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The Profound Love Of God, Please Read!

28 posts in this topic

Wow the third picture looks what I experienced in a n,n-DMT experience!

I was looking at a candle in a pretty dark room and through the light I travelled to this place. It was like a web streching out of it and on the other end where three entities looking at the earth through a whirlpool... Almost as if they where the watchers through light. It's so weird because it was another place but also more like a overlay of where we are exactly now.

Nice story btw! :)

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20 hours ago, Natasha said:

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for asking :)

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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On 2/13/2017 at 8:13 PM, Natasha said:

If you shared your experience with a Christian, they would insist that was Jesus. They say he is the first one to great you in heaven. Was just curious what you though that was and if you received any communication.

Ok you are going to laugh at me for not thinking it was Jesus, but the being looked almost exactly like this video freeze framed at the 1:45 mark. The head was bowed and the eyes were closed exactly like the man in this video. Except there was no human skin tone. The whole being was radiating light. He was wearing white too.


The kingdom of heaven is within.

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17 hours ago, Colin said:


Ok you are going to laugh at me for not thinking it was Jesus, but the being looked almost exactly like this video freeze framed at the 1:45 mark. The head was bowed and the eyes were closed exactly like the man in this video. Except there was no human skin tone. The whole being was radiating light. He was wearing white too.


A friend of mine is trying to convert me back to Christianity. I left the church a year and a half ago. Was just wondering what your experience was about... the man sure looks like Jesus from the pictures we've all seen of him.

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57 minutes ago, Natasha said:

A friend of mine is trying to convert me back to Christianity. I left the church a year and a half ago. Was just wondering what your experience was about... the man sure looks like Jesus from the pictures we've all seen of him.

@Natasha  I was raised catholic and took it seriously as a child. I was a smart child and thought deeply about hell, the ten commandments, Noah, etc. My grandmother was devoutly catholic that reinforced it as well. Then at a relatively young age I fully embraced scientific materialism and skepticism. I threw out all religious and spiritual ideas. Then this experience happened and I slowly went from being atheist, to being agnostic, to being a full blown mystic. I've seen plenty of "miracles" along the way to reinforce this path. And my ego has gone kicking and screaming.

I can't say what is right for anyone else. but, for me I'm really glad I'm not a catholic and I'm really glad that I am not an atheist. This divine love was what I never knew I always wanted. It filled me in a way nothing else ever had.

How is it that an atheist got into the kingdom of heaven? ;)

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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Can't give any more reput points today, so :


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 13/02/2017 at 10:31 PM, Callum A said:

Love is A scent of God,

Deep inside your being, there is a surge of love that can pour through you, and wash away, the world.



Hi, :)

I have been contemplating whether or not to write this post, number 1 because I know that it is a egoic desire, and part of me as a self wants to show off, or seem interesting or something!

But also there is another part that genuinely wants to share something of beauty and hopefully inspire you, as you have inspired me.

If you have read any of the post that i have posted before, you may have seen that I have spoke about various experiences, altered states of consciousness that I have had.

And I have had a fair number, and each time they are a bit deeper, or a bit more inclusive, as I am sure the deeper each and everyone of you go into your being, you will find that you can never really say you have reached the pinnacle of yourself experientially, because there is always deeper to go.

This is the beauty of consciousness work.

I am not going to go into how I reached this profound experience, but let's just say I was helped by a substance, one that doesn't have any visual hallucinations. 

It was late night and I was sitting on the couch by myself, meditative.

It happened spontaneously, just like it always does, and it started off as a sense of myself expanding into the present moment, and I started to feel that deep, still, solid feeling like I have felt before on previous enlightenments. But this time it was going to be the next level, I knew that instantly, because my sense of body was starting to disappear very quickly!

It was very intense, and pretty scary! 

I had my eyes closed at that moment, and opened them to try to lessen its intensity, Didn't work!

I remember some thoughts coming in that went something like, "Oh shit!" "Oh fuck!"  And a sense of panick was was starting to happen, :0 

There's no words that can do justice to that moment! And you will only know what I am talking about when it happens to you, but there was just this empty void! More empty than I have ever known! So empty that it was frightening! And its not like this is the first taste of the absolute for me, so you can appreciate the emptyness (that I can't convey with mere words) at that moment.

Now there was no escaping it! Do you know why? Because this empty void, this absolute terrifying Nothing!  Is what I am, the self is secondary and the void is primary, and that was definitely the way it was feeling at that moment.

It was death! Like you really don't get it! Fucking death! But even worse than bodily death, because the body and mind were still functioning, so it was more like death, but being alive and conscious of the fact your dead! 

The-Void-II1.jpg  This picture does not do justice to the void i am talking about.

So sounds pretty bad so far right?

Well don't fear because, it gets better.

So I know the only reason its scary at this moment is because the ego is still resisting, the body kept trying to tense itself, very subtly, because when it didn't you couldn't feel a body.

So I laid back, opened the body and said out loud, "God I love you I surrender" 


I closed my eyes, suddenly a intense vibration buzzed through my entire being, and before I know it there was pure love! No more fear, just pure love!

Love love love love love love love!!!!!!

I just kept saying Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!!!

It was like a love orgasm! 

And I burst into tears, Infinity!!!!!

Infinity is pure love!!! God loves you, god loves me, loves everything!!!! All things!! God is goodness!! Is benevolence!! 

And also God is me, and you! You are the infinite self, whether you realize that in this life or the next, doesn't matter, we are all one.

So when I had this experience of the absolute, you had it with me, because at that moment, every being that has ever lived or died or will live and die in the future, was all one. And always will be. The Timeless one.

I cryed for about 2 hours, while listening to songs, and I felt like I was crying away all the accumulated pain of generations, and at the same time crying because I am one with you all and that melts my heart.

After a while I went back into my normal state of feeling more like a body, than the emptyness, and I am glad because it is intense.

I know it sounds to you like I am speaking from the ego, the self, and I am, but I am one, with the absolute always, so are you, it may sound like ego as well because I am writing in terms or relativity, relationship, and this experience was the absolute, no relationship, just one, one infinite being, that we all are.

I hope i inspired you to find the love of God.

Loved reading and inspired me, however, how is it like death, if you were experiencing something,  be it nothingness? 

I get that it might be like death of the human,  but how can it be like death, if you identify with who you trully are, that was never born and will never die.

Just my thoughts,  maybe this is what is stopping you from reaching that level of truth without a substance.


-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster yeah defo you are completely right, that statement was said from a human perspective, I have gone deeper into this since then, deeper into the Tao.

But calmly and in a very sober way if you will. And really looked at it. It is empty & silent and has no end, that is our true nature. 

There's always deeper to go of course, after a deep experience of your true nature, you take home more consciousness, of the self you play as & ego consciousness As well and the learning continues, intill you are ready for a deeper experience of God, and more consciousness.


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