
How To Become The Most Masculine Man That Ever Lived?

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On 12.2.2016 at 2:57 PM, The Alchemist said:

Start with not giving a fuck anymore ;)

According to the research on psychedelics this is exactly what "alpha" primates constitute .... just let go ....



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On 2/12/2016 at 5:15 AM, Naviy said:

Why do you need to become the most masculine man that ever lived?

Because I am submissive in the bed, therefore I must be submissive in the head

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39 minutes ago, JevinR said:

Because I am submissive in the bed, therefore I must be submissive in the head

Not necessarily .... it is known that some top managers and other folks  in leading positions have a masochistic/submissive affinity ....

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7 minutes ago, Wini said:

Not necessarily .... it is known that some top managers and other folks  in leading positions have a masochistic/submissive affinity ....

What if you want to be able to be both dominant and submissive? Being a masochist is awesome

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What if you want to be able to be just someone else? ;) 

No offense. Well, it seems to be a bit difficult ..... perhaps you could push off some testosterone to become different ....

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On February 12, 2016 at 7:55 AM, JevinR said:

How would one go about this process?

I'm assuming that you want to be more masculine to attract a woman and not just for the heck of it...

Most women that I know are not attracted to extremely manly men, but men who have a more subtle, nuanced, and complex masculine energy. If memory serves, in a case study I read about years ago, women living in first world countries tended to find men who were of average masculinity more attractive than extremely masculine men. But women living in war-torn or impoverished societies found polarity masculine men more appealing. So, trying to be the "most masculine" could backfire, especially if it's a pretense. Simply highlight your natural masculinity and work on your other traits for the best chance of being noticed. Women like men who are interesting and exciting people first and foremost. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I think being a man is getting in touch with your masculine and feminine essence and know how to use both when necessary :)

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1 hour ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

I'm assuming that you want to be more masculine to attract a woman and not just for the heck of it...

Most women that I know are not attracted to extremely manly men, but men who have a more subtle, nuanced, and complex masculine energy. If memory serves, in a case study I read about years ago, women living in first world countries tended to find men who were of average masculinity more attractive than extremely masculine men. But women living in war-torn or impoverished societies found polarity masculine men more appealing. So, trying to be the "most masculine" could backfire, especially if it's a pretense. Simply highlight your natural masculinity and work on your other traits for the best chance of being noticed. Women like men who are interesting and exciting people first and foremost. 

No, no no it's personal, maybe yes but it's self-identitiy really

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All I know is not giving a fuck works very good;) it has good effect t on girls.

Edited by Mohsinuddin

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8 hours ago, JevinR said:

No, no no it's personal, maybe yes but it's self-identitiy really

I see. Would being a manly-man make you feel better? If so, why? How do you think others would react to you? Is it the case that you respect/admire someone who fits this description? Or do you feel like you don't get respect/admiration and think that a manly-man persona would help? 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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4 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

I see. Would being a manly-man make you feel better? If so, why? How do you think others would react to you? Is it the case that you respect/admire someone who fits this description? Or do you feel like you don't get respect/admiration and think that a manly-man persona would help? 

  1. Yes, make me feel much better, much more secure
  2. I am somewhat feminine, and feel a little insecure about my masculinity (Or maybe this is just a phase?)
  3. It's not very important how others would react
  4. Somewhat yes.Most great men in history, and a personal mentor of mine
  5. Yes, no respect whatsoever if a hint of weakness is noted from other men, admiration not so much as it is not very important 

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2 hours ago, JevinR said:
  1. Yes, make me feel much better, much more secure
  2. I am somewhat feminine, and feel a little insecure about my masculinity (Or maybe this is just a phase?)
  3. It's not very important how others would react
  4. Somewhat yes.Most great men in history, and a personal mentor of mine
  5. Yes, no respect whatsoever if a hint of weakness is noted from other men, admiration not so much as it is not very important 

Well, you could try to highlight, improve, and frame whatever masculine traits are already there. Sort of like a reframing of your normal persona. In this way, the human personality is malleable. But masculinity and femininity are mostly pre-conditioned states of being. Inventing masculinity in your personality where there is none, is going to be crazy-making. If you want people to respect you, I recommend accepting your traits: both masculine and feminine. Human beings are naturally androgynous and have a mix of both masculine and feminine traits in varying degrees; so to attempt to get rid of your feminine traits would be repression. The main problem is that you equate femininity in a man as a weakness. It is not. Femininity is just an energy that someone has about them. For example, who would deny that David Bowie was a feminine man, yet he was unapologetically himself and had a very strong personality. So, my advice is to exalt the traits that you have... positive and negative. Max out each trait you have in the most beneficial way that you can. As Shakespeare said, "Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." So, don't look at you traits as "negative" or "positive." You just have neutral traits that can be applied in beneficial and non-beneficial ways. Do this, and you'll be so above what those other guys think of you, that you won't even care what they think.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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7 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Well, you could try to highlight, improve, and frame whatever masculine traits are already there. Sort of like a reframing of your normal persona. In this way, the human personality is malleable. But masculinity and femininity are mostly pre-conditioned states of being. Inventing masculinity in your personality where there is none, is going to be crazy-making. If you want people to respect you, I recommend accepting your traits: both masculine and feminine. Human beings are naturally androgynous and have a mix of both masculine and feminine traits in varying degrees; so to attempt to get rid of your feminine traits would be repression. The main problem is that you equate femininity in a man as a weakness. It is not. Femininity is just an energy that someone has about them. For example, who would deny that David Bowie was a feminine man, yet he was unapologetically himself and had a very strong personality. So, my advice is to exalt the traits that you have... positive and negative. Max out each trait you have in the most beneficial way that you can. As Shakespeare said, "Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." So, don't look at you traits as "negative" or "positive." You just have neutral traits that can be applied in beneficial and non-beneficial ways. Do this, and you'll be so above what those other guys think of you, that you won't even care what they think.


I also have huge, HUGE insecurities regarding virginity. It makes me tremble in my boots, constantly judging myself for being a virgin, and that I have to have sex with 100+ woman or else I will be deemed a pussy for the rest of my life like in one Leos Videos . I also haven't found my life purpose, and am making woman my number one priority in life above anything else because of this, and everything I've worked for in life and up until this point is useless/pointless because of this, and my life/masculinity depends on this, and that I'm going to be some kind of pushover that every girl is just going to use and abuse and make fun and that my life is going to be some living hell, omg the worrying/black and white/all or nothing thinking is so intense please help :(


As Leo states "If you only have sex with like 1 or 2 woman your whole life, I can guarantee you that guy will be a pussy" - :/


Edited by JevinR
what edit?

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that I have to have sex with 100+ woman or else I will be deemed a pussy for the rest of my life like in one Leos Videos

Well, even if the "If you only have sex with like 1 or 2 woman your whole life, I can guarantee you that guy will be a pussy" bit were true,  that still wouldn't mean that having sex with 100+ women will make someone not a pussy. An analogy: "If you only have three drops of gas in your car, I can guarantee that you won't be able to go for a long drive" doesn't mean that having a full tank will make the car driveable. And if there are other issues with the car (faulty engine, lack of wheels, broken transmission, etc.) then filling the tank up will do no good at all.


3 hours ago, JevinR said:

and that I'm going to be some kind of pushover that every girl is just going to use and abuse and make fun

If you're so horribly desperate to get laid that it becomes the single most important thing in your life - then yeah, that might happen. Get so desperate that you're willing to bend over backwards and twist yourself into a corkscrew for just a chance at taking a woman's panties off, and people will take advantage of that.

I almost want to recommend that you try and forget about women alltogether, and just focus on almost anything else you find interesting; although from this standpoint, more focus on interesting social things, something that'll i) bring you into contact with other like-minded folks, and ii) is something that can be used for showing off a bit. I'm fairly sure women are more interested in guys that do interesting things than they are in guys who do not.

And on this subject specifically (becoming manly man) - well, you could always go for something that's generally considered a manly thing. Take up a sport, almost any physically demanding sport will do (so, possibly not throwing darts at your local pub), and I suppose a combat-oriented sport would be better. Not necessarily training in order to compete in tournaments or any of that - just for the training of it; pretty much anything with sparring or rough physical contact could, if not actually make you manlier, at least make you feel manlier, as well as doing very good things for confidence.

And, of course, grow (or maintain) a little backbone so that you won't let women walk all over you, just because they're dangling the promise of sex in front of you like a carrot on a stick. Well, actually, grow (or maintain) a little backbone so that you won't let people generally walk all over you, just because they're dangling something you desire in front of you like bait.

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@thortho Thanks friend, I have gotten over the insecurity (That was quick) But I still have problems with this. I know my life purpose must be taken to it's absolute maximum degree. I want to die in the history books, I want to become king of this world, the savior. I want to have the most hectic life ever, I want to completely obliterate each, and every obstacle that comes my way. Even IF I die a virgin, I will have the lived the best damn life I ever had, ever. I'm also 18, so there is lots of time. When I do get into pick-up, I wanna go HARDCORE balls to the walls, hitting up every club everywhere just busting lines, grabbing girls and conquering worlds, going alll over the world.

Edited by JevinR

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Oh, and another thing that might be worth considering on this whole "being a man"-subject: What is "being a man" contrasted with? Sometimes, when trying to find a definition of something, it can be helpful to contrast it with something else, a "this is not that" approach, especially if buying into a binary style of thinking. Of course, another useful way is to find examples of what's to be defined and just point at that. Point at a yellow thing and say "This is a example of a yellow thing", and you're on your way. Still, you might need a similar object of a different colour, so you could point at that and say "This is not yellow".

So, it's possible to define manliness by contrasting men with women. It might give some good ideas, point to some qualities that seperate the two. But you could also go for a definition by contrasting "being a man" vs. "being a boy" - and that might give a very different idea of what being a man is.

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What about, dedicating every single of your days to help those how love you and those how need love?!! 


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3 hours ago, AndreyRoberto said:

What about, dedicating every single of your days to help those how love you and those how need love?!! 

I don't usually do this but because you misspelled it twice and "how" actually mean something entirely different, the word you're trying to say is "Who" :)

That said you Also need to focus a lot on yourselves, especially in the beginning, after all, how can you help others if you can't help yourself? ;) 

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