Federico del pueblo

Psychedelics and Chronic fatigue syndrome

5 posts in this topic

Hi all,

Has anyone of you made experiences with psychedelics while dealing with the chronic health condition "chronic fatigue syndrome" (CFS), also known as ME?

I'm diagnosed with this condition and contemplating the use of psychedelics.

Now I have to say that chronic fatigue or low tolerance to exertion is just the surface level symptom. I know for sure that there is a significant emotional component to my condition, including some kind of trauma.

I also know from medical examinations that there is a dysfunction in my autonomic nervous system (strong imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system) and also far below optimal energy supply in the neocortex which can be demonstrated in a quantitative EEG.

I believe psychedelics could at least help me with my emotional work, but maybe even have a more profound positive effect on the wiring of my brain (if done carefully/correctly).

Anyway, just spit out what you know, if you know something ?

Thanks guys and gals! 

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Hasn't helped my fatigue. Hasn't hurt either.

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39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hasn't helped my fatigue. Hasn't hurt either.

Leo, how about considering Ayahuasca? 

I find that Ayahuasca goes directly to solve the discrepancies we have in the body-mind. Of course it doesn't solve everything, but it is a pretty thorough medicine. It can solve probably most of the issues that there source is in the mind, and I wouldn't be surprised if it can even purify ailments which are purely physical. IMO, most physical ailments source is in the mind. When you drink Ayahuasca, you can literally feel how a specific discord in the mind has manifested as an ailment in the body. That is some crazy high conscious stuff.

It is like witchcraft, in a sense. You drink the essence of two forest plants, and than you feel how in the process of raising your consciousness they force you to purify conditioning from the mind and toxins from the body. And, it is a pretty damn strong psychedelic. It resembles the DMT experience in the visual sense, but because of the length of the journey much more is revealed.  

I know you previously mentioned that you have no intention to trip in such a settings. However, I invite to reconsider this because even though I share the same disposition towards tripping, when it comes to Ayahuasca there is an immense value in the ceremonial setting. I also think that your work around psychedelics is lacking because you have never addressed Ayahuasca.

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I found some interesting reports from someone supposedly struggling with CFS, who claims that his/her symptoms completely disappeared during a Ayahuasca trip.

That's intriguing...


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I don't know. Exhaustion and tiredness are a mystery to me and I'm still investigating, as it seems like a lot of folks here have it.

I was listening to one of Matt Kahn's live calls last week and he touched on this topic, to paraphrase:

This is a stage of "apathy" in the awakening process, a process of purging, that it is normal for when people who are transitioning from ego dissolution to awakening to experience tiredness/exhaustion, and those "mystery illnesses", latent viral activations. That this is the period of disidentification with the ego to the rebirth of awakening/eternal consciousness. Think of it like you're downloading one of the most important computer software updates, and it's having a hard time handling this upgrade coz its got old hardware.

"Apathy" is the sign that you're growing out of the grip of ego which tries to control. These signs and symptoms like exhaustion may be the ego's last ditch effort to control.

What you have to do is hold space for the part of you that's ready to die, and allow the unity consciousness to enter. Practice self-care (like taking care of your health and being gentle) and see it from the perspective of what's being reborn, and not what's dying. 

(I wish I can share that video coz it touches on this directly. Maybe it'll be released publicly one day.)

And it could well be something else too. 

Edited by puporing

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