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My life goals

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                   "Most people live as if they're destined to live forever".


One of my favourite quotes.

My name is Lisindel. I am from Chicago and I love the idea of self-actualisation. Ever since I came across Leo's channel I've been hooked. Like an audio book I love to listen to his fucking long ass videos! while I do things that would normally bore me (e.g chores)- it just makes time go by so much easier. (honestly highly recommend doing that if you find yourself lacking the time).

As for my interests in making this journal, to be quite honest I've always wanted to create blog but I've never really found a good website to plant my flag. I knew I wasn't looking for a cliché travel blog, or anything else for the matter so this forum came quite hand in hand given self-actualisation encapsulates pretty much everything I know I've now found what I've been looking for.

NOW. Changing topic a bit here.. I figured ( in my experience of searching for good forums ) not many people if all really post photos of how they're progressing, what they're doing,  where they've gone etc. In this thread I hope to change that; to show anyone who comes across this thread that self-actualisation is a very real and tangible thing, to show what results it can produce and what results I have produced by doing what I'm doing which I will also document.



Long Term Goals:


Be fluent in 5 languages

Travel the world

Know how to defend myself

Become a Vegan

Develop a huge skillset

Have a fucking awesome beautiful girlfriend.

Become the strongest version of myself.

Grow spiritually


That's all l I can think of at the moment, i'm sure I will come up with more later. Anyway, keep in touch. If you enjoyed this thread leave a comment, if you have any feedback you want to give drop it in and yeah I'd love to interact with you guys !

Peace and love xx



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