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What is wrong with Ned Flanders from the Simpsons?

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Haven’t seen the Simpsons in a long time but this got recommended to me on YouTube. What is wrong with Ned Flenders and What would be your advise to him?

It might sound a bit ridiculous but I am actually not super certain what is wrong with him which kind of shocked me. I definetly have parts of myself that are stuck in stage blue and this is exactly the material I have to work on to transcend blue. 

My thoughts so far: 

Ned Flanders lives by principle and not by his authentic intentions. He isn’t nice to everybody because he wants to express his love to everybody but because he has build an ego of a saint and wants to maintain it. 
He should become conscious of that fact and then what ? The problem is that Ned Flanders is ultimately right or at least acting like a highly developed person on the surface but for the wrong reasons because he acts out of fear and not out of love. So should he act more authentically and loose most of his "saint like“ qualities and then regain them when he acts them out naturally out of a higher state consciousness?

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what happens if one of his children comes out as gay or decides they don't want to be christian?

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34 minutes ago, spiritual memes said:

what happens if one of his children comes out as gay or decides they don't want to be christian?

He would probably try to change their belief and if they wouldn’t change he would reject them. So all of the "love“ he gives to other is bound to a hidden social contract. You have to follow the same doctrine, otherwise you are getting outcast. So it’s not real (unconditional) love but love that suits the purpose of the survival of the group. 

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Odaly dodaly 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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That episode where he went ham on everyone shows it was all a show. He's been a good little boy bottling up all emotions his whole life. 

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25 minutes ago, TheOneReborn said:

That episode where he went ham on everyone shows it was all a show. He's been a good little boy bottling up all emotions his whole life. 

Yes. But the problem is that he is right in some sense. People are really trying their best and when they act devilish they just act out of fear and stuff like that so his good reaction to all of that would be a lot better then normal peoples reaction IF it was authentic.

So my conclusion so far is that he should integrate his shadow which would make him less "good“ on the surface but actually would make him more of a balanced person, closer to truth and love and without the risk of him exploding like a volcano all of the sudden or his unconscious mind developing sneaky devil tactics to get him what he wants which he wouldn’t allow himself in a conscious state. 

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It's probably more about the place from where you do things than what you do

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I think you guys should stop gossiping behind poor Ned's back. And go and meet him in person instead, you all will learn so much more by doing so.

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Later on in the episode it is explained that since he was a naturally aggressive kid, as he was growing up, he was punished every time he did anything 'bad'. So over time he learned to repress his anger and eventually became unable to express it.

So I think it's not that he likes feeling like a saint, but rather he only feels 'normal' when he is repressing his anger. He seems to be at the Conformist stage rather than the Expert stage.

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