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Tips on Getting Organized?

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I'm a seeker. I have slight OCD. I'm dealing with Kundalini. I'm also a corporate lawyer. I work about 60 hours per week. 

When the weekends come I decompress and everything seems zen and amazing. But when the weekday comes in a stressed out maniac with anger issues and sever neck pain. 

I've dissociated from my OCD with the help of weed but that has only let me run away from my feelings of anxiety and anger. I have trouble finding a balance between lazy as fuck and super organized maniac. I've quit weed 2 months ago and all my negative emotions are coming back for better and for worse. I'm starting to feel the anxiety again though around my work. 

I need to become more organized for the sake of my career, mental health, and my spiritual work. I know that as long as my work life is devoid of conciousness, I'm going to suffer endlessly there. 

Is there any resources or advice anyone has on getting organized in a balanced way? I'm doing Chakra meditation on my solar plexus to help ground myself and my willpower but I'm thinking something more practical? 

Steps I've take so far:

Gym 5 times a week to help ground myself and release the tension in my body. 

Work on hiring an assistant 

Otherwise I'm still a mess when it comes to scheduling, organizing my day, etc.

Edited by TheOneReborn

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All I can suggest (and that's basically you need) is to implement Cal Newport's advice where he talks about time block planning, fixed time productivity, etc. 

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Is your workplace one where there is a basic level of respect shared between all staff, and when there isn't there are accessible ways provided by the workplace to deal with a lack of respect?

Also, I'd recommend the following workbook:

Edited by Ulax


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1 minute ago, Ulax said:

Is your workplace one where there is a basic level of respect shared between all staff, and when there isn't there are accessible ways provided by the workplace to deal with a lack of respect?

I run the firm and have one student assistant. Otherwise I have nobody to answer too. I treat him with lots of respect. He of course respects me as his superior. This is really the cause of my own stress. The million emails and calls that come in every day and mess with my pre planned schedule. Everything comes back to me. My assistant helps but they are only a summer student so they are not fully integrated into my practice. I think once I have a full time assistant things will be better but I still have to deal with my OCD, perfectionism at work, and inability to deal with all the little bullshit that pops up in messes with whatever plan I had for the day. I lack a sense of flow or willful action in my work. 

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@TheOneReborn I understand.

I don't have direct experience or have education regarding the role you are in, so my ability to help with alleviating the stress coming from the position directly is limited, imo.

The book I recommended I think could help your present situation though.


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