
How To Create Emotional Stability?

25 posts in this topic

@blacksapp @blacksappits going to take time. You probably will accidentally hurt people in the process. Tell them you're working on yourself and that you're sorry when it happens. If the impulse is too strong for you to control remove yourself from the situation until you calm down.

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On 2/16/2017 at 4:24 AM, blacksapp said:

@Rebecc I know its hard, but I'll do it!
The only question was if there's any way to train without hurting someone.
Well, will take a while but its worthy...
And how you feel about your emotions lately?

My emotions are much better now. I'm not perfect so sometimes I lose my cool, but not for long until I reground myself :) 

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On 2/14/2017 at 3:56 PM, Flare said:

Go hard on your emotions. Experience them fully - seemingly you still try to avoid them. Stay present with them. Breathe them in. Your body will get used to dealing with them, when you let your barriers fall. 

Look at them like a little child running at you in a park, saying: "No ones gonna love me."  

Will you answer: "Yes you're right!" ? 

Kyle Cease's a gangster ?❤

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@Loreena I highly disagree with this. To make it more clear what you should actually do, I'm just going to quote Frank Yang here. I think no one describes it as well as he does. Being too much about detaching from emotions is a fraud. You should be able to observe. Not more and not less. Stay with what you're feeling. Embrace the motion of your emotions. 



Screw your peace of mind.

A lot of people think having a quiet mind is the bedrock of spirituality and self-development. But from a certain perspective, this could be a misconception. It might be a good sales pitch for stressed Americans to buy spiritual self-help books and pay thousands of dollars to go on meditation retreats that promise to bring you "peace and happiness"... But it doesn't necessarily leads you to 'Truth'

People might master the techniques and the skills of concentration, stillness of the mind, and feel blissed out and tranquil. But once they get out of their meditation sessions or when they leave the retreat, they realized that the peace of mind they found was mechanical and static. An artificial vacuum you manufactured or a plastic bag you put over your head. It's unsustainable and un-pragmatic when you go out into the real world. 
Being good at meditating is kind of like being strong at a powerlifting meet, yet losing every bar fight you encounter because your strength is self-contained and non-functional. True silence is a kind of bouncy awareness, a spontaneous unfoldment that moves and dances with, and not without the world. Not saying retreats and sitting meditation are a waste of time. But once you've completed the 12 week Smolov program, it's time for some for you to pick some fights and do some parkour.

When you discriminate against "noise" or define silence through its opposition you are creating duality. Slapping labels on certain sensations and vibrations, you are creating separateness. And hence, more noise! Silence is about getting rid of the separation between yourself and everything else. When your mind becomes the perfect container with mirrors on all sides, you become the infinite capacity, the cosmic vagina to receive all there is. When you hear a loud police siren, you will not be agitated by it because there is no space of resistance. At that moment you ARE the siren. 
Another reason why quieting the mind can be detrimental to spiritual progress is because the mind is the best weapon against all the lies and conditionings that you have accumulated since birth. (



Best wishes 

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