
Falling Asleep While Reading

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this has been an issue for me for a while now and I would like to hear different thoughts about this. Sometimes I can't help myself and fall asleep while reading something important to me. This may sound a bit silly, but as I am trying to develop a reading habit, this doesn't let me do that. Any suggestions?

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I use to drink something hot (tea) to keep me energized and hydrated. Open up your window once in a while, make small breaks when you get the feeling that you cant concentrate anymore. Sugar of course can be helpful, but be careful with that. Also it is really a matter of skill to keep focused and to stick with your book, a skill that develops naturally the more you read. Meditation sharpens your focus (you can combine that by meditate in your reading breaks). I also find that reading is a lot easier in the morning when my mind is still fresh. I also read in the evening before I sleep, because it really gives you a sound sleep (which you already found out :) ), but also because you memorize things best in the time frame before you fall asleep.

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@phizzuela Thanks, I'll consider all of those. I haven't done a meditation ever, so I think it's appropriate time to start meditating.

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Great suggestions, @phizzuela . I especially like the "meditation breaks." @bazera , one thing that has helped me is to avoid reading in bed when I'm tired. Reading is relaxing, so when you're half laying down in a cozy bed, you'll start to dip into sleep. I like to read sitting up in a chair, or on the couch. I keep the room dimly lit so that it quiets my mind enough to prepare me for bed, but it doesn't knock me out. Let know if that helps!

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Sleeping for 8 hours and taking a 30-minute nap before reading helped me to read in bed and not fall asleep.

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If I read before bed, or while laying on my back, I am sure to fall asleep (good for me).

If you have a lot of reading to do ( like I sometimes do), you might try the following: sitting upright in a well lit room, far away from a turned on tv ( if someone has one on). Have some water with you and sip from it when you feel a little groggy. This was my habit during school years, and when I was doing heavy personal study. It got me through.


The other thing to suggest is to consider sleep hygiene. Are you really tired? Are you getting enough sleep per day? Is there a better time to do your serious reading?

Hope this helps!

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@AnonJohn Thanks mate, I will surely try to read sitting up in a chair, and see if that helps.

@Naviy Hmm, interesting. I only sleep for like 5-6 hours. Maybe that's why I'm having that problem...

@WarPants  Thanks for your suggestions :) 

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It is practical to read in an enviroment of 18~20 C°  . Also, you could try reading in your balcony or garden. If you are user of coffe have in mind to drink some while gives a different perspective to your reading habit.

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Try switching to audiobooks. If all you want is the juicy information tucked inside the covers of the book then try finding an audiobook. You can listen to it while doing an activity another and you'll be sure to not fall asleep. However, your retention may be lowered. I've done this for several months now and have never experienced the  slightest drowsiness when reading(or should that be listening?).

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Try taking frequent  breaks at first and doing something else in between two sessions.Slowly lower down the frequency of the breaks.This worked for me.

Edited by Rito

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 11:56 PM, J. M. Wigglesworth said:

You can listen to it while doing an activity another

most of what you hear while doing another activity will be stored in the short time memory so an hour after you finish listening to that  audio book you wont remember  much

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Maybe its the content that you are reading.  Do you actually find the content interesting? Or possibly you haven't really got on track and bought in to what the book can do for you. 2 things you can do. 


  1.  Before a reading session, have a deliberate intention to what you want out of the book. Why are you reading this book? What change are you hoping this book will give you? Have an intention that you will be a better person with this new information you are about take in. This will engage your mind.
  2. Program your subconscious mind habitually to be more motivated to continue to read the book. Visualize yourself, in whatever image, with this new information.  See yourself a few months, a year, a few years, 20 years from now with reading over hundreds of books. The type of person you would be. The type of information and concepts you would have internalized by then. Visualize how that would translate in to external results. More happiness because you read positive psychology, more money because of those finances book you read, relationships, health, etc... buy in to the vision. We're not reading (or at least I'm not) to appear like i'm smart or self-actualizing. We're reading because we want results, positive change, lasting change. You get my point. You don't have to necessarily do just a reading visualization everyday but some type of visualization that incorporates knowledge, will eventually seep into you reading levels. I can read now on 2 hours of sleep because I can see the type of change in my life these books I'm reading can do for me if I truly internalize it.

For example I like to visualize myself 10 years from now with just a deep, satisfying understanding of life. Both internally and externally. I know everything I need to know about myself and reality. I know why I feel a certain way with my emotions, I know how to interact in my relationships, my money is on point, health is amazing. I see my self have gone through the process of spending hundreds of hours learning and internalizing new information via books, journaling, contemplating, videos, audios, seminars, etc..  I've bought into this vision so much that learning comes easy to me. Reading a book is easy. Obviously theres a threshold to how long I can read for, but there are times where I can read an entire book a day.

Edited by christianblake

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