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After so many years: Still mindfucked

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After so many trips, so many retreats, so many meditations, so many so called "awakenings"... I still find myself alone in my room shocked in how this is actually possible (that God is real).

Its like the amount of brainwash of materialism run so deep that it just doesn't take 1, 2, 3, or 4 awakenings to actually even consider this to be real. it takes years and years and many many many realizations and basking in that formless consciousness so that when you are in a normal, relatively "mainstream" functional state of consciousness, you can really be conscious and accept that yes, your experiences and realizations are valid, yes, this is real. Death is not real. Reality is infinite. My life is a dream. God is pure nothingness in all directions. 

And 99.9% of humans are fucking clueless about it and they believe 100% in the materialism paradigm. Fuck the illusion its so well designed Lmao. But I guess that way its even funnier when you really accept God completely. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

After so many trips, so many retreats, so many meditations, so many so called "awakenings"... I still find myself alone in my room shocked in how this is actually possible (that God is real).

Its like the amount of brainwash of materialism run so deep that it just doesn't take 1, 2, 3, or 4 awakenings to actually even consider this to be real. it takes years and years and many many many realizations and basking in that formless consciousness so that when you are in a normal, relatively "mainstream" functional state of consciousness, you can really be conscious and accept that yes, your experiences and realizations are valid, yes, this is real. Death is not real. Reality is infinite. My life is a dream. God is pure nothingness in all directions. 

And 99.9% of humans are fucking clueless about it and they believe 100% in the materialism paradigm. Fuck the illusion its so well designed Lmao. But I guess that way its even funnier when you really accept God completely. 

Love it.  Yeah.  They are a figment of your imagination that's why they seem clueless.  Because you have designed the dream or the game so that others are clueless - otherwise it would be spoiled way too soon.  That's why the dream appears so "real".  It's the ultimate mind fuck that you are dreaming right now.  If it wasn't then reality couldn't be what it is.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Can be rough, everything is recontextualized. It can feel isolating as anytime you try to connect with most people you have to act as though you are still in the dream and play along. :D 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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36 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

After so many trips, so many retreats, so many meditations, so many so called "awakenings"... I still find myself alone in my room shocked in how this is actually possible (that God is real).

Its like the amount of brainwash of materialism run so deep that it just doesn't take 1, 2, 3, or 4 awakenings to actually even consider this to be real. it takes years and years and many many many realizations and basking in that formless consciousness so that when you are in a normal, relatively "mainstream" functional state of consciousness, you can really be conscious and accept that yes, your experiences and realizations are valid, yes, this is real. Death is not real. Reality is infinite. My life is a dream. God is pure nothingness in all directions. 

And 99.9% of humans are fucking clueless about it and they believe 100% in the materialism paradigm. Fuck the illusion its so well designed Lmao. But I guess that way its even funnier when you really accept God completely. 

Well said.

No one understands how deep the illusion goes.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yea everything is an illusion I agree. Once you begin to see only love everywhere you realize everything is perfect the way it is. 

Even selfishness is love. 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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There isn't an answer or a truth to land on or discover....thats the real shocker! 

Reality is completely unstable and unknowable....and any knowledge,  security or stability is totally illusory!

It's madness & anarchy....literally nothing surprises me anymore ? 




“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Just now, VeganAwake said:

There isn't an answer or a truth to land on or discover....thats the real shocker!


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It doesn't have to take years and years. The self can seem to dissolve one morning while drinking a cup of tea. The problem is that the ego - in most apparent people - is so desperate for an answer that it will cling to anything at all. In this example, it will cling to the idea that drinking tea could maybe get it somewhere. 

The ego is a bit like a very hard-to-kill parasitic infection. When you think all trace of it is gone, you realise it's still there, hiding in some cell or other.

Edited by axiom


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Actually, it would be madness to think that matter is real. Which is why most of the human population are mad and run emok to satisfy their egoic needs, while ignoring the obvious reality that everything they will achieve and collect in life will disappear quite the same like sandcastles.

Sounds to me like your still too much in the mind, which is why you feel "mindfucked". That is what the "spiritual journey" does to the seeking mind, especially when it entails tripping. You go on seeking the next trip, the next awakening, the next potent practice. Spiritual seeking isn't different in its essence than other forms of seeking, it is just a deeper mindfuck because it encompasses altered states of consciousness and ridiculous investment of time in sitting in meditation or going to retreats.

A spiritual seeking mind can only find relief in practices, tripping, intellectualizing about it with others, listening or reading spiritual discourse. But a temporary, although spiritual, stimuli to the seeking mind will eventually end and so the relief will dissipate with it. When the relief ends, the seeking will return the same any addict looks forward to the next stimuli. This is how you find your self stuck in a self-perpetuating loop of action and thought, that reinforces itself with time and delusion. 

Moving towards spiritual stimuli is just the last rabbit hole in the matrix of the seeking mind. The point isn't to find satisfaction and happiness by tripping, chasing states of consciousness, sitting endless in meditation, contemplating for days, spending money on retreats or other spiritual consumerism. The point is to awaken to what is already fulfilled and whole. So why embark on a journey to erode the seeking mind by more seeking? it might happen eventually, and then "you" will get it, but that may take a lot of time. Spiritual seeking is exquisitely unique in its mischief, because of the radical states it might produce, and the feeling that you arrived at some new revelation. But, the more profound the satisfaction from the activity of seeking, the deeper the hunger to seek for the next mystical experience will be. One might find himself in an endless journey of chasing states and experiences, and there is no problem with that if it comes from genuine curiosity and exploration rather than seeking.

You should be open to the possibility that when the activity of seeking is fully revealed, you will no longer find satisfaction or relief in tripping, practices, or other spiritual endeavors. It is also possible that you will find enjoyment in this activities, but it will be only for the sake of the activity as an expression of our being and the possibility to share it with others to create deep connection.

Edited by Batman

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