
Final layer of the onion.

93 posts in this topic

56 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, that don't say much. Could be a dozen things you're still not conscious of.



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41 minutes ago, Leo Palhano said:

@axiom were you on psychedelics or did it just hit you randomly? I'd be cautious of "the final layer" too, but as @Carl-Richard wisely pointed out, awakening is a very individual process.

I’ve done lots of psychedelics and had some very profound experiences. Turns out all of that was a dream.

Nothing to be cautious about.


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Happy for you mate.

Hope I get there it in this lifetime too.

By the final layer, I take it you mean the final remaining layer of the egoic identity?

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2 minutes ago, Blackness said:

Happy for you mate.

Hope I get there it in this lifetime too.

By the final layer, I take it you mean the final remaining layer of the egoic identity?

Yes, in a way. The word “ego” doesn’t seem quite right, but close. 

The crazy thing is, no one could actually want this. There was a moment of “oh shit!” when it was realised. Fear. And then, nothing left. it was all gone. Poof!

If I could tell you to lose the hope, then that would be the message. Hope is standing in the way.


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10 minutes ago, axiom said:

The crazy thing is, no one could actually want this.


Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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friend, I read you and I assure you 150% that you are not enlightened. Wait two weeks, you'll see. be honest with yourself. The final cap is not hilarious as you said. It's infinity. Is your mind an infinite field right now? The thing is not to "know" anything. It's to have no limits. I perceive totally obviously the limits in you, only with a glimpse 

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35 minutes ago, axiom said:

Nothing to be cautious about.

yeah, I guess you are right (:

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I call BS on you being awake.

Less than 0.5% of all members on this forum will ever get a true glimpse of what this reality truly is. And the ones that do will never speak about it because it is truly ineffable and 

I’ve personally been in pretty wacky states of consciousness but I don’t claim to be fully awake. This thing is infinite. There are infinite states of consciousness.

Whatever you think awakening is, it is not.

Im not fully awake. I wouldn’t be here replying to this comment. I know you are me and I’m speaking to myself but I still like the illusion. Be humble and honest about your current state.

And just to spoil it all for you, reality is a VR game God created.

You’re a video game character. You are the only one conscious. Time isn’t linear. God only exists where there is consciousness so you are all there is.

You’re all alone. 

Edited by justfortoday

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5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You are the only one conscious. Time isn’t linear. God only exists where there is consciousness so you are all there is.

You’re all alone. 

People can be figment of your consciousness AND real independent consciousnesses simultaneously. 

@axiom what did awakening reveal to you about the solipsism dilemma? 

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17 minutes ago, Someone here said:

People can be figment of your consciousness AND real independent consciousnesses simultaneously. 

@axiom what did awakening reveal to you about the solipsism dilemma? 


You cannot.

There is one existence, dreaming subjectively.

Independent consciousnesses is some bs you’re imagining. No such thing. 

And I briefly died and came back to life years ago and verified this for myself. So sure, Jan.

Edited by justfortoday

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47 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

friend, I read you and I assure you 150% that you are not enlightened. Wait two weeks, you'll see. be honest with yourself. The final cap is not hilarious as you said. It's infinity. Is your mind an infinite field right now? The thing is not to "know" anything. It's to have no limits. I perceive totally obviously the limits in you, only with a glimpse 



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41 minutes ago, justfortoday said:


I call BS on you being awake.

Less than 0.5% of all members on this forum will ever get a true glimpse of what this reality truly is. And the ones that do will never speak about it because it is truly ineffable and 

I’ve personally been in pretty wacky states of consciousness but I don’t claim to be fully awake. This thing is infinite. There are infinite states of consciousness.

Whatever you think awakening is, it is not.

Im not fully awake. I wouldn’t be here replying to this comment. I know you are me and I’m speaking to myself but I still like the illusion. Be humble and honest about your current state.

And just to spoil it all for you, reality is a VR game God created.

You’re a video game character. You are the only one conscious. Time isn’t linear. God only exists where there is consciousness so you are all there is.

You’re all alone. 

None of this means anything at all. 


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Just now, axiom said:

None of this means anything at all. 

Nice response. Almost Trumpian.

You go on thinking you’re at the final layer of the onion. 

I assure you there is no end to the onion. It’s infinite.

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@justfortoday so are you saying that it's me who's all alone or yourself? 


but regardless..I struggled a lot with this solipsism issue myself and from the few occasions that you seem to be active on this forum (which is very little) you seem to be advocating solipsism. 

I can't prove or disprove solipsism. But I can deal with it from a pragmatic approach. 

no one lives this way. So your life is a practical denial of the concept. If a cliff is merely an illusion, then there is no reason not to walk off of a cliff. If people are merely constructs of your own mind, there is no reason to need anyone, value anyone, or to treat other people well.

The brain has inadequate computing power to create the detail which we experience daily in everyday life. You can easily verify this by the fact that dreams are much lower resolution than what we see in our waking life. So our perception are not purely internal, they depend on an external reality.

If You believe that a pot of boiling water is real.. You would not put your hand into boiling water.

Furthermore..if you read this answer, then there are two conscious beings- me the writer and you the reader.

Also I dislike solipsism because it's lame and feminine. Whereas realism is masculine. But that's a topic for another day .


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8 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Nice response. Almost Trumpian.

You go on thinking you’re at the final layer of the onion. 

I assure you there is no end to the onion. It’s infinite.

It may not be infinite, at some point the particularized consciousness (call it the soul if you will) might merge completely (back) into God, and lose the illusion of separation in its entirety. Or it might not.

But there is most likely a limit to the level of awareness one can attain while inside a human body. The physicality itself sets certain constraints to what is possible, until it is done away with.

What is understood here as enlightenment, is complete dis-identification with the human ego. And this is a fairly clear and attainable 'goal', an endpoint if you will.

Certainly there is insight that comes after this stage, but there is no point speaking of it.

Edited by Blackness

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7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@justfortoday so are you saying that it's me who's all alone or yourself? 


but regardless..I struggled a lot with this solipsism issue myself and from the few occasions that you seem to be active on this forum (which is very little) you seem to be advocating solipsism. 

I can't prove or disprove solipsism. But I can deal with it from a pragmatic approach. 

no one lives this way. So your life is a practical denial of the concept. If a cliff is merely an illusion, then there is no reason not to walk off of a cliff. If people are merely constructs of your own mind, there is no reason to need anyone, value anyone, or to treat other people well.

The brain has inadequate computing power to create the detail which we experience daily in everyday life. You can easily verify this by the fact that dreams are much lower resolution than what we see in our waking life. So our perception are not purely internal, they depend on an external reality.

If You believe that a pot of boiling water is real.. You would not put your hand into boiling water.

Furthermore..if you read this answer, then there are two conscious beings- me the writer and you the reader.

Also I dislike solipsism because it's lame and feminine. Whereas realism is masculine. But that's a topic for another day .


From your response I can tell you have no clue about what solipsism means.

There is but ONE presence in existence. That presence is YOU. Full stop.

You as God wrote out individual timelines to watch like movies and you are going through this Infinite VHS tape ONE frame at a time.

only one frame exists and that’s you right now.

im just a figment of your imagination because I don’t exist now that I am you. In your timeline, and you don’t exist right now because you are me in my timeline

Edited by justfortoday

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Yeah man there never was an ego/onion with layers.... there just seemed to be. 

Enlightenment isn't a disidentification/denial as a someone process. 

It's realizing there never was a real 'you' to begin with!  It was an illusion of self.

& there can't be a real disidentification process when it's clearly recognized that there just never was a real identity in the first place!


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

im just a figment of your imagination because I don’t exist now that I am you. In your timeline, and you don’t exist right now because you are me in my timeline

@justfortoday so I'm the only conscious observer right now in the entire universe?  But there will come a time in a hypothetical future (timeline) that I will live through your POV?  But then what's the difference between that and our conventional perspective?  You can only verify your own consciousness but you cannot absolutely cannot in a million years  jump behind my eyes and see the world from my pov and conclude that I'm just a figment of your mind like in a nightly dream and have no independent existence.  It's a game of probability really. Since certainty around this issue is unreachable. You can only speculate.  But the problem arises when you take your speculations so seriously and get stuck on them and not  being able to jump between different paradigms . I accept both the idealist and the realist paradigms simultaneously. While you only accept the idealist paradigm. Which means you need to expand your perspective more .


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17 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:


Yeah man there never was an ego/onion with layers.... there just seemed to be. 

Enlightenment isn't a disidentification/denial as a someone process. 

It's realizing there never was a real 'you' to begin with!  It was an illusion of self.

& there can't be a real disidentification process when it's clearly recognized that there just never was a real identity in the first place!


This! Beauty.


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