
How To Become The Most Masculine Man That Ever Lived?

45 posts in this topic

On 16-2-2016 at 9:20 AM, JevinR said:

@thortho Thanks friend, I have gotten over the insecurity (That was quick) But I still have problems with this. I know my life purpose must be taken to it's absolute maximum degree. I want to die in the history books, I want to become king of this world, the savior. I want to have the most hectic life ever, I want to completely obliterate each, and every obstacle that comes my way. Even IF I die a virgin, I will have the lived the best damn life I ever had, ever. I'm also 18, so there is lots of time. When I do get into pick-up, I wanna go HARDCORE balls to the walls, hitting up every club everywhere just busting lines, grabbing girls and conquering worlds, going alll over the world.

To die in the history books, this will be the quickest way:

I saw an interview with a woman wanting the same, you also die probably very quickly, but you will certainly be in history books.

I had once a huge ambition. But this will be important: Ambition comes from an inferior ego.

What I think you really want is a sense of value right now.

As for masculinity and femininity, the excersice in the end of this video will give you an excersice that will help you with this problem, what is releasing resistance to your feminin side and cultivating the masculin side:


This video goes really deep and is mind-blowing.


Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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Real dominance means being Open which is vulnerable which is in a way submissive.. But also in a way really BOSS!!

The submissive you talking about is probably being a pussy and weak kind..

Its ok to be quiet if you driven like a BOSS.. Quiet is not submissive..

You probably need to list a bunch of qualities you define as submissive and we will soon tell you if they are ..


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Go out on the street, start gowling/yelling/screaming how manly you are. Tear your shirt apart and start beating your chest. If you feel like it you may even pull your pants down and start waving your dick around.

Yeah, that should do the trick.

And don't forget to FUCK THE BITCHES!!1

Edited by Neuroticon

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