
Infinity is wasted on a mad god

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Infinity is absolutely perfect, talk about a shift in perspectives, don't you see that all this rambling just drags you deeper into seperation?

It is just an idea that you have, stop feeding your mind with this narrowness and go out in nature, play some nice video games, eat some good food, meditate, watch some nice movies or what not, go hiking etc, and learn to appreciate the infinite beauty of the world as it is.

It is a design of pure genius, it really is, but it requires a shift in perspective,  and ultimately a shift in identity to make sense to you.

But break the thought storys you have going on in this moment, it is not doing justice to you or reality brother.

Trust me when I say this, you can be free from this thought story, it is possible, and it certainly is possible to see the beauty of reality.

Keep inquiring, keep being the moment without labels, and just go into nature, observe, accept thoughts as they come, but don't take them seriously.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Holykael You can't be sure you'll experience every hell imaginable. Past and future are thoughts. And I know is hard to let these thoughts go, so...

The only way to not lose my shit is to hold the faith that God in its infinite wisdom would not create an absolute hell.


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Someone who speaks my language. Everything is meaningless, so why not maximize good? Why not give every ego-self what it yearns for? The story they seek for their own life? God: "Nope, we'll leave them at their mercy instead, and hope they're strong and smart enough to get out of the shithole I put them in". Spoiler alert: most aren't and never do overcome their obstacles.  

I most definitely don't agree with the "Everything is Love" notion either. Isn't that perspective just as valid as saying "Everything is Hell"? Because it ultimately means nothing in a dual world. But even if we were to entertain the notion that everything is Infinite Love and whatnot, to me it's clear that that is the way God copes, the way it balances out all the bad when a dream or experience is over. But right after that, we're back at square one with another shitty experience.

11 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

It is a design of pure genius

I agree. I think that's undeniable. But Genius doesn't equal Good. Just read the DC comics that Lex Luthor is in haha.

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God creates itself, therefore you, the finite you, are also part of that creation. And now as if for the first time God is able to create and be a witness consciously through you. There's much joy that God is waking up in you, is able to see itself and grasp itself, through a finite form/its own creation. That itself is a miracle if you think about it. Whereas before, it was just this potential. Now it's manifest. And not only manifest, but it can also know itself through the manifestation. Perhaps this is the evolution it's undergoing. The joy of the ladder is not lost on God!

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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52 minutes ago, puporing said:

God creates itself, therefore you, the finite you, are also part of that creation. And now as if for the first time God is able to create and be a witness consciously through you. There's much joy that God is waking up in you, is able to see itself and grasp itself, through a finite form/its own creation. That itself is a miracle if you think about it. Whereas before, it was just this potential. Now it's manifest. And not only manifest, but it can also know itself through the manifestation. Perhaps this is the evolution it's undergoing. The joy of the ladder is not lost on God!

It's not a joyful process. I am filled with terror and anxiety about discovering who I am. It's the most terrible curse to be god as god is because it means eternal samsara and eternal suffering.

It's only me here and I'm the least trustworthy entity in existence. I can't trust myself to take good care of myself. I'm horrible. God is horrible

Edited by Holykael

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14 hours ago, Holykael said:

God wants to be Reek from Game of Thrones.


God can't be that bad if I love my life. So if you are me at some point you will love your life and existence. 

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You are God. 

And what you are conscious of is all there is.

So having all this beauty around you if you focus on some imaginary suffering and terror you create that terror where there was none, so indeed thats mad.

Focus on the beauty. Thats all.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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2 hours ago, Holykael said:

It's not a joyful process. I am filled with terror and anxiety about discovering who I am. It's the most terrible curse to be god as god is because it means eternal samsara and eternal suffering.

It's only me here and I'm the least trustworthy entity in existence. I can't trust myself to take good care of myself. I'm horrible. God is horrible

I think you should give your thought on God a break, atleast for a moment and come to terms with that you have a individual mind to take care of in this present moment. The fear and anxiety you feel right now (you can't be them, but feel them) are a tell-tell sign that you have your head in the future. You can only be at one place at the time, as the human you are right now. And those places are the past/present/future. I've have felt the same existential terror that you felt, but from a dream I had when I was only a kid. And the terror felt just as sureal and intense as I woke up from the dream and was stuck with the realization that I was all there was. But this realization is only one aspect of the mind, you don't need to dubble down on one realization and run with it. Pause and come to terms that in this very moment, you are a human, with a limited perspective that can be explored further.

Here is two Buddha quote I believe, that may be relevant to your current situation.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


If you need further guidence I highly recommed looking into Byron Katies work. She has some videos on youtube aswell.

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1. How can you be suffering when you have the freedom to type on a keyboard? You want real suffering? 

2. To these people your life is HEAVEN. You claim you don't need contrast to appreciate? HAH your proving you do!!! If someone dropped you there for a week you would BEG for your current life back and walk around in appreciation!!!

3. This man has no arms and legs and look what he has done with his life!!! Do you see him complaining? No he is able to show the world that suffering is SELF CREATED!! Self-Love is the MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN EXISTENCE! It dwells inside you and you refuse to access it. 

4. I could keep this up forever. You are creating your own suffering. It's the best message you can be given because it gives you the power to appreciate every moment. Go into nature, take walks there and observe and you will be amazed at how wonderful life is. Or you can stay inside take your internet and use it to complain on Actualized.Org about how miserable life is, while you have in your possession things most don't have. Leisure time to complain= you are safe, you are fed because if you were starving that would be a waste of energy, you can write coherent sentences= you are educated when most of the world IS NOT. You are so got damn privileged and you complain? Wow.... 

5. Living conditions do not get rid of depression. This means even if we gave you all the money and power in the world you would still be depressed because your happiness is conditional. This means you have NO CONTROL over your happiness. This is why you are depressed.


Wealth and status does not safeguard you from depression. Here is a fun fact, richer countries have HIGHER rates of depression than poorer countries. Hmmm I wonder why? I know why....its called comparison is the thief of all joy.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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This was pretty hard to read. I'm sorry your existence is this way, and that there's been nothing so far in your life to spark a love of the universe. You definitely need therapy/healing, but I'm not going to assume you have access to it. What you might do is search for wonder and beauty. Here are a few media suggestions that I feel distil elements of beauty:

  • My Octopus Teacher - Cinematic documentary about a friendship between a man and an animal.
  • Planet Earth I or II - Classic nature documentaries.
  • Spirited Away and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Japanese animated films
  • Close to the Edge by YES - Intriguing, mystical rock music
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey - Slow moving sci-fi movie. Seems boring on first sitting, give it 3 uninterrupted watches

These are just some suggestions. Go out of your comfort zone and find what resonates with you. Visit temples, waterfalls, mountains, villages. If your upbringing has been as bad as you make it sound, some things will be invisible to you at first. None of this will make you happy, but it will hopefully bring light into your life.

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19 hours ago, Holykael said:

Im conscious of how horrifying it is. I don't even care that it contains an infinity of goodness and fun when the other half exists.

Is the infinity in the room with us right now?

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

1. How can you be suffering when you have the freedom to type on a keyboard? You want real suffering? 

2. To these people your life is HEAVEN. You claim you don't need contrast to appreciate? HAH your proving you do!!! If someone dropped you there for a week you would BEG for your current life back and walk around in appreciation!!!

3. This man has no arms and legs and look what he has done with his life!!! Do you see him complaining? No he is able to show the world that suffering is SELF CREATED!! Self-Love is the MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN EXISTENCE! It dwells inside you and you refuse to access it. 

4. I could keep this up forever. You are creating your own suffering. It's the best message you can be given because it gives you the power to appreciate every moment. Go into nature, take walks there and observe and you will be amazed at how wonderful life is. Or you can stay inside take your internet and use it to complain on Actualized.Org about how miserable life is, while you have in your possession things most don't have. Leisure time to complain= you are safe, you are fed because if you were starving that would be a waste of energy, you can write coherent sentences= you are educated when most of the world IS NOT. You are so got damn privileged and you complain? Wow.... 

5. Living conditions do not get rid of depression. This means even if we gave you all the money and power in the world you would still be depressed because your happiness is conditional. This means you have NO CONTROL over your happiness. This is why you are depressed.


Wealth and status does not safeguard you from depression. Here is a fun fact, richer countries have HIGHER rates of depression than poorer countries. Hmmm I wonder why? I know why....its called comparison is the thief of all joy.

You are not addressing the point. All of those examples you pointed out of suffering would not have to exist if god wasn't so shit. 

And there's more. None of those people are real, they are figments of consciousness without internal awareness. Only I am suffering. I am the only being who suffers in the entire world, so save me the lecture. You are not conscious, I am.

If I had my survival needs guaranteed, I could assure you that I would be happy but they aren't and who knows if one day I might have to be homeless

Edited by Holykael

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8 hours ago, Holykael said:

You are not addressing the point. All of those examples you pointed out of suffering would not have to exist if Holykael wasn't so shit. 


I fixed that for you. ^ You are just complaining about yourself. 

Read this quote by Leo on his Insights page...it makes the case without a doubt its YOU. So stop saying God and say Holykael.


By Leo Gura - August 19, 2022

If love is connection, what would be the highest love? What could be more deeply interconnected than ONE? How does reality achieve connection on a metaphysical level? By the elimination of all difference between things. As long as things are different, that difference disconnects them from each other by definition. Why do we say that a kangaroo is not a taco? Because a kangaroo is different than a taco. So, a kangaroo is disconnected from a taco to the degree that it is not identical to a taco. But as consciousness realizes that it imagines all difference, the differences which disconnect all things reconnect into a unity, like drops of water merging into a puddle. Eventually the difference between self and other reconnects as well. When this happens, you realize there is no difference between you and any other being. When this happens, you become self-less. Or, in other words, your sense of self extends to all things, becoming infinite.

And now you understand why selflessness is identical to love. The highest love is to regard and treat everything equally well, no worse or better than yourself. This results in infinite love, since you extend to every object that could possibly exist. Selfishness is to hold a bias towards one part of reality over all others, which results in finite love, since you do not extend to every object that exists — some objects you reject and abandon. So, without realizing it, by being selfish, by holding your survival as more important than anyone else’s, you place a limit on your experience of love.

Your love is limited because you are unwilling to connect or become one with every object in existence. You are unwilling to do this because you regard some objects as better than others, thereby unwilling to connect with the “inferior” ones. But God cannot afford such bias because God has to be the creator of every object that exists. If God favored one object over another, if God hated some objects, God could not create them and they could not exist. But by the very fact that you hate them, you acknowledge their existence. So they do exist. Therefore they must have been created. But God must be the creator of everything. “But can’t God create it and hate it?” No! The only way God can create a thing is by BEING it. And being is the highest love. What you don’t realize yet is that the creation of a thing necessitates a metaphysical connection to it because if a thing could exist without God — if a thing could be its own source, if a thing could create itself — it would be God! Don’t you get it? God is absolute tautology. If God didn’t create it, it created itself, therefore it is God, therefore God created it because it created itself. That which is capable of bringing itself into existence without an external source, is God. And what is the external source of EVERYTHING? EVERYTHING is ONE, and ONE cannot be two, therefore, ONE cannot have an external source. This isn’t a word game! The mechanism of Creation is tautological necessity. Which is simply to say that A = A.

EVERYTHING is God! EVERYTHING created itself!

Do you comprehend how fucking profound this is?

How the fuck do you think you exist?! By accident???? You exist as absolute tautology! You exist because you MUST exist! God is Self-Creation. There isn’t an ‘other’ who could have created you because you imagine all difference between anything, including self and other. And you cannot not exist because something would have to exist that separates you from existence, and separates existence from non-existence! But the thing separating existence from non-existence is YOU! You cannot not exist, even if you wanted to. Which is the only reason you’re here.


Another way to frame it is: God is that which is connected to all things. Because it IS all things. To be all things is to literally be love. It is the highest possible expression of love. And so, God is Love, God is Selfless.

Love and Selflessness are not merely psychological orientations towards things. Love and Selflessness are the metaphysical identity of all things. God’s Love is so profound it happens at the level of ontology. God is Identity itself. Identity…. as in equality. When you realize there is no difference between anything, you realize God is Equality. Love is the realization that everything equals everything.

Those who are selfish would like to have God abandon those things which they hate without realizing that God is ontologically incapable of abandoning any of its creation, because God is creation itself and something had to create the thing you hate. God is literally incapable of abandoning any thing because it’s identical to all things, and that the highest Love.

How can one abandon himself? What madness do you ask of God?

If you want to understand God, lay down your hatred for all things. Then you will see as God does.

One who dares to reconnect with every aspect of oneself that one has demonized and abandoned, is God.

When you see love in all things without qualification, you are God. And the extent to which you don’t, you are not.


It’s so fucking obvious. You are everything you hate. You’re just too scared to accept it. But what would happen if you accepted it? What would happen if you stopped rejecting Truth?

Consider this: If you are God, if God is love, if God is reality, if reality is truth, if you are untruthful, then you reject reality, then you cut yourself off from love, then you cut yourself off from yourself.

But hey, all this is just some clever words on a page. Nothing practical 


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Well... I don't think it's untrue that we are in a dream where few people know who they are, and hence acting from ego and seperation, which are the things @Holykael is trying to express - challenges in the relative. We should acknowledge these challenges while knowing it's dream world. And what's stopping us from dreaming what God/we want? In fact that's all that has been happening. Don't downplay your will and your ability to create, that's what you are given. Why else would anyone bother to share "truths" on this forum? Is that not your will being manifested because you want more truth not less?

The dream could be quite different if people realized who they were and how we are "related" to each other. :) The challenge for us is to accept it for now and not abandon ourselves and live the best life in this iteration. But God waking up to itself is inevitable, it's already happening. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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On 8/29/2022 at 7:04 PM, Holykael said:

God wants to experience being some deranged mofo who likes to eat shit.

God wants to experience being scammed.

God wants to experience being horribly maimed and raped.

God wants to waste millions of years doing boring, menial and meaningless work.

God wants to be Reek from Game of Thrones.

God wants to be in a hellfire of pain for 10000 years.

What do you suggest God should do? Should God just bask in its eternal peace? That'd be truly boring. What God is doing is actually commendable. God is sacrificing the peace of its own pure being to experience everything. Absolutely everything. That's the most intelligent way to design reality, for God keeps coming back home. After the worst imaginable nightmare, God comes back home. Any other design would feel sad, boring, or simply worse.  

It's more accurate to say that God never leaves home. It only appears as though it does, and that makes it even more amazing. It's like watching TV. You never leave the comfort of your couch, but when the TV becomes immersive enough, you might start to think that you're lost in the world that's depicted on the TV screen. Once you're lost in a scripted TV show, you're at the mercy of the script. You feel powerless. You rely on force, rather than power, to navigate the show, and that leads to more problems, more entanglement, and more suffering. 

Edited by The Mystical Man

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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“Wasting infinity” what a thought 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Praying helps, as much as you “dislike” God, maybe God wants to save you and you won’t allow it. What if you prayed?

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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The elephant in the room is:

suffering is real and everyone is terrified of it, this includes 100% of all beings that have and will ever exist;

just like love's purpose is to love so is hate?hate's purpose is to hate, when you hate something successfully it goes away, that's the simplified version

a universe with just love or just hate wouldn't have other's in it, a universal being made of just love, completely immaterial, with no mind can not have any forms, likewise a hate being doesn't exist or can not be felt directly as itself because it is perfect hate, which means it has hated everything away which includes itself; that's as far as I think I comprehend the subject

our understandably total and infinite terror about suffering makes it difficult to have a cohesive discussion because multiple beings require the existence of mixes of hate and love even in a solipsistic universe with a single being in it, because if our singular minds have different shapes, that is, different than sameness, they would be voids of sameness, if they were voids they would be invisible and unconnectable hate beings or love beings, therefore consciousness requires hate and love to exist and maybe in an asymmetrical way, although only asymmetrical when we're not all one, but for true oneness you need to be totally separated too, that is, we need perfect hate, that is, we need to hate the hate away and remain hateful, we don't just shoo the hate away, we acquire the shapes and forms that hate have and that should theoretically lead to true love which is the combination of ego's and oneness, that's what I want to believe, hate gives us personal stories, I don't know why we aren't just like boom, pure perfect love/hate beings but I believe it has something to do with the nature of time because all beings are already repulsed by suffering(hate,put too simply) and attracted by pleasure(love, put too simply), so if we were just an infinite timeless being, that is, if we were just a form without time we would be that perfect hate/love already, which means since we aren't, the only logical conclusion is that we haven't matured into time, movement, story and ego.

what do you guys think, does any of this make sense?

Edited by seriousman24

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49 minutes ago, seriousman24 said:

The elephant in the room is:

suffering is real and everyone is terrified of it, this includes 100% of all beings that have and will ever exist;

just like love's purpose is to love so is hate?hate's purpose is to hate, when you hate something successfully it goes away, that's the simplified version

a universe with just love or just hate wouldn't have other's in it, a universal being made of just love, completely immaterial, with no mind can not have any forms, likewise a hate being doesn't exist or can not be felt directly as itself because it is perfect hate, which means it has hated everything away which includes itself; that's as far as I think I comprehend the subject

our understandably total and infinite terror about suffering makes it difficult to have a cohesive discussion because multiple beings require the existence of mixes of hate and love even in a solipsistic universe with a single being in it, because if our singular minds have different shapes, that is, different than sameness, they would be voids of sameness, if they were voids they would be invisible and unconnectable hate beings or love beings, therefore consciousness requires hate and love to exist and maybe in an asymmetrical way, although only asymmetrical when we're not all one, but for true oneness you need to be totally separated too, that is, we need perfect hate, that is, we need to hate the hate away and remain hateful, we don't just shoo the hate away, we acquire the shapes and forms that hate have and that should theoretically lead to true love which is the combination of ego's and oneness, that's what I want to believe, hate gives us personal stories, I don't know why we aren't just like boom, pure perfect love/hate beings but I believe it has something to do with the nature of time because all beings are already repulsed by suffering(hate,put too simply) and attracted by pleasure(love, put too simply), so if we were just an infinite timeless being, that is, if we were just a form without time we would be that perfect hate/love already, which means since we aren't, the only logical conclusion is that we haven't matured into time, movement, story and ego.

what do you guys think, does any of this make sense?

Love= Existence. Hate is the denial of what is, Love is what is. So you cannot have a being full of hate, even the most hateful being is still love. 

Love and hate are the same as well. They are two sides of the same thing. Whatever you hate you actually love. Hate is just one of the many expressions of love. There is also jealousy, guilt, envy, etc. 

You only hate what threatens what you love. You only hate that which you love that doesn't meet/fulfill your expectation of it. You cannot hate something that doesn't threaten in anyway that which you love. When you love a parent and they let you down, they destroyed the image you had of them as your parent, the identity you constructed in your mind that you loved. When someone threatens to harm something you love, you hate that person. So hate=love. 

Anyone that expressed hatred for their life, does so out of love for their life and the desire for their life to fit the ideal image they have constructed in their head. Since their life is failing to meet the expectations in their head of what their life should be they hate it. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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you, the infinite, are nothing. you are potential creator. you love to exist. if not, why would you exist? think about it, what reason is there for something to exist? a lot of work right? nobody forces you. but your love overflows and you create existence. because, in your infinity, that unlimited well, is unlimited love. in a shout of joy you create everything that can be created, in an instant. for you there is no difference between the embrace of a mother to her baby, or the white-hot iron of a medieval torturer to his victim. both are, and are perfect in their existence. perfect jewelry that you create from nothing. only you, the conditioned human, judge them as desirable or undesirable. but who are you? another creation, like torture or the kiss of the son. you exist to hate torture, and your hatred of torture is another perfect creation, another jewel. just like the others. 

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