Eternal Unity

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


American Polish Sockdem Trotsky is mostly right on this one. 

The only hope I now see for the future for the the long term continuation, viability and survival of the British Royal Monarchy at this point is for the next in line Prince William or Harry of Wales to renounce his princely lifestyle of unfulfilling luxury and unsatisfying pleasure in his Royal Palace at Kensington and Anmer Hall, drop all his royal garments, titles and possessions, leave his wife and family, adorn a green, frugal and modest monastic robe as his only covering, go to the enchanted Arthurian woods at Broceliande in Brittany, France and practice ascetism and meditation with Merlin, and the other wizards and druids there until he rids himself of all the royals associated "pampered prince" negative karma and all the other possibly existing karmic debts through monastic purification and achieving "nirvana" , liberation from the Ego or "Ecne", enlightenment in Celtic mythology ?. 

And then we would have a truly an englihtened monastic monarch and an ensuing New Age of True Enlightenment in Britain again upon his return from his retreat in the enchanted woods of Broceliande, where he would reteach and spreading his teaching on the path towards the Truth of Ecne and the ethical code and practice towards it's achievement and attainment, like the Buddha did to Moksha ?


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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How much longer is this farce gonna play out?

Edited by Leo Gura

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A bit surreal to watch something like this in some movie about 10-15 Century and then seeing an identical thing happening with a figure from our modern time

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44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

How much longer is this farce gonna play out?

I presume until a new Oliver Cromwell steps in and starts a new true "purist" revolution, this time of the British union collective identity-ego mind. ?



''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

How much longer is this farce gonna play out?

Until the day the Brits have enough of it. And they say 'We don't want these tyrants on our payroll anymore, we will not stand for it or fund it'. 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

How much longer is this farce gonna play out?

Symbolism and rituals are very important to humans. But of course we aren't humans . . . ;)

Don't you think there's something grand about the tombs and pyramids built specially for the pharaohs? And isn't it impressive that there exists such a complex social structure that allows some frail old lady to rule the country (and all the billions of people of the Commonwealth) and receive all this admiration and reverence?

Edited by AtheisticNonduality

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1 hour ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Symbolism and rituals are very important to humans.

Her death is also very historically symbolic and meaningful because a lot of countries are now considering leaving the commonwealth and removing the British monarch as their head of state. This combined with Brexit and the ever more likely possibility of an independent Scotland and a reunified Ireland will mean a new era for Britain/England with a much weaker status and global influence. 
Britain was the world's prime superpower from roughly 1700 to 1900. It's still a respectable world power to this day but greatness comes and goes. 

As someone who grew up with some English culture (entertainment/language/history etc.) I am a little biased towards England, so for me, her death is kind of melancholy.  

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4 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Her death is also very historically symbolic and meaningful because a lot of countries are now considering leaving the commonwealth and removing the British monarch as their head of state. This combined with Brexit and the ever more likely possibility of an independent Scotland and a reunified Ireland will mean a new era for Britain/England with a much weaker status and global influence. 
Britain was the world's prime superpower from roughly 1700 to 1900. It's still a respectable world power to this day but greatness comes and goes. 

As someone who grew up with some English culture (entertainment/language/history etc.) I am a little biased towards England, so for me, her death is kind of melancholy.  

   Me too.

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I don't understand why adults play such silly games.

And the super fancy funeral is just cringe.

Grow up. Care about things which actually matters. Put energy on those things instead.

I wrote this message because I'm constantly getting spammed about her death even in swedish media. Ffs, goddamnit, I couldn't care less about her death. There's literally zero fucking reason for me to give a fuck.

It's so mind-boggingly out of proportion.. the media acts like the world ended. But in reality, her death doesn't matter. Unless you play the game of "it's the end of the world that a grandma with no power died".

Edited by Blackhawk

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3 hours ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Don't you think there's something grand about the tombs and pyramids built specially for the pharaohs?

Don't insult the pharaohs by comparing her to this silly queen.

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Edited by The Mystical Man

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Then let her rest for fuck's sake. Why you gotta prance around her corpse for 2 weeks?

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24 hour queues there were just to then stand in front of the coffin and bow your head or whatever for 10 seconds. The delusion of the general population is staggering when you take these sorts of things into consideration. I know people who I’ve know all my life who have barely ever mentioned the royal family or the queen in over 30 years of knowing them, suddenly they became big monarchists and the queens death apparently meant so much to them. The delusion of this circus is in the millions, infact runs into the billions. You can tell a lot about someone’s level of consciousness by the reaction to the queen. Total nonsense, worth no more or no less than the death of anybody else. Also just instantly replaced by the new king anyway and life just goes on, as it did beforehand. 
They’re not really doing too much these days anyway other than attending events just posing a that. The government rules the roost in this day and age if anything that’s where people’s attention should be focused, not on, what was it Leo said? Chimps wearing crowns ?. Don’t get me wrong I’ve respect for her dedication to what her duties were, but you just move on

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   I don't if it's because most people's grandmas here treated you guys badly when they were little or what, having negative relationships with your grandparents, but it's really because of these following factors that make this nonsensical to you:

You hold a different value system, you are cognitively and morally developed differently, with a different personality trait, living in different states of being and emotions different from a British citizen, and life experiences and other lines of development that are culturally different. If you live in American culture, or Canadien culture, or in Europe, you react differently to those countries in the commonwealth. You have a left leaning bias, that your upbringing is socialistic/progressive/democratic/liberal, your worldview is mostly modernism values.

If it's hard to relate to this event, just substitute your political leader or role modal passing away, so that you can at least empathize similarly to what the majority of Brits feel.

Again, let go of the trappings of monarchy getting changed in our generations, it's a stupid belief to hold onto.


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@Danioover9000 It's not that we can't understand it. It's just absurd. The absurdity of it all.

Edited by Leo Gura

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Then let her rest for fuck's sake. Why you gotta prance around her corpse for 2 weeks?

@Leo Gura I love your hatred of this ?.

I find it kinda retarded. However, i get people are getting their needs met in some way by all this.

I live in the UK and some of the shit is so funny. Bro they fucking shut down some primary care physician clinics in respect of her passing. Like people were missing out on crucial appointments. Bananas ahahaha.

Thing too is, at least to my mind, class is a much more distinct thing in the UK to the US. There's more snobbery, and less of an mythos of social mobility. The upper classes have this more snobbish and non down to earth perception. So I think the royal family is more acceptable in that climate.


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10 minutes ago, Ulax said:

I love your hatred of this 

Not hatred, just mind-boggling.

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