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Can a human grasp a physical object without using a symbol of the object to take a step back and observe? Can I observe a cup completely unmediated by any labeling or categorizing and really grasp its being, or will it desolve if there is no symbol infront of it? Ive never tried psychedelics otherwise I might be able to find out from direct experience... 

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'Being human' and 'a cup' are both concepts that create specific meaning within the content of your experience by making distinctions between what a cup is and what it is not etc. This is how context is being created. The context is created by Your infinite imagination, like a word in a language you know vs a word in a language you do not. 

Think about words, a word is meaningless, just letters, letters are meaningless, just symbols. What gives a word meaning?


Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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Think about what experiencing a cup 'means'... It can mean infinite possibilities in terms of context and content...

There is the whole direct experience of all the sensations as a unified, singular mega element, a mix made of each element of what the experience feels like as a whole...your direct experience.. that which encompasses all distinctions, all glued together : looking at the cup while thinking it looks (whatever you imagine it looks like, disliking it or loving it, reminding you of a different 'object' etc) +  looking at your hand as you're holding this cup + the background made of any other sensation that's not within the field of your focused attention but still present in your awareness... The way the temperature in your room feels like as you're ready to drink some tea... + The sounds + everything else... 



Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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Im basically just doubting how direct my direct experience is. Even if i am in a deeply meditative state and hear no inner words, and then deeply stare a a cup, musnt there still be some hidden concept being used to tell myself that the "real cup" is a cup, thereby distancing myself from it, going meta on it, enough to observe it? If my observation of reality were truly without any concept being juxtrapositioned onto it, wouldnt it unravel? Meaning you can only grasp reality by using a symbol of its content? How stable is this dream, how truly conceptless can your observation become?

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18 hours ago, Jalextheopenminded said:

Im basically just doubting how direct my direct experience is. Even if i am in a deeply meditative state and hear no inner words, and then deeply stare a a cup, musnt there still be some hidden concept being used to tell myself that the "real cup" is a cup, thereby distancing myself from it, going meta on it, enough to observe it? If my observation of reality were truly without any concept being juxtrapositioned onto it, wouldnt it unravel? Meaning you can only grasp reality by using a symbol of its content? How stable is this dream, how truly conceptless can your observation become?

Your direct experience is like a living painting made of every sensation and thought unified as one. There is no veil of perception... It is absolutely direct. 

A cup is a distinction within the 'living painting of sensations' , labeling is creating distinction. Creating distinction is zooming in and out into certain points of focus, zooming in and out within an infinite field of wholeness, nonlocal consciousness.

What you call experiencing a cup in your direct experience is like a fractalic labeling of 'the whole ocean within a drop', it is Consciousness itself as Anything that is being experienced by You. Because it's all You. The whole ocean(Infinity) is beaming with specific meaning within your experience as you are focusing on placing your awareness on creating meaning by conceptually partitioning, creating distinction within *the wholeness of the melted sensations that are glued to the entire living painting of your direct experience*. 


"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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Also, you're creating this meaning in real time.

In the absolute sense, you experiencing 'a cup' the way you do, thinking about it the way you do, that would be part of your direct experience as well, right? 

That's the process of creating, there are no gaps, there is no boundary, You are dreaming up your direct experience and thus a cup is as infinite as anything else. Your direct experience is Absolute.

It is not 'a piece of cake'. It is the 'cake itself'. A cup is not a piece of direct experience. Direct experience is nondual, complete, whole. A cup is neverending because your walls and your cup are Consciousness. Your body is Consciousness. Every sensation and thought within Your direct experience is Absolute, every single distinction you make is Consciousness because there is no veil of perception.

So everything is Consciousness.

Because everything and distinctions within everything are identical. God is a cup in your direct experience but not as a concept, as Your direct experience. Your direct experience is You. Even thinking about the fact that you are experiencing a cup as a concept is not separate from direct experience. But you can experience infinite meaning, because meaning is not created by a finite being. You God Mind is infinite so it can dream about generating any meaning, it's an eternal wellspring of meaning. Mind is everything. Everything is Mind.

Notice that even the memory of you learning what a cup is, in the absolute sense, well, that memory is not a memory of a past experience, it is You dreaming that up in real time, Infinity experiencing itself. 


Edited by Anahata

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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yes, that is real spirituality. the concept, the meaning, is a very superficial level, a tool of the mind to optimize survival. we are educated like this since we are children since as humans this is our main advantage, but it takes us away from reality. When you learn to recognize this function of the mind, it is not difficult to get out of it and go deeper. the conceptual mind that interprets is superficial and linear. reality is deep and alive. everything lives, everything is organic and in movement. nothing is separate from anything, everything flows together. you are not separate, it is your mind that creates separation with that activity. If you want to feel life, to have a deeper understanding each time, you must learn to stop the separating activity at will.

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On 08/09/2022 at 0:24 PM, Jalextheopenminded said:

Can a human grasp a physical object without using a symbol of the object to take a step back and observe? Can I observe a cup completely unmediated by any labeling or categorizing and really grasp its being, or will it desolve if there is no symbol infront of it? Ive never tried psychedelics otherwise I might be able to find out from direct experience... 


It's quite possible that the true nature of reality  can never be known to humanity.

Once we break it all down, we are left with the possibility that reality is not truly reality.

Let's see:

Everything that we are aware of, the world around us, our feelings, etc, is perceived because of our nervous system, correct? Without this nervous system, we cannot perceive reality.

Now, think. How can we be sure that we perceive reality how it truly is? What if our nervous system is incorrect in perceiving this? What if all of this is an illusion, and I am but a figment of your imagination? And what if you are just a brain being experimented on, and everything you see is an extreme hallucination? What would you be able to do to prove this? Nothing, correct.

All you can do is to continue with this life that you believe you are experiencing, and that you might or might not actually be living in.


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