hardwired and makes perfect sense.''

The Christian absolutist monarchs of the past that ruled over on the basis of coming from hereditary bloodline aristocratic ruling houses over their state religion Ancien regimes you mean, that were supposed to be inferred the divine right to rule over 'their people' from God himself on the basis of wearing a golden, jewelry filled crown that was supposed to symbolize their honoring of God's Son sacrifice and pain for humanity by now replacing a self-sacrificial mocking crown of thorns of pain with a golden, idolatrous one of glory as Christian believers that are now self-entitled to rule over and still keep 'their forcefully converted flock' in check.

A golden crown worn by a pre-selected and chosen king, queen, or person is a very materialist, overt hierarchical order oppressive power symbol epitome of bastardization and perversion of early Christian spiritual and humanistic teachings of the inherent equality, value, and worth of all human beings on the basis of all their souls being one with God in a community that comes with state-institutionalization, weaponization, and ideologization of religion as a moralistically gaslighting absolutist pre-requisite and justification of un-checked rule and domination of a select few in any given land or country.

Btw, modern Christmas and Easter as it is practiced today in most Western and non-Western nominally Christian countries was in fact a crafted assemblage of appropriated of earlier practices borrowed from pre-Christian Paganism, earlier Christanity and was (re)invented in the modern form that it mostly takes today first by traditionalist and nationalist ideologues for the purposes of state legitimizations through nationalism and traditionalism back in the early to late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Victorian and Edwardian periods of the British Empire for those same monarchies lol, in order to further legitimize and stabilize their rule at home and overseas as based on notion of existing 'long traditions', create an atmosphere of conformity, loyalty and civility around it and ritualistic traditions among the masses in the British Isles and across the Empire and its colonies in order to further ensure the continuity of the existing social order there as is, create a basis for ritualistic social-cohesion around, said long-running religious traditions and export it to other Christian states in Europe and elsewhere across the oceans also interested to create new myths, rituals, and traditions to stabilize and ideologically legitimize their rule at home back as well as Christian state religious states as official state sanctioned holidays - by incorporating also these old, revised borrowed Pagan rituals and traditions from various Pagan pre-existing religious cultures and their speculated rites in their corresponding tribal pre-Christian proselytizing and pre-nation state areas - I didn't make this up this was well documented and explained how it works in the seminal work and book 'Inventing Traditions' in the Early Modern and Nation-State period by historian Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger.

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Sorry, don't compare royal douchebaggery to the Presidency.

   Comparison for the feelings. I did say it was asymmetrical otherwise. Triggered? Sorry.

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8 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

It's a reflection of what they have been and still are, to this day. 

The wedding of Prince Charles and Meghan Markle cost 30 million pounds. 

If they'd donated that money to the homeless or something, instead of kicking them off the streets to preserve 'royal honor', people would be saying much better things about them. 

   You are confusing.

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My great grandmother was born in 1904 and lived until over 110 years old. She was actually in great health and the only reason she died was that there was a new doctor at the nursing home that prescribed her some really bad medicine that killed her. We mourned, all three generations under her, that's more than 100 people.

Did we parade her casket around to everyone? Of course not! Was it still a significant event for us? Of course yes!

Now tell me, what did Elizabeth Windsor do that my great grandmother didn't? They were both born around the same time and died around the same time, Elizabeth a little later, they saw society and the world evolve in the same way, my great grandmother was French so almost the same country, even. Frankly, apart from media appearances and some formal meetings where her job was to be polite and do nothing, honestly not much.

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