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The Worst Ever

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Imagine a person who lives the most fucked up life ever, I mean, the most fucked up life in all the probable worlds where it just cannot get any worse than that. That person has the greatest fears and regrets and confusions ever, etc, and everything is against him, that even the pain, etc, of Christ is nothing compared to that. Think of it as that which as bad as it gets ever. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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And think of it as everything you can ever think of as negative, times infinity. Imagine that the world of that person has nothing that is not against him, that it is a world of pure evil. Pure evil that no light, at all, exists in it, in that sense. 


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That there is nothing good, none at all, in the past, in the world, in the now, etc, of that person, of that being, and it is like the epitome of pure fuckedupness and negativity. 


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There you don't know what to do, you don't know what to think, you are, like, trapped within a trap within a trap, eternally, ad infinitum. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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@Holykael that doesnt mean that its worth contemplating because that describes literally everything. 

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any old man alone in a residence, any schizophrenic strapped to his bed, any young man sentenced to life imprisonment. but everything ends. only god is eternal and for him suffering is joy

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@Vibroverse too much lost in conceptual la la land .

Do you even meditate ,bro?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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