
Covid VS 9/11 VS Drone Attacks / My opinion

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In Leo's latest video about double standards, he talks about 9/11 and the Covid, and then drag the topic of drone attacks, and I really think he's trying to bring in perfectionism here to the scene when hoping for a near perfect America.

I wish Leo was living in Iraq, where all the motehrfuckery that he's talking about is present here also! the governments here are involved with genocides against their own people, but nothing else present on top of the motherfuckery, at all! and I am pretty sure a larger percentage of the world countries are the same also. 

I feel what have been achieved by the American empire that truly enabled this age we're living in, and the technological advancement, the relative peace , and all those thousands of intricate international systems and treaties that enabled billions of people to live on our planet should itself become the center of attention, and should not be decimated by mentioning what's *not so perfect* stuff

Truly, if you can magnify the horrific things that take place in countries like Iraq by its government, they can be a thousand times worse from all the drone attacks combined.

I believe that 99% of the world stability is a direct result for the existence of the American empire, and if I wish for anything, it is  just to enjoy some of that freedom that American people enjoy, and if  I get there one day, I 'm going to start to talk about the horrific things that happen in Iraq, not sit there and complain about drone attacks or lack of health care coverage. 

Also I believe that America is embarking on its own hero's journey, the journey to bring freedom and prosperity to the whole world, and 9/11 was just another call to take action in this regard. American needs to spread freedom. While Leo is there shooting videos and speaking what's on his mind, it has became a dream for me now the simple act of shooting a photo on the street as freedom of speech is virtually non-existent here.

Why don't you defend my right to free speech in Iraq?

Also there's no such a thing as a Middle Easterners, and drone attacks by Americans almost unheard of here. Middle East are just a bunch of separated cities, put together because of the international law that defines countries, while they are just a bunch of isolated cities. 


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